Le seguenti modifiche sono state apportate alle funzioni delle estensioni del pacchetto.
Version | Function | Description |
8.4.0 | DOMImplementation::createDocument | The function now has the tentative return type DOMDocument. |
DOMXPath::registerPhpFunctions | It is now possible to use callables for callbacks when using restrict with array entries. | |
Invalid callback names now throws a ValueError. Passing a non-callable entry now throws a TypeError. | ||
bind_textdomain_codeset | Now throws a ValueError if domain is the empty string. | |
bind_textdomain_codeset | codeset is optional now. Previously, the parameter always had to be specified. | |
bindtextdomain | directory is optional now. Previously, the parameter always had to be specified. | |
dba_close | The dba parameter expects a Dba\Connection instance now; previously, a valid dba resource was expected. | |
dba_delete | The dba parameter expects a Dba\Connection instance now; previously, a valid dba resource was expected. | |
dba_exists | The dba parameter expects a Dba\Connection instance now; previously, a valid dba resource was expected. | |
dba_fetch | The dba parameter expects a Dba\Connection instance now; previously, a valid dba resource was expected. | |
dba_firstkey | The dba parameter expects a Dba\Connection instance now; previously, a valid dba resource was expected. | |
dba_insert | The dba parameter expects a Dba\Connection instance now; previously, a valid dba resource was expected. | |
dba_key_split | Passing null or false to key is now deprecated. | |
dba_nextkey | The dba parameter expects a Dba\Connection instance now; previously, a valid dba resource was expected. | |
dba_open | Returns a Dba\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
dba_optimize | The dba parameter expects a Dba\Connection instance now; previously, a valid dba resource was expected. | |
dba_popen | Returns a Dba\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
dba_replace | The dba parameter expects a Dba\Connection instance now; previously, a valid dba resource was expected. | |
dba_sync | The dba parameter expects a Dba\Connection instance now; previously, a valid dba resource was expected. | |
dgettext | Now throws a ValueError if domain is the empty string. | |
dngettext | Now throws a ValueError if domain is the empty string. | |
exit | exit is now a proper function, therefore it follows the usual type juggling semantics is affected by the strict_types declare, can be called with named arguments, and be a variable functions. | |
fgetcsv | L'affidamento sul valore predefinito di escape è ora deprecato. | |
flush | Flushing headers without a body will now succeed in FastCGI. | |
fputcsv | L'affidamento sul valore predefinito di escape è ora deprecato. | |
hash_init | Passing options of a wrong type is now deprecated. | |
hash_update | Now has a return type of true instead of bool. | |
imageavif | Now throws a ValueError if quality or speed is invalid. | |
imagefilter | Now throws a ValueError if sub or plus would cause over-/underflow with the IMG_FILTER_SCATTER filter. | |
imagejpeg | Now throws a ValueError if quality is invalid. | |
imagepng | Now throws a ValueError if quality is invalid. | |
imagescale | Now throws a ValueError if width or height would cause over-/underflow. | |
imagescale | Now throws a ValueError if mode is invalid. | |
imagewebp | Now throws a ValueError if quality is invalid. | |
lcg_value | This function has been deprecated. | |
libxml_set_streams_context | libxml_set_streams_context now throws a TypeError when a non-stream resource is passed to context, instead of throwing later when the context is used. | |
mb_decode_numericentity | mb_decode_numericentity now throws a ValueError if map is not a list of ints. | |
mb_encode_numericentity | mb_encode_numericentity now throws a ValueError if map is not a list of ints. | |
mb_http_input | mb_http_input now throws a ValueError if type is invalid. | |
mb_http_output | mb_http_output now throws a ValueError if encoding contains null bytes. | |
openssl_csr_new | The distinguished_names associative array now supports arrays as values, allowing multiple values to be specified for a single attribute. | |
openssl_csr_new | The extra_attributes parameter now correctly sets the CSR attributes, rather than modifying the subject's Distinguished Name as it previously did incorrectly. | |
openssl_csr_sign | The serial_hex parameter is added. | |
openssl_pkey_get_details | Added support for Curve25519 and Curve448 based keys. Specifically the x25519, ed25519, x448 and ed448 fields have been introduced. | |
openssl_pkey_new | Added support for Curve25519 and Curve448 based keys with the introduction of the x25519, ed25519, x448, and ed448 fields. | |
openssl_x509_parse | Parsing certificate with no seconds in UTCTime is no longer allowed for any OpenSSL version. It was already disallowed for OpenSSL version 3.3+. | |
password_hash | The default value of the cost option of the PASSWORD_BCRYPT algorithm was increased from 10 to 12. | |
pcntl_sigprocmask | A ValueError is thrown if signal is empty. | |
pcntl_sigprocmask | A TypeError is thrown if signal value is not an int. | |
pcntl_sigprocmask | A ValueError is thrown if signal value is invalid. | |
pcntl_sigprocmask | A ValueError is thrown if mode value is not SIG_BLOCK, SIG_UNBLOCK or SIG_SETMASK. | |
pcntl_sigtimedwait | A ValueError is thrown if signal is empty. | |
pcntl_sigtimedwait | A TypeError is thrown if signal value is not an int. | |
pcntl_sigtimedwait | A ValueError is thrown if signal value is invalid. | |
pcntl_sigtimedwait | A ValueError is thrown if seconds value is less than 0. | |
pcntl_sigtimedwait | A ValueError is thrown if nanoseconds value is less than 0. | |
pcntl_sigtimedwait | A ValueError is thrown if both seconds and nanoseconds values are 0. | |
pcntl_sigwaitinfo | A ValueError is thrown if signal is empty. | |
pcntl_sigwaitinfo | A TypeError is thrown if signal value is not an int. | |
pcntl_sigwaitinfo | A ValueError is thrown if signal value is invalid. | |
simplexml_import_dom | Added support for Dom\Document. | |
simplexml_import_dom | This function now throws a TypeError instead of a ValueError when passed a non-XML or non-HTML node. | |
str_getcsv | L'affidamento sul valore predefinito di escape è ora deprecato. | |
str_getcsv | Now throws a ValueError if separator, enclosure, or escape is invalid. This mimics the behavior of fgetcsv and fputcsv. | |
stream_bucket_append | bucket expects a StreamBucket instance now; previously, an stdClass was expected. | |
stream_bucket_make_writeable | This function returns a StreamBucket instance now; previously, an stdClass was returned. | |
stream_bucket_new | This function returns a StreamBucket instance now; previously, an stdClass was returned. | |
stream_bucket_prepend | bucket expects a StreamBucket instance now; previously, an stdClass was expected. | |
stream_context_set_option | The alternative 2-parameter signature is now deprecated. Use stream_context_set_options instead. | |
textdomain | Now throws a ValueError if domain is the empty string. | |
textdomain | domain is optional now. Previously, the parameter always had to be specified. | |
IntlCalendar::set | This had been deprecated in favor of the methods IntlCalendar::setDate and IntlCalendar::setDateTime. | |
IntlDateFormatter::create | A ValueError is thrown if locale is invalid. | |
IntlGregorianCalendar::__construct | This had been deprecated in favor of the methods IntlGregorianCalendar::createFromDate and IntlGregorianCalendar::createFromDateTime. | |
mysqli::kill | Both mysqli::kill and mysqli_kill are now deprecated. Use the KILL SQL command instead. | |
mysqli::ping | Both mysqli::ping and mysqli_ping are now deprecated. The reconnect feature has not been available as of PHP 8.2.0, making this function obsolete. | |
mysqli::refresh | Both mysqli::refresh and mysqli_refresh are now deprecated. Use FLUSH SQL commands instead. | |
mysqli::store_result | Passing the mode parameter is now deprecated. The parameter has had no effect as of PHP 8.1.0. | |
NumberFormatter::create | A ValueError is thrown if locale is invalid. | |
Phar::setAlias | Phar::setAlias now has a tentative return of true. | |
Phar::setDefaultStub | Phar::setDefaultStub now has a tentative return of true. | |
PDO_ODBC DSN | When passing an empty string to the password argument in the PDO constructor, pwd was not included in the connection string created until now, but the behavior has been changed to include it as an empty string. Passing null for the password argument in the PDO constructor results in the same behavior as before. | |
PDO_ODBC DSN | Changed the behavior to ignore the user name argument and the password argument in the PDO constructor separately when the DSN contains uid or pwd. Previously, if included only either uid or pwd in the DSN, both the user name argument and the password argument in the PDO constructor were ignored. | |
ReflectionClassConstant::__toString | The attached doc comment is now included. | |
ReflectionGenerator::getFunction | ReflectionGenerator::getFunction may now be called after the generator finished executing. | |
ReflectionProperty::__toString | The attached doc comment is now included. | |
ResourceBundle::get | A TypeError is thrown if the offset type is invalid. A ValueError is thrown if if index is a string and is empty or is a int and does not fit into a 32 bit integer type. | |
SplFileObject::fgetcsv | L'affidamento sul valore predefinito di escape è ora deprecato. | |
SplFileObject::fputcsv | L'affidamento sul valore predefinito di escape è ora deprecato. | |
SplFileObject::setCsvControl | L'affidamento sul valore predefinito di escape è ora deprecato. | |
SplFixedArray::setSize | SplFixedArray::setSize now has a tentative return of true. | |
SplFixedArray::__wakeup | This method is now deprecated, use SplFixedArray::__unserialize instead. | |
SplHeap::insert | SplHeap::insert now has a tentative return of true. | |
SplHeap::recoverFromCorruption | SplHeap::recoverFromCorruption now has a tentative return of true. | |
SplPriorityQueue::insert | SplPriorityQueue::insert now has a tentative return of true. | |
SplPriorityQueue::recoverFromCorruption | SplPriorityQueue::recoverFromCorruption now has a tentative return of true. | |
tidy::__construct | Failures when executing the constructor now throw instead of silently creating an unusable object. | |
XMLReader::open | Passing an invalid encoding will now throw a ValueError. | |
XMLReader::XML | Passing an invalid encoding will now throw a ValueError. | |
XMLWriter::startDocument | Passing an encoding containing null bytes will now throw a ValueError. | |
XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet | Added support for Dom\Document. | |
XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet | Now throws a TypeError instead of a ValueError if stylesheet is not an XML object. | |
XSLTProcessor::registerPHPFunctions | Invalid callback names now throws a ValueError. Passing a non-callable entry now throws a TypeError. | |
XSLTProcessor::registerPHPFunctions | It is now possible to use callables for callbacks when using functions with array entries. | |
XSLTProcessor::setParameter | Now throws a ValueError if any of the arguments contain null bytes instead of silently truncating. | |
XSLTProcessor::setParameter | It is now possible to set a parameter value containing both single and double quotes. Prior to PHP 8.4.0, this resulted in a warning. | |
XSLTProcessor::transformToDoc | Now throws an Error if the callback cannot be invoked, instead of emitting a warning. | |
XSLTProcessor::transformToDoc | Added support for Dom\Document. | |
XSLTProcessor::transformToUri | Now throws an Error if the callback cannot be invoked, instead of emitting a warning. | |
XSLTProcessor::transformToUri | Added support for Dom\Document. | |
XSLTProcessor::transformToXml | Now throws an Error if the callback cannot be invoked, instead of emitting a warning. | |
XSLTProcessor::transformToXml | Added support for Dom\Document. | |
8.3.0 | DateInterval::__construct | Now throws DateMalformedIntervalStringException instead of Exception. |
DateInterval::createFromDateString | DateInterval::createFromDateString now throws DateMalformedStringException if an invalid string is passed. Previously, it returned false, and a warning was emitted. date_interval_create_from_date_string has not been changed. | |
DatePeriod::__construct | Now throws DateMalformedPeriodStringException instead of Exception. | |
DateTime::__construct | Now throws DateMalformedStringException if an invalid string is passed, instead of Exception. | |
DateTimeInterface::getTimestamp | The out-of-range exception is now DateRangeError. | |
DateTime::modify | DateTime::modify now throws DateMalformedStringException if an invalid string is passed. Previously, it returned false, and a warning was emitted. date_modify has not been changed. | |
DateTime::sub | Now throws a DateInvalidOperationException with DateTime::sub, instead of a warning when an unsupported operation is attempted. date_sub has not been changed. | |
DateTimeImmutable::__construct | Now throws DateMalformedStringException if an invalid string is passed, instead of Exception. | |
DateTimeImmutable::modify | DateTimeImmutable::modify now throws DateMalformedStringException if an invalid string is passed. Previously, it returned false, and a warning was emitted. | |
DateTimeImmutable::sub | Now throws a DateInvalidOperationException instead of a warning when an unsupported operation is attempted. | |
DateTimeZone::__construct | Invalid values now return a DateInvalidTimeZoneException instead of a generic Exception. | |
DOMCharacterData::after | Calling this method on a node without a parent is now a no-op to align the behaviour with the DOM specification. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMCharacterData::after | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMCharacterData::appendData | This function now has a tentative true return type. | |
DOMCharacterData::before | Calling this method on a node without a parent is now a no-op to align the behaviour with the DOM specification. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMCharacterData::replaceWith | Calling this method on a node without a parent is now a no-op to align the behaviour with the DOM specification. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMChildNode::after | Calling this method on a node without a parent is now a no-op to align the behaviour with the DOM specification. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMChildNode::after | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMChildNode::before | Calling this method on a node without a parent is now a no-op to align the behaviour with the DOM specification. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMChildNode::replaceWith | Calling this method on a node without a parent is now a no-op to align the behaviour with the DOM specification. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMDocument::append | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMDocument::createAttributeNS | Calling this method without specifying a prefix will now choose a prefix instead of assuming the default namespace. Previously this would create an attribute without a prefix and incorrectly apply the namespace to the owner element because default namespaces don't apply on attributes. | |
DOMDocument::createAttributeNS | Calling this method using a prefix that was already declared on the owner element with a different namespace URI will now change the new prefix to avoid creating namespace conflicts. This aligns the behaviour with the DOM specification. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_NAMESPACE_ERR. | |
DOMDocument::load | This function now has a tentative bool return type. | |
DOMDocument::loadHTML | This function now has a tentative bool return type. | |
DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile | This function now has a tentative bool return type. | |
DOMDocument::loadXML | This function now has a tentative bool return type. | |
DOMDocument::prepend | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMDocument::replaceChildren | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMDocument::saveXML | LIBXML_NOXMLDECL is now supported. | |
DOMDocumentFragment::append | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMDocumentFragment::prepend | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMDocumentFragment::replaceChildren | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMElement::after | Calling this method on a node without a parent is now a no-op to align the behaviour with the DOM specification. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMElement::after | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMElement::append | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMElement::before | Calling this method on a node without a parent is now a no-op to align the behaviour with the DOM specification. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMElement::prepend | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMElement::replaceChildren | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMElement::replaceWith | Calling this method on a node without a parent is now a no-op to align the behaviour with the DOM specification. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMParentNode::append | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMParentNode::prepend | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
DOMParentNode::replaceChildren | Calling this method on a node without an owner document now works. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR. | |
FFI::cast | Calling FFI::cast statically is now deprecated. | |
FFI::cdef | C functions returning void return a PHP null instead of FFI\CType::TYPE_VOID. | |
FFI::load | FFI::load is now allowed in preload scripts when the current system user is the same as the one defined in the opcache.preload_user configuration directive. | |
FFI::new | Calling FFI::new statically is now deprecated. | |
FFI::type | Calling FFI::type statically is now deprecated. | |
array_product | Now emits E_WARNING when array values cannot be converted to int or float. Previously arrays and objects where ignored whilst every other value was cast to int. Moreover, objects that define a numeric cast (e.g. GMP) are now cast instead of ignored. | |
class_alias | class_alias now supports creating an alias of an internal class. | |
dba_fetch | Calling dba_fetch with dba as the 3rd argument is now deprecated. | |
fgetcsv | Viene restituita una stringa vuota invece di una stringa con un singolo byte null per l'ultimo campo se contiene solo una chiusura non terminata. | |
gc_status | gc_status now returns the following additional fields: "running", "protected", "full", "buffer_size", "application_time", "collector_time", "destructor_time", and "free_time". | |
imagerotate | The unused ignore_transparent has been completely removed. | |
ldap_connect | Calling ldap_connect with separate hostname and port is now deprecated. | |
mb_convert_case | Implemented conditional casing rules for the Greek letter sigma which only apply to MB_CASE_LOWER and MB_CASE_TITLE modes, not to MB_CASE_LOWER_SIMPLE and MB_CASE_TITLE_SIMPLE. | |
mb_decode_mimeheader | Underscores are converted to spaces as specified by RFC 2047. | |
mb_encode_mimeheader | NUL (0) bytes are no longer dropped when encoded using Quoted-Printable encoding, but encoded as =00. | |
mb_strimwidth | Passing a negative width to mb_strimwidth is now deprecated. | |
mb_strtolower | Implemented conditional casing rules for the Greek letter sigma. | |
mt_srand | seed is now nullable. | |
openssl_pkey_new | Added support for generation EC keys with custom EC parameters. Specifically with the introduction of the EC options: p, a, b, seed, generator, g_x, g_y, cofactor, and order. | |
password_hash | password_hash now sets the underlying Random\RandomException as the Exception::$previous exception when a ValueError is thrown due to a failure in the salt generation. | |
posix_eaccess | Checks the effective user/group for a file, differing from posix_access which checks from the real user/group. | |
proc_get_status | The "cached" entry has been added to the returned array. Prior to PHP 8.3.0, only the first call returned the real exit code. The "cached" entry indicates that the exit code was cached. | |
proc_open | A ValueError will be thrown if command is an array without at least one non-empty element. | |
srand | seed is now nullable. | |
str_getcsv | Viene restituita una stringa vuota invece di una stringa con un singolo byte null per l'ultimo campo se contiene solo una chiusura non terminata. | |
stream_notification_callback | Support for STREAM_NOTIFY_COMPLETED implemented, earlier PHP versions would never trigger this notification. | |
IntlBreakIterator::setText | This method now returns false on failure; previously it returns null. | |
IntlChar::enumCharNames | This method now returns false on failure; previously it returns null. | |
IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone | This function now returns true on success; previously it returns null. | |
mysqli_result::fetch_object | Now throws a ValueError exception when the constructor_args is non-empty with the class not having constructor; previously an Exception was thrown. | |
mysqli::poll | Now throws a ValueError exception when neither the read nor error arguments are passed. | |
Phar::setStub | Calling Phar::setStub with a resource and a length is now deprecated. Such calls should be replaced by: $phar->setStub(stream_get_contents($resource)); | |
ReflectionClass::getStaticProperties | The return type of ReflectionClass::getStaticProperties has been changed to array from ?array. | |
ReflectionProperty::setValue | Calling this method with a single argument is deprecated, instead use ReflectionProperty::setValue(null, $value) for static properties. | |
SQLite3::enableExceptions | Calling SQLite3::enableExceptions with enable as false will trigger a E_DEPRECATED warning. | |
ZipArchive::addFile | ZipArchive::FL_OPEN_FILE_NOW was added. | |
ZipArchive::addFile | ZipArchive::LENGTH_TO_END and ZipArchive::LENGTH_UNCHECKED were added. | |
ZipArchive::addGlob | ZipArchive::FL_OPEN_FILE_NOW was added. | |
ZipArchive::replaceFile | ZipArchive::FL_OPEN_FILE_NOW was added. | |
ZipArchive::replaceFile | ZipArchive::LENGTH_TO_END and ZipArchive::LENGTH_UNCHECKED were added. | |
8.2.9 | DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat | The (space) specifier now also supports NBSP (U+A0) and NNBSP (U+202F) characters. |
8.2.1 | SplFileObject::__toString | Changed from an alias of SplFileObject::fgets to an implementation of SplFileObject::current which returns a CSV string when the SplFileObject::READ_CSV flag is set. |
8.2.0 | ArrayIterator::asort | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. |
ArrayIterator::ksort | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
ArrayIterator::natcasesort | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
ArrayIterator::natsort | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
ArrayIterator::uasort | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
ArrayIterator::uksort | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
ArrayObject::asort | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
ArrayObject::ksort | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
ArrayObject::natcasesort | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
ArrayObject::natsort | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
ArrayObject::uasort | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
ArrayObject::uksort | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
DateInterval::__construct | Only the y to f, invert, and days will be visible, including a new from_string boolean property. | |
DateInterval::createFromDateString | Only the from_string and date_string properties will be visible when a DateInterval is created with this method. | |
DatePeriod::__construct | The DatePeriod::INCLUDE_END_DATE constant has been added. | |
DateTime::createFromFormat | Now throws ValueError when NULL-bytes are passed into datetime, which previously was silently ignored. | |
DateTimeInterface::format | The format characters X and x have been added. | |
DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat | The X and x format specifiers have been added. | |
DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat | Now throws ValueError when NULL-bytes are passed into datetime, which previously was silently ignored. | |
DateTimeImmutable::getLastErrors | Before PHP 8.2.0, this function did not return false when there were no warnings or errors. Instead, it would always return the documented array structure. | |
FilesystemIterator::__construct | Prior to PHP 8.2.0, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS was always set and could not be removed. | |
array_walk_recursive | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
curl_multi_setopt | Introduced CURLMOPT_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS. | |
date_parse_from_format | Now throws ValueError when NULL-bytes are passed into datetime, which previously was silently ignored. | |
dba_fetch | dba_fetch's optional skip argument is now at the end in line with PHP userland semantics. The previously overloaded signature is still accepted but discouraged. | |
dba_open | flags is added. | |
dba_open | handler is now nullable. | |
dba_popen | flags is added. | |
getimagesize | Now returns the actual image dimensions, bits and channels of AVIF images; previously, the dimensions were reported as 0x0, and bits and channels were not reported at all. | |
idate | Adds the N (ISO-8601 day of the week) and o (ISO-8601 year) format characters. | |
iterator_count | The type of iterator has been widened from Traversable to Traversablearray. | |
iterator_to_array | The type of iterator has been widened from Traversable to Traversablearray. | |
lcfirst | Case conversion no longer depends on the locale set with setlocale. Only ASCII characters will be converted. | |
mb_convert_encoding | mb_convert_encoding will no longer return the following non text encodings: "Base64", "QPrint", "UUencode", "HTML entities", "7 bit" and "8 bit". | |
mb_convert_kana | A ValueError is now thrown if the combination of different modes is invalid. | |
mb_detect_encoding | mb_detect_encoding will no longer return the following non text encodings: "Base64", "QPrint", "UUencode", "HTML entities", "7 bit" and "8 bit". | |
random_bytes | In case of a CSPRNG failure, this function will now throw a Random\RandomException. Previously a plain Exception was thrown. | |
random_int | In case of a CSPRNG failure, this function will now throw a Random\RandomException. Previously a plain Exception was thrown. | |
setcookie | The date format of the cookie is now 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T'; previously it was 'D, d-M-Y H:i:s T'. | |
snmp_set_enum_print | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
snmp_set_oid_output_format | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
snmp_set_valueretrieval | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
utf8_decode | This function has been deprecated. | |
utf8_encode | This function has been deprecated. | |
IntlCalendar::clear | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
IntlCalendar::set | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
IntlCalendar::setFirstDayOfWeek | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
IntlCalendar::setLenient | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
IntlCalendar::setRepeatedWallTimeOption | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
IntlCalendar::setSkippedWallTimeOption | The return type is true now; previously, it was bool. | |
ReflectionEnum::getBackingType | The return type is now declared as ?ReflectionNamedType. Previously, ?ReflectionType was declared. | |
8.1.14 | SplFileObject::__toString | Changed from an alias of SplFileObject::fgets to an implementation of SplFileObject::current which returns a CSV string when the SplFileObject::READ_CSV flag is set. |
8.1.8 | DateTime::createFromFormat | Now throws ValueError when NULL-bytes are passed into datetime, which previously was silently ignored. |
DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat | Now throws ValueError when NULL-bytes are passed into datetime, which previously was silently ignored. | |
date_parse_from_format | Now throws ValueError when NULL-bytes are passed into datetime, which previously was silently ignored. | |
8.1.0 | DateTime::setTime | The behaviour with double existing hours (during the fall-back DST transition) changed. Previously PHP would pick the second occurrence (after the DST transition), instead of the first occurrence (before DST transition). |
DateTimeImmutable::setTime | The behaviour with double existing hours (during the fall-back DST transition) changed. Previously PHP would pick the second occurrence (after the DST transition), instead of the first occurrence (before DST transition). | |
DirectoryIterator::key | When the iterator is uninitialized, an Error is thrown now. Previously, the method returned false. | |
DOMDocument::createComment | In case of an error, a DomException is thrown now. Previously, false was returned. | |
DOMDocument::createDocumentFragment | In case of an error, a DomException is thrown now. Previously, false was returned. | |
DOMDocument::createTextNode | In case of an error, a DomException is thrown now. Previously, false was returned. | |
date_sunrise | This function has been deprecated in favor of date_sun_info. | |
date_sunset | This function has been deprecated in favor of date_sun_info. | |
dba_popen | handler is now nullable. | |
exif_imagetype | Added AVIF support. | |
finfo_buffer | The finfo parameter expects an finfo instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
finfo_close | The finfo parameter expects an finfo instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
finfo_file | The finfo parameter expects an finfo instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
finfo_open | Returns an finfo instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
finfo_set_flags | The finfo parameter expects an finfo instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
fputcsv | The optional eol parameter has been added. | |
ftp_alloc | The ftp parameter expects an FTP\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
ftp_append | The ftp parameter expects an FTP\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
ftp_chmod | The ftp parameter expects an FTP\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
ftp_close | The ftp parameter expects an FTP\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
ftp_delete | The ftp parameter expects an FTP\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
ftp_mlsd | The ftp parameter expects an FTP\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
gmp_init | È stato aggiunto il supporto per i prefissi ottali espliciti 0o e 0o per le stringhe num. È stato anche aggiunto il supporto per l'interpretazione di tali prefissi quando base è 0. | |
hash | The options parameter has been added. | |
hash_algos | Support for MurmurHash3 and xxHash algorithms has been added. | |
hash_file | The options parameter has been added. | |
hash_init | The options parameter has been added. | |
htmlspecialchars_decode | flags changed from ENT_COMPAT to ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_HTML401. | |
imagechar | The font parameter now accepts both an GdFont instance and an int; previously only int was accepted. | |
imagecharup | The font parameter now accepts both an GdFont instance and an int; previously only int was accepted. | |
imagefilledpolygon | The parameter num_points has been deprecated. | |
imagefontheight | The font parameter now accepts both an GdFont instance and an int; previously only int was accepted. | |
imagefontwidth | The font parameter now accepts both an GdFont instance and an int; previously only int was accepted. | |
imageloadfont | Returns an GdFont instance now; previously, an int was returned. | |
imageopenpolygon | The parameter num_points has been deprecated. | |
imagepolygon | The parameter num_points has been deprecated. | |
imagestring | The font parameter now accepts both an GdFont instance and an int; previously only int was accepted. | |
imagestringup | The font parameter now accepts both an GdFont instance and an int; previously only int was accepted. | |
imagetypes | IMG_AVIF added. | |
ldap_add | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_add_ext | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_add_ext | Returns an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_bind | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_bind_ext | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_bind_ext | Returns an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_compare | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_connect | Returns an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_count_entries | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_count_entries | The result parameter expects an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a valid ldap result resource was expected. | |
ldap_count_references | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_count_references | The result parameter expects an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a valid ldap result resource was expected. | |
ldap_delete | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_delete_ext | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_delete_ext | Returns an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_errno | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_error | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_exop | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_exop_passwd | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_exop_refresh | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_exop_whoami | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_first_attribute | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_first_attribute | The entry parameter expects an LDAP\ResultEntry instance now; previously, a valid ldap result entry resource was expected. | |
ldap_first_entry | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_first_entry | The result parameter expects an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a valid ldap result resource was expected. | |
ldap_first_entry | Returns an LDAP\ResultEntry instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_free_result | The result parameter expects an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a valid ldap result resource was expected. | |
ldap_get_attributes | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_get_attributes | The entry parameter expects an LDAP\ResultEntry instance now; previously, a valid ldap result entry resource was expected. | |
ldap_get_dn | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_get_dn | The entry parameter expects an LDAP\ResultEntry instance now; previously, a valid ldap result entry resource was expected. | |
ldap_get_entries | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_get_entries | The result parameter expects an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a valid ldap result resource was expected. | |
ldap_get_option | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_get_values | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_get_values | The entry parameter expects an LDAP\ResultEntry instance now; previously, a valid ldap result entry resource was expected. | |
ldap_get_values_len | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_get_values_len | The entry parameter expects an LDAP\ResultEntry instance now; previously, a valid ldap result entry resource was expected. | |
ldap_list | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_list | Returns an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_mod_add | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_mod_del | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_mod_replace | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_modify_batch | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_mod_add_ext | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_mod_add_ext | Returns an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_mod_del_ext | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_mod_del_ext | Returns an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_mod_replace_ext | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_mod_replace_ext | Returns an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_next_attribute | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_next_attribute | The entry parameter expects an LDAP\ResultEntry instance now; previously, a valid ldap result entry resource was expected. | |
ldap_next_entry | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_next_entry | The entry parameter expects an LDAP\ResultEntry instance now; previously, a valid ldap result entry resource was expected. | |
ldap_next_entry | Returns an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_parse_exop | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_parse_exop | The result parameter expects an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a valid ldap result resource was expected. | |
ldap_parse_result | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_parse_result | The result parameter expects an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a valid ldap result resource was expected. | |
ldap_read | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_read | Returns an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_rename | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_rename_ext | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_rename_ext | Returns an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_sasl_bind | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_search | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_search | Returns an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_set_option | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_set_rebind_proc | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
ldap_unbind | The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected. | |
mb_check_encoding | Calling this function with null as value or without argument is deprecated. | |
mhash | This function has been deprecated. Use the hash_*() functions instead. | |
mhash_count | This function has been deprecated. Use the hash_*() functions instead. | |
mhash_get_block_size | This function has been deprecated. Use the hash_*() functions instead. | |
mhash_get_hash_name | This function has been deprecated. Use the hash_*() functions instead. | |
mhash_keygen_s2k | This function has been deprecated. Use the hash_*() functions instead. | |
openssl_cms_encrypt | The default cipher algorithm (cipher_algo) is now AES-128-CBC (OPENSSL_CIPHER_AES_128_CBC). Previously, PKCS7/CMS was used (OPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_40). | |
openssl_decrypt | tag is now nullable. | |
openssl_pkcs7_encrypt | The default cipher algorithm (cipher_algo) is now AES-128-CBC (OPENSSL_CIPHER_AES_128_CBC). Previously, PKCS7/CMS was used (OPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_40). | |
pg_connect_poll | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_consume_input | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_escape_identifier | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_escape_literal | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_execute | Returns an PgSql\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
pg_execute | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_fetch_all_columns | The result parameter expects an PgSql\Result instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_fetch_assoc | The result parameter expects an PgSql\Result instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_field_table | The result parameter expects an PgSql\Result instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_field_type_oid | The result parameter expects an PgSql\Result instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_flush | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_get_notify | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_get_pid | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_lo_import | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_lo_truncate | The lob parameter expects an PgSql\Lob instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_parameter_status | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_ping | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_prepare | Returns an PgSql\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
pg_prepare | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_query_params | Returns an PgSql\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
pg_query_params | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_result_error_field | The result parameter expects an PgSql\Result instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_send_execute | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_send_prepare | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_send_query_params | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_set_error_verbosity | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_socket | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_transaction_status | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
pg_version | The connection parameter expects an PgSql\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
snmp3_get | The auth_protocol now accepts "SHA256" and "SHA512" when supported by libnetsnmp. | |
snmp3_getnext | The auth_protocol now accepts "SHA256" and "SHA512" when supported by libnetsnmp. | |
snmp3_real_walk | The auth_protocol now accepts "SHA256" and "SHA512" when supported by libnetsnmp. | |
snmp3_walk | The auth_protocol now accepts "SHA256" and "SHA512" when supported by libnetsnmp. | |
stream_select | microseconds is now nullable. | |
strptime | This function has been deprecated. Use date_parse_from_format instead (for locale-independent parsing), or IntlDateFormatter::parse (for locale-dependent parsing) | |
IntlDateFormatter::create | Parameters dateType and timeType are now optional. | |
MultipleIterator::current | A RuntimeException is now thrown if MultipleIterator::current is called on an invalid iterator. Previously, false was returned. | |
MultipleIterator::key | A RuntimeException is now thrown if MultipleIterator::key is called on an invalid iterator. Previously, false was returned. | |
mysqli_driver::$report_mode | The default value is now MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT. Previously, it was MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF. | |
mysqli_result::fetch_all | Now also available when linking against libmysqlclient. | |
mysqli_stmt::execute | The optional params parameter has been added. | |
mysqli_stmt::next_result | Now also available when linking against libmysqlclient. | |
mysqli::__construct | mysqli::connect now returns true instead of null on success. | |
mysqli::$client_info | Calling mysqli_get_client_info with the mysql argument has been deprecated. This function never required a parameter, but incorrectly allowed it as an optional parameter. | |
mysqli::$client_info | The object-oriented style mysqli::get_client_info has been deprecated. | |
mysqli::init | The object-oriented style mysqli::init method has been deprecated. Replace calls to parent::init with parent::__construct. | |
Phar::buildFromDirectory | Phar::buildFromDirectory no longer returns false. | |
Phar::buildFromIterator | Phar::buildFromIterator no longer returns false. | |
PharData::buildFromDirectory | PharData::buildFromDirectory no longer returns false. | |
PharData::buildFromIterator | PharData::buildFromIterator no longer returns false. | |
ReflectionFunctionAbstract::isStatic | This method has been pulled up. Previously, it was only defined in ReflectionMethod. | |
ReflectionClassConstant::getName | Throws an Error in case the name property has not been initialized. Previously, the method returned false on failure. | |
ReflectionExtension::__clone | This method is no longer final. | |
ReflectionFunctionAbstract::__clone | This method is no longer final. | |
ReflectionParameter::__clone | This method is no longer final. | |
ReflectionProperty::__clone | This method is no longer final. | |
ReflectionProperty::getValue | Private and protected properties can be accessed by ReflectionProperty::getValue right away. Previously, they needed to be made accessible by calling ReflectionProperty::setAccessible; otherwise a ReflectionException was thrown. | |
ReflectionProperty::setValue | Private and protected properties can be accessed by ReflectionProperty::setValue right away. Previously, they needed to be made accessible by calling ReflectionProperty::setAccessible; otherwise a ReflectionException was thrown. | |
ReflectionZendExtension::__clone | This method is no longer final. | |
SimpleXMLElement::current | An Error is now thrown if SimpleXMLElement::current is called on an invalid iterator. Previously, null was returned. | |
SimpleXMLElement::key | An Error is now thrown if SimpleXMLElement::key is called on an invalid iterator. Previously, false was returned. | |
SplFileObject::fputcsv | The optional eol parameter has been added. | |
SplObjectStorage::current | SplObjectStorage::current now throws an Error exception if the current position is invalid. Previously, false was returned instead. | |
SQLite3Result::finalize | This method now throws an Error exception if the object is not correct initialized. Previously, it returned false. | |
SQLite3Stmt::close | This method now throws an Error exception if the object is not correct initialized. Previously, it returned false. | |
8.0.21 | DateTime::createFromFormat | Now throws ValueError when NULL-bytes are passed into datetime, which previously was silently ignored. |
DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat | Now throws ValueError when NULL-bytes are passed into datetime, which previously was silently ignored. | |
date_parse_from_format | Now throws ValueError when NULL-bytes are passed into datetime, which previously was silently ignored. | |
8.0.5 | imageinterlace | imageinterlace returns a bool now; previously it returned an int (non-zero for interlaced images, zero otherwise). |
8.0.3 | DOMDocument::getElementsByTagNameNS | namespace is nullable now. |
DOMElement::getElementsByTagNameNS | namespace is nullable now. | |
DOMImplementation::createDocument | namespace is now nullable. | |
finfo::__construct | magic_database is nullable now. | |
bind_textdomain_codeset | codeset is nullable now. Previously, it was not possible to retrieve the currently set encoding. | |
bindtextdomain | directory is nullable now. Previously, it was not possible to retrieve the currently set directory. | |
finfo_open | magic_database is nullable now. | |
imagegd | file is now nullable. | |
imagegd2 | file is now nullable. | |
SoapClient::__setLocation | location is nullable now. | |
SoapVar::__construct | typeName, typeNamespace, nodeName,and nodeNamespace are nullable now. | |
8.0.0 | CURLFile::__construct | mime_type and posted_filename are nullable now; previously their default was 0. |
DateInterval::__construct | W can be combined with D. | |
DateTime::createFromImmutable | The method returns an instance of the currently invoked class now. Previously, it created a new instance of DateTime. | |
DateTimeInterface::format | The format character p has been added. | |
DateTimeInterface::getTimestamp | These functions no longer return false on failure. | |
DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable | The method returns an instance of the currently invoked class now. Previously, it created a new instance of DateTimeImmutable. | |
DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers | Prior to this version, false was returned on failure. | |
Directory::close | No parameter is accepted. Previously, a directory handle could be passed as argument. | |
Directory::read | No parameter is accepted. Previously, a directory handle could be passed as argument. | |
Directory::rewind | No parameter is accepted. Previously, a directory handle could be passed as argument. | |
DirectoryIterator::__construct | Now throws a ValueError if directory is an empty string; previously it threw a RuntimeException. | |
DOMDocument::load | Calling this function statically will now throw an Error. Previously, an E_DEPRECATED was raised. | |
DOMDocument::loadHTML | Calling this function statically will now throw an Error. Previously, an E_DEPRECATED was raised. | |
DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile | Calling this function statically will now throw an Error. Previously, an E_DEPRECATED was raised. | |
DOMDocument::loadXML | Calling this function statically will now throw an Error. Previously, an E_DEPRECATED was raised. | |
DOMImplementation::createDocument | doctype is now nullable. | |
DOMImplementation::createDocument | Calling this function statically will now throw an Error. Previously, an E_DEPRECATED was raised. | |
DOMImplementation::createDocumentType | Calling this function statically will now throw an Error. Previously, an E_DEPRECATED was raised. | |
DOMImplementation::hasFeature | Calling this function statically will now throw an Error. Previously, an E_DEPRECATED was raised. | |
FFI::cdef | lib is nullable now. | |
FFI::string | size is nullable now; previously, its default was 0. | |
FilesystemIterator::__construct | Now throws a ValueError if directory is an empty string; previously it threw a RuntimeException. | |
array_column | Objects in columns indicated by index_key parameter will no longer be cast to string and will now throw a TypeError instead. | |
array_diff_key | This function can now be called with only one parameter. Formerly, at least two parameters have been required. | |
array_intersect_key | This function can now be called with only one parameter. Formerly, at least two parameters have been required. | |
bcadd | scale ora può essere null. | |
bcdiv | scale ora può essere null. | |
bcdiv | Dividendo per 0 ora genera un' eccezione DivisionByZeroError invece di restituire null. | |
call_user_func_array | args keys will now be interpreted as parameter names, instead of being silently ignored. | |
com_event_sink | sink_interface is nullable now. | |
com_get_active_object | codepage is nullable now. | |
curl_close | handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_copy_handle | handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_copy_handle | On success, this function returns a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
curl_errno | handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_error | handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_escape | handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_multi_add_handle | multi_handle expects a CurlMultiHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_multi_add_handle | handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_multi_close | multi_handle expects a CurlMultiHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_multi_errno | The function no longer returns false on failure. | |
curl_multi_errno | multi_handle expects a CurlMultiHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_multi_exec | multi_handle expects a CurlMultiHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_multi_getcontent | handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_multi_info_read | multi_handle expects a CurlMultiHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_multi_remove_handle | multi_handle expects a CurlMultiHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_multi_remove_handle | handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_multi_select | multi_handle expects a CurlMultiHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_multi_setopt | multi_handle expects a CurlMultiHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_pause | handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_reset | handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_setopt_array | handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_share_close | share_handle expects a CurlShareHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_share_errno | The function no longer returns false on failure. | |
curl_share_errno | share_handle expects a CurlShareHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_share_init | This function returns a CurlShareHandle instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
curl_share_setopt | share_handle expects a CurlShareHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
curl_unescape | handle expects a CurlHandle instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
date | timestamp ora è nullable. | |
date_sunrise | latitude, longitude, zenith and utcOffset are nullable now. | |
date_sunset | latitude, longitude, zenith and utcOffset are nullable now. | |
deflate_add | context expects a DeflateContext instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
deflate_init | On success, this function returns a DeflateContext instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
dir | context is now nullable. | |
enchant_broker_describe | broker expects an EnchantBroker instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_broker_describe | Prior to this version, the function returned false on failure. | |
enchant_broker_dict_exists | broker expects an EnchantBroker instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_broker_free | This function has been deprecated in favor of unsetting the object. | |
enchant_broker_free | broker expects an EnchantBroker instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_broker_free_dict | This function has been deprecated in favor of unsetting the object. | |
enchant_broker_free_dict | dictionary expects a EnchantDictionary now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_broker_get_dict_path | This function has been deprecated. | |
enchant_broker_get_dict_path | broker expects an EnchantBroker instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_broker_get_error | broker expects an EnchantBroker instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_broker_init | On success, this function returns an EnchantBroker instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
enchant_broker_list_dicts | broker expects an EnchantBroker instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_broker_list_dicts | Prior to this version, the function returned false on failure. | |
enchant_broker_request_dict | broker expects an EnchantBroker instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_broker_request_dict | On success, this function returns an EnchantDictionary instance now; previoulsy, a resource was retured. | |
enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict | broker expects an EnchantBroker instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict | On success, this function returns an EnchantDictionary instance now; previoulsy, a resource was retured. | |
enchant_broker_set_dict_path | This function has been deprecated. | |
enchant_broker_set_dict_path | broker expects an EnchantBroker instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_broker_set_ordering | broker expects an EnchantBroker instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_dict_add | dictionary expects an EnchantDictionary instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_dict_add_to_session | dictionary expects an EnchantDictionary instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_dict_check | dictionary expects an EnchantDictionary instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_dict_describe | dictionary expects an EnchantDictionary instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_dict_describe | Prior to this version, the function returned false on failure. | |
enchant_dict_get_error | dictionary expects an EnchantDictionary instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_dict_is_added | dictionary expects an EnchantDictionary instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_dict_quick_check | dictionary expects an EnchantDictionary instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_dict_store_replacement | dictionary expects an EnchantDictionary instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
enchant_dict_suggest | dictionary expects an EnchantDictionary instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected. | |
exif_read_data | required_sections is nullable now. | |
fgetcsv | length è ora nullable. | |
finfo_buffer | context is nullable now. | |
finfo_file | context is nullable now. | |
fwrite | Ora length è nullable. | |
get_called_class | Calling this function from outside a class, will now throw an Error. Previously, an E_WARNING was raised and the function returned false. | |
get_defined_functions | The default value of the exclude_disabled parameter has been changed from false to true. | |
get_headers | The associative has been changed from int to bool. | |
get_resources | type is nullable now. | |
gmp_binomial | This function no longer returns false on failure. | |
gmp_export | This function no longer returns false on failure. | |
gmp_import | This function no longer returns false on failure. | |
gmp_random_seed | If seed is invalid, gmp_random_seed now throws a ValueError. Previously it emitted an E_WARNING and returned false. | |
grapheme_substr | The function now consistently clamps out-of-bounds offsets to the string boundary. Previously, false was returned instead of the empty string in some cases. | |
gzgets | length is nullable now; previously, the default was 1024. | |
gzwrite | length is nullable now; previously, the default was 0. | |
hash | hash now throws a ValueError exception if algo is unknown; previously, false was returned instead. | |
hash_hkdf | Now throws a ValueError exception on error. Previously, false was returned and an E_WARNING message was emitted. | |
hash_hmac | Now throws a ValueError exception if algo is unknown or is a non-cryptographic hash function; previously, false was returned instead. | |
hash_hmac_file | Now throws a ValueError exception if algo is unknown or is a non-cryptographic hash function; previously, false was returned instead. | |
hash_init | Now throws an ValueError exception if the algo is unknown or is a non-cryptographic hash function, or if key is empty. Previously, false was returned and an E_WARNING message was emitted. | |
hash_pbkdf2 | Now throws a ValueError exception on error. Previously, false was returned and an E_WARNING message was emitted. | |
hash_update_file | stream_context is now nullable. | |
header_remove | name is nullable now. | |
http_build_query | arg_separator is now nullable. | |
iconv_mime_decode | encoding is nullable now. | |
iconv_mime_decode_headers | encoding is nullable now. | |
iconv_strlen | encoding is nullable now. | |
iconv_strpos | encoding is nullable now. | |
iconv_strrpos | encoding is nullable now. | |
iconv_substr | length and encoding are nullable now. | |
idate | timestamp is nullable now. | |
ignore_user_abort | enable is nullable now. | |
imageaffine | clip is now nullable. | |
imageaffine | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagealphablending | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imageantialias | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagearc | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagebmp | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagebmp | The type of compressed is bool now; formerly it was int. | |
imagechar | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecharup | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolorallocate | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolorallocatealpha | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolorat | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolorclosest | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolorclosesthwb | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolordeallocate | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolorexact | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolorexactalpha | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolormatch | image1 and image2 expect GdImage instances now; previously, resources were expected. | |
imagecolorresolve | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolorresolvealpha | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolorset | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolorsforindex | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolorsforindex | imagecolorsforindex now throws a ValueError exception if color is out of range; previously, false was returned instead. | |
imagecolorstotal | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolortransparent | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecolortransparent | color is now nullable. | |
imageconvolution | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecopy | dst_image and src_image expect GdImage instances now; previously, resources were expected. | |
imagecopymerge | dst_image and src_image expect GdImage instances now; previously, resources were expected. | |
imagecopymergegray | dst_image and src_image expect GdImage instances now; previously, resources were expected. | |
imagecopyresampled | dst_image and src_image expect GdImage instances now; previously, resources were expected. | |
imagecopyresized | dst_image and src_image expect GdImage instances now; previously, resources were expected. | |
imagecreate | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefrombmp | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefromgd | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefromgd2 | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefromgd2part | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefromgif | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefromjpeg | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefrompng | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefromstring | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefromtga | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefromwbmp | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefromwebp | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefromxbm | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatefromxpm | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecreatetruecolor | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecrop | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecrop | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagecropauto | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagecropauto | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagedashedline | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagedestroy | This function is a NOP now. | |
imagedestroy | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imageellipse | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagefill | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagefilledarc | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagefilledellipse | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagefilledpolygon | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagefilledrectangle | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagefilltoborder | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagefilter | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imageflip | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagefttext | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagegammacorrect | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagegd | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagegd2 | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagegetclip | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagegetinterpolation | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagegif | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagegrabscreen | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagegrabwindow | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagegrabwindow | client_area expects a bool now; previously it expected an int. | |
imageinterlace | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imageinterlace | enable expects a bool now; previously it expected an int. | |
imageistruecolor | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagejpeg | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagelayereffect | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imageline | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imageopenpolygon | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagepalettecopy | dst and src expect GdImage instances now; previously, resources were expected. | |
imagepalettetotruecolor | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagepng | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagepolygon | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagerectangle | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imageresolution | resolution_x and resolution_y are now nullable. | |
imagerotate | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagerotate | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagerotate | The unused ignore_transparent expects a bool now; previously it expected an int. | |
imagesavealpha | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagescale | On success, this function returns a GDImage instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
imagescale | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagesetbrush | image and brush expect GdImage instances now; previously, resources were expected. | |
imagesetclip | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagesetinterpolation | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagesetpixel | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagesetthickness | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagesettile | image and tile expect GdImage instances now; previously, resources were expected. | |
imagestring | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagestringup | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagesx | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagesy | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagetruecolortopalette | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagettfbbox | The options has been added. | |
imagettftext | The options has been added. | |
imagewbmp | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagewbmp | foreground_color is nullable now. | |
imagewebp | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagexbm | image expects a GdImage instance now; previously, a valid gd resource was expected. | |
imagexbm | foreground_color is now nullable. | |
imagexbm | The fourth parameter, which was unused, has been removed. | |
inflate_add | context expects an InflateContext instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
inflate_get_read_len | context expects an InflateContext instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
inflate_get_status | context expects an InflateContext instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
inflate_init | On success, this function returns an InflateContext instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
ldap_add | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_add_ext | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_bind_ext | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_compare | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_control_paged_result | This function has been removed. | |
ldap_control_paged_result_response | This function has been removed. | |
ldap_delete | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_delete_ext | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_exop_passwd | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_first_attribute | The unused third parameter ber_identifier is no longer accepted. | |
ldap_list | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_mod_add | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_mod_del | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_mod_replace | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_modify_batch | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_mod_add_ext | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_mod_del_ext | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_mod_replace_ext | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_next_attribute | The unused third parameter ber_identifier is no longer accepted. | |
ldap_read | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_rename | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_rename_ext | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_sasl_bind | dn, password, mech, realm, authc_id, authz_id and props are nullable now. | |
ldap_search | controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to []. | |
ldap_set_rebind_proc | callback is nullable now. | |
ldap_sort | This function has been removed. | |
libxml_disable_entity_loader | This function has been deprecated. | |
libxml_use_internal_errors | use_errors is nullable now. Previously, its default was false. | |
mb_check_encoding | value and encoding are nullable now. | |
mb_chr | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_convert_encoding | mb_convert_encoding will now throw a ValueError when to_encoding is passed an invalid encoding. | |
mb_convert_encoding | mb_convert_encoding will now throw a ValueError when from_encoding is passed an invalid encoding. | |
mb_convert_encoding | from_encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_convert_kana | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_decode_numericentity | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_detect_order | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_encode_mimeheader | charset and transfer_encoding are nullable now. | |
mb_encode_numericentity | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_encoding_aliases | If the encoding is unknown, a ValueError is now thrown; previously an E_WARNING was emitted, and the function returned false. | |
mb_ereg | This function returns true on success now. Previously, it returned the byte length of the matched string if a match for pattern was found in string and matches was passed. If the optional parameter matches was not passed or the length of the matched string was 0, this function returned 1. | |
mb_ereg_match | options is nullable now. | |
mb_ereg_replace | options is nullable now. | |
mb_ereg_replace_callback | options is nullable now. | |
mb_ereg_search | pattern and options are nullable now. | |
mb_ereg_search_init | pattern and options are nullable now. | |
mb_ereg_search_pos | pattern and options are nullable now. | |
mb_ereg_search_regs | pattern and options are nullable now. | |
mb_eregi | This function returns true on success now. Previously, it returned the byte length of the matched string if a match for pattern was found in string and matches was passed. If the optional parameter matches was not passed or the length of the matched string was 0, this function returned 1. | |
mb_eregi_replace | options is nullable now. | |
mb_get_info | The types "func_overload" and "func_overload_list" are no longer supported. | |
mb_http_input | type is nullable now. | |
mb_http_output | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_internal_encoding | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_internal_encoding | Now throws a ValueError if encoding is an invalid encoding. Previously a E_WARNING was emitted instead. | |
mb_language | language is nullable now. | |
mb_ord | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_parse_str | The second parameter was no longer optional. | |
mb_regex_encoding | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_regex_set_options | If the parameter options is given and not null, the previous options are returned. Formerly, the current options have been returned. | |
mb_regex_set_options | options is nullable now. | |
mb_regex_set_options | The "e" option now throws a ValueError. | |
mb_scrub | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_send_mail | additional_params is nullable now. | |
mb_str_split | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_str_split | This function no longer returns false on failure. | |
mb_strcut | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_strimwidth | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_stripos | needle now accepts an empty string. | |
mb_stripos | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_stristr | needle now accepts an empty string. | |
mb_stristr | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_strlen | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_strpos | needle now accepts an empty string. | |
mb_strpos | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_strrchr | needle now accepts an empty string. | |
mb_strrchr | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_strrichr | needle now accepts an empty string. | |
mb_strrichr | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_strripos | needle now accepts an empty string. | |
mb_strripos | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_strrpos | needle now accepts an empty string. | |
mb_strrpos | Passing the encoding as the third argument instead of an offset has been removed. | |
mb_strrpos | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_strstr | needle now accepts an empty string. | |
mb_strstr | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_strwidth | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_substitute_character | Passing an empty string to substitute_character is no longer supported; "none" should be passed instead. | |
mb_substitute_character | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_substr | encoding is nullable now. | |
mb_substr_count | encoding is nullable now. | |
mhash | key is now nullable. | |
ob_implicit_flush | The enable expects a bool value now; previously, an int was expected. | |
openssl_csr_export | csr accepts an OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 CSR was accepted. | |
openssl_csr_export_to_file | csr accepts an OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 CSR was accepted. | |
openssl_csr_get_public_key | On success, this function returns an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key was returned. | |
openssl_csr_get_public_key | csr accepts an OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 CSR was accepted. | |
openssl_csr_get_subject | csr accepts an OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 CSR was accepted. | |
openssl_csr_new | On success, this function returns an OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 CSR was returned. | |
openssl_csr_new | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key was accepted. | |
openssl_csr_sign | On success, this function returns an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 was returned. | |
openssl_csr_sign | csr accepts an OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 CSR was accepted. | |
openssl_csr_sign | ca_certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_csr_sign | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_dh_compute_key | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key was accepted. | |
openssl_free_key | This function is now deprecated as it doesn't have an effect anymore. | |
openssl_free_key | key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key was accepted. | |
openssl_open | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 CSR was accepted. | |
openssl_open | cipher_algo is no longer an optional parameter. | |
openssl_pkcs7_decrypt | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 CSR was accepted. | |
openssl_pkcs7_encrypt | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 CSR was accepted. | |
openssl_pkcs7_sign | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 CSR was accepted. | |
openssl_pkcs7_sign | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 CSR was accepted. | |
openssl_pkcs7_verify | signers_certificates_filename, untrusted_certificates_filename, content and output_filename are nullable now. | |
openssl_pkcs12_export | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 CSR was accepted. | |
openssl_pkcs12_export | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 CSR was accepted. | |
openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_pkey_export | key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_pkey_export_to_file | key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_pkey_free | This function is now deprecated as it doesn't have an effect anymore. | |
openssl_pkey_free | key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key was accepted. | |
openssl_pkey_get_details | key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key was accepted. | |
openssl_pkey_get_private | On success, this function returns an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key was returned. | |
openssl_pkey_get_private | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_pkey_get_private | passphrase is nullable now. | |
openssl_pkey_get_public | On success, this function returns an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key was returned. | |
openssl_pkey_get_public | public_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_pkey_new | On success, this function returns an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key was returned. | |
openssl_private_decrypt | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_private_encrypt | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_public_decrypt | public_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_public_encrypt | public_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_random_pseudo_bytes | strong_result is nullable now. | |
openssl_seal | public_key accepts an array of OpenSSLAsymmetricKey instances now; previously, an array of resources of type OpenSSL key was accepted. | |
openssl_seal | cipher_algo is no longer an optional parameter. | |
openssl_seal | iv is nullable now. | |
openssl_sign | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_spki_new | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key was accepted. | |
openssl_verify | public_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_x509_check_private_key | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_x509_check_private_key | private_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_x509_checkpurpose | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_x509_checkpurpose | untrusted_certificates_file is nullable now. | |
openssl_x509_export | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_x509_export_to_file | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_x509_fingerprint | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_x509_free | This function is now deprecated as it doesn't have an effect anymore. | |
openssl_x509_free | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_x509_parse | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_x509_read | On success, this function returns an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 was returned. | |
openssl_x509_read | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_x509_verify | certificate accepts an OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
openssl_x509_verify | public_key accepts an OpenSSLAsymmetricKey or OpenSSLCertificate instance now; previously, a resource of type OpenSSL key or OpenSSL X.509 was accepted. | |
pack | This function no longer returns false on failure. | |
parse_str | result non è più opzionale. | |
parse_url | parse_url will now distinguish absent and empty queries and fragments. | |
password_hash | password_hash no longer returns false on failure, instead a ValueError will be thrown if the password hashing algorithm is not valid, or an Error if the password hashing failed for an unknown error. | |
password_hash | The algo parameter is nullable now. | |
pcntl_async_signals | enable is nullable now. | |
pcntl_getpriority | process_id is nullable now. | |
pcntl_setpriority | process_id is nullable now. | |
pg_ping | connection is now nullable. | |
pg_version | connection is now nullable. | |
readline_info | var_name and value are nullable now. | |
readline_read_history | filename is nullable now. | |
readline_write_history | filename is nullable now. | |
sapi_windows_vt100_support | enable is now nullable. | |
scandir | context is now nullable. | |
shm_has_var | shm expects a SysvSharedMemory instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
socket_addrinfo_bind | On success, this function returns a Socket instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
socket_addrinfo_bind | address is an AddressInfo instance now; previously, it was a resource. | |
socket_addrinfo_connect | On success, this function returns a Socket instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
socket_addrinfo_connect | address is an AddressInfo instance now; previously, it was a resource. | |
socket_addrinfo_explain | address is an AddressInfo instance now; previously, it was a resource. | |
socket_addrinfo_lookup | On success, this function returns a array of AddressInfo instances now; previously, an array of resources was returned. | |
socket_addrinfo_lookup | service is nullable now. | |
socket_export_stream | socket is a Socket instance now; previously, it was a resource. | |
socket_import_stream | On success, this function returns a Socket instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
socket_recvmsg | socket is a Socket instance now; previously, it was a resource. | |
socket_sendmsg | socket is a Socket instance now; previously, it was a resource. | |
socket_set_block | socket is a Socket instance now; previously, it was a resource. | |
socket_wsaprotocol_info_export | socket is a Socket instance now; previously, it was a resource. | |
socket_wsaprotocol_info_import | On success, this function returns a Socket instance now; previously, a resource was returned. | |
spl_autoload | file_extensions is now nullable. | |
spl_autoload_extensions | file_extensions is now nullable. | |
spl_autoload_functions | Return value was updated to always be an array; previously this function returned false if the autoload queue wasn't activated. | |
spl_autoload_register | callback is now nullable. | |
stream_context_create | options and params are now nullable. | |
stream_context_get_default | options is now nullable. | |
stream_copy_to_stream | length is now nullable. | |
stream_get_contents | length is now nullable. | |
stream_set_chunk_size | A ValueError is now thrown if size is less than 1 or greater than PHP_INT_MAX. Previously, an E_WARNING level error was emitted and false was returned. | |
stream_socket_accept | timeout is now nullable. | |
stream_socket_client | timeout and context are now nullable. | |
stream_socket_enable_crypto | session_stream is now nullable. | |
stream_socket_server | context is nullable now. | |
GlobIterator::__construct | Now throws a ValueError if directory is an empty string; previously it threw a RuntimeException. | |
IntlCalendar::setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek | A ValueError is now thrown on invalid input. Previously, false was returned. | |
IntlTimeZone::getIDForWindowsID | region is now nullable. | |
LimitIterator::__construct | Now throws a ValueError if offset is less than 0; previously it threw a RuntimeException. | |
LimitIterator::__construct | Now throws a ValueError if limit is less than -1; previously it threw a RuntimeException. | |
Locale::getDisplayLanguage | displayLocale is nullable now. | |
Locale::getDisplayName | displayLocale is nullable now. | |
Locale::getDisplayRegion | displayLocale is nullable now. | |
Locale::getDisplayScript | displayLocale is nullable now. | |
Locale::getDisplayVariant | displayLocale is nullable now. | |
mysqli_result::fetch_object | constructor_args now accepts [] for constructors with 0 parameters; previously an exception was thrown. | |
mysqli_result::field_seek | This function now always returns true. Previously it returned false on failure. | |
mysqli_stmt::close | This function now always returns true. Previously it returned false on failure. | |
mysqli_stmt::__construct | query is now nullable. | |
mysqli::begin_transaction | name is now nullable. | |
mysqli::close | This function now always returns true. Previously it returned false on failure. | |
mysqli::commit | name is now nullable. | |
mysqli::debug | This function now always returns true. Previously it returned false on failure. | |
mysqli::rollback | name is now nullable. | |
NumberFormatter::create | pattern is nullable now. | |
PDOStatement::fetchAll | This method always returns an array now, while previously false may have been returned on failure. | |
Phar::addFile | localName is now nullable. | |
Phar::buildFromIterator | baseDirectory is now nullable. | |
Phar::compress | extension is now nullable. | |
Phar::convertToData | format, compression, and extension are now nullable. | |
Phar::convertToExecutable | format, compression, and extension are now nullable. | |
Phar::createDefaultStub | index and webIndex are now nullable. | |
Phar::decompress | extension is now nullable. | |
Phar::getMetadata | The parameter unserializeOptions has been added. | |
Phar::setDefaultStub | webIndex is nullable now. | |
Phar::setSignatureAlgorithm | privateKey is now nullable. | |
Phar::webPhar | fileNotFoundScript and rewrite are nullable now. | |
PharData::addFile | localName is now nullable. | |
PharData::buildFromIterator | baseDirectory is now nullable. | |
PharData::compress | extension is now nullable. | |
PharData::convertToData | format, compression, and extension are now nullable. | |
PharData::convertToExecutable | format, compression, and localName are now nullable. | |
PharData::decompress | extension is now nullable. | |
PharData::setDefaultStub | webIndex is nullable now. | |
PharData::setSignatureAlgorithm | privateKey is now nullable. | |
PharFileInfo::getMetadata | The parameter unserializeOptions has been added. | |
PharFileInfo::isCompressed | compression is now nullable. | |
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct | Now throws a ValueError if directory is an empty string; previously it threw a RuntimeException. | |
RecursiveIteratorIterator::getSubIterator | level is now nullable. | |
ReflectionClass::getConstants | filter has been added. | |
ReflectionClass::getReflectionConstants | filter has been added. | |
ReflectionFunction::invokeArgs | args keys will now be interpreted as parameter names, instead of being silently ignored. | |
ReflectionFunction::isDisabled | This function has been deprecated, as ReflectionFunction can no longer be constructed for disabled functions. | |
ReflectionMethod::export | Removed this function. | |
ReflectionMethod::getClosure | object is now nullable. | |
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs | args keys will now be interpreted as parameter names, instead of being silently ignored. | |
ReflectionParameter::getClass | This function has been deprecated in favor of ReflectionParameter::getType instead. | |
ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValue | This method now allows getting the default value of parameters of built-in functions and built-in class methods. Previously, a ReflectionException was thrown. | |
ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValueConstantName | This method now allows getting the default values' constant names of built-in functions and built-in class methods. Previously, a ReflectionException was thrown. | |
ReflectionParameter::isArray | This function has been deprecated in favor of ReflectionParameter::getType instead. | |
ReflectionParameter::isCallable | This function has been deprecated in favor of ReflectionParameter::getType instead. | |
ReflectionProperty::getValue | object is nullable now. | |
ReflectionProperty::isInitialized | object is nullable now. | |
ReflectionType::__toString | ReflectionType::__toString has been undeprecated. | |
Reflector::export | Removed this function. | |
SimpleXMLElement::asXML | filename is nullable now. | |
SoapClient::__doRequest | The type of oneWay is bool now; formerly it was int. | |
SoapClient::__setCookie | value is now nullable. | |
SoapServer::handle | request is now nullable. | |
SplFileInfo::getFileInfo | class is now nullable. | |
SplFileInfo::getPathInfo | class is now nullable. | |
SplFileInfo::openFile | context is now nullable. | |
SplFixedArray::__construct | Now throws a ValueError if size is a negative; previously it threw a InvalidArgumentException. | |
tidy::__construct | filename, config, encoding and useIncludePath are nullable now. | |
tidy::parseFile | config and encoding are nullable now. | |
tidy::parseString | config and encoding are nullable now. | |
tidy::repairFile | tidy::repairFile is a static method now. | |
tidy::repairFile | config and encoding are nullable now. | |
tidy::repairString | tidy::repairString is a static method now. | |
tidy::repairString | config and encoding are nullable now. | |
tidy::repairString | This function no longer accepts the useIncludePath parameter. | |
XMLReader::getAttribute | This function can no longer return false. | |
XMLReader::getAttributeNs | This function can no longer return false. | |
XMLReader::lookupNamespace | This function can no longer return false. | |
XMLReader::next | name is nullable now. | |
XMLReader::open | XMLReader::open is now declared as static method, but can still be called on an XMLReader instance. | |
XMLReader::XML | XMLReader::XML is now declared as static method, but can still be called on an XMLReader instance. | |
XMLWriter::endAttribute | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::endCdata | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::endComment | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::endDocument | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::endDtd | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::endDtdAttlist | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::endDtdElement | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::endDtdEntity | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::endElement | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::endPi | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::flush | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::flush | This function can no longer return false. | |
XMLWriter::fullEndElement | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::openMemory | This function returns now an XMLWriter instance on success. Previouly, a resource has been returned in this case. | |
XMLWriter::openUri | This function returns now an XMLWriter instance on success. Previouly, a resource has been returned in this case. | |
XMLWriter::outputMemory | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::setIndent | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::setIndentString | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::startAttribute | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::startAttributeNs | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::startAttributeNs | prefix is nullable now. | |
XMLWriter::startCdata | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::startComment | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::startDocument | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::startDtd | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::startDtdAttlist | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::startDtdElement | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::startDtdEntity | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::startElement | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::startElementNs | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::startPi | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::text | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::writeAttribute | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::writeAttributeNs | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::writeCdata | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::writeComment | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::writeDtd | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::writeDtdAttlist | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::writeDtdElement | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::writeDtdEntity | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::writeDtdEntity | publicId, systemId and notationData are nullable now. | |
XMLWriter::writeElement | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::writeElementNs | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::writePi | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
XMLWriter::writeRaw | writer expects an XMLWriter instance now; previously, a resource was expected. | |
ZipArchive::addEmptyDir | flags was added. | |
ZipArchive::addFile | flags was added. | |
ZipArchive::addFromString | flags was added. | |
ZipArchive::addGlob | "flags" in options was added. | |
ZipArchive::addGlob | "comp_method", "comp_flags", "enc_method" and "enc_password" in options were added. | |
ZipArchive::getStatusString | This method can be called on closed archive. | |
ZipArchive::getStatusString | This method no longer returns false on failure. | |
ZipArchive::setEncryptionIndex | password is now nullable. | |
ZipArchive::setEncryptionName | password is now nullable. | |
7.4.12 | tidyNode::isHtml | This function has been fixed to have reasonable behavior. Previously, almost any node was reported as being an HTML node. |
7.4.4 | proc_open | Added the create_new_console option to the options parameter. |
7.4.2 | dba_open | The lmdb driver now supports an additional map_size parameter. |
dba_popen | The lmdb driver now supports an additional map_size parameter. | |
7.4.0 | DatePeriod::__construct | recurrences must be greater than 0 now. |
fgetcsv | Il parametro escape ora accetta anche una stringa vuota per disabilitare il meccanismo di escape proprietario. | |
fputcsv | The escape parameter now also accepts an empty string to disable the proprietary escape mechanism. | |
get_magic_quotes_gpc | Questa funzione è stata deprecata. | |
get_magic_quotes_runtime | Questa funzione è stata deprecata. | |
gzread | This functions returns false on failure now; previously 0 was returned. | |
gzwrite | This functions returns false on failure now; previously 0 was returned. | |
hash_algos | Support for crc32c has been added. | |
idn_to_ascii | The default value of variant is now INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 instead of the deprecated INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003. | |
idn_to_utf8 | The default value of variant is now INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 instead of the deprecated INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003. | |
imagecropauto | The behavior of imagecropauto() in the bundled libgd has been synced with that of system libgd: IMG_CROP_DEFAULT no longer falls back to IMG_CROP_SIDES and threshold-cropping now uses the same algorithm as system libgd. | |
imagecropauto | The default value of mode has been changed to IMG_CROP_AUTO. Formerly, the default value has been -1 which corresponds to IMG_CROP_DEFAULT, but passing -1 is now deprecated. | |
imagefilter | Scatter support (IMG_FILTER_SCATTER) was added. | |
ldap_control_paged_result | This function has been deprecated. | |
ldap_control_paged_result_response | This function has been deprecated. | |
openssl_random_pseudo_bytes | The function no longer returns false on failure, but throws an Exception instead. | |
password_hash | The algo parameter expects a string now, but still accepts ints for backward compatibility. | |
password_hash | The sodium extension provides an alternative implementation for Argon2 passwords. | |
password_needs_rehash | The algo parameter expects a string now, but still accepts ints for backward compatibility. | |
preg_replace_callback | È stato aggiunto il parametro flags. | |
preg_replace_callback_array | The flags parameter was added. | |
proc_open | proc_open now also accepts an array for the command. | |
proc_open | Added the create_process_group option to the options parameter. | |
str_getcsv | The escape parameter now interprets an empty string as signal to disable the proprietary escape mechanism. Formerly, an empty string was treated like the default parameter value. | |
Locale::lookup | defaultLocale is nullable now. | |
mysqli::__construct | All parameters are now nullable. | |
mysqli::real_connect | All parameters are now nullable. | |
ReflectionClass::setStaticPropertyValue | Using ReflectionClass::setStaticPropertyValue to set a private or protected property now results in a fatal error. Previously, it threw a ReflectionException. | |
ReflectionMethod::export | Deprecated this function. | |
Reflector::export | Deprecated this function. | |
SplFileObject::fgetcsv | The escape parameter now also accepts an empty string to disable the proprietary escape mechanism. | |
SplFileObject::fputcsv | The escape parameter now also accepts an empty string to disable the proprietary escape mechanism. | |
SplFileObject::fwrite | The function now returns false instead of zero on failure. | |
SplFileObject::getCsvControl | The escape character can now be an empty string. | |
SplFileObject::setCsvControl | The escape parameter now also accepts an empty string to disable the proprietary escape mechanism. | |
SQLite3Stmt::bindParam | param now also supports the @param notation. | |
SQLite3Stmt::bindValue | param now also supports the @param notation. | |
7.3.24 | tidyNode::isHtml | This function has been fixed to have reasonable behavior. Previously, almost any node was reported as being an HTML node. |
7.3.14 | dba_open | The lmdb driver now supports an additional map_size parameter. |
dba_popen | The lmdb driver now supports an additional map_size parameter. | |
7.3.6 | DatePeriod::__construct | recurrences must be greater than 0 now. |
SplFileObject::__toString | Changed from an alias of SplFileObject::current to an alias of SplFileObject::fgets. | |
7.3.0 | DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat | The v format specifier has been added. |
apache_request_headers | Questa funzione è diventata disponibile nella FPM SAPI. | |
getallheaders | Questa funzione è diventata disponibile nella FPM SAPI. | |
imagecreatefromstring | WEBP is supported now (if supported by the libgd in use). | |
is_countable | is_countable has been added. | |
json_decode | JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR flags was added. | |
json_encode | JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR flags was added. | |
ldap_add | Support for controls added | |
ldap_compare | Support for controls added | |
ldap_delete | Support for controls added | |
ldap_exop | Support for controls added | |
ldap_exop_passwd | Support for controls added | |
ldap_list | Support for controls added | |
ldap_mod_add | Support for controls added | |
ldap_mod_del | Support for controls added | |
ldap_mod_replace | Support for controls added | |
ldap_modify_batch | Support for controls added | |
ldap_mod_add_ext | Support for controls added | |
ldap_mod_del_ext | Support for controls added | |
ldap_mod_replace_ext | Support for controls added | |
ldap_parse_result | Support for controls added | |
ldap_read | Support for controls added | |
ldap_rename | Support for controls added | |
ldap_rename_ext | Support for controls added | |
ldap_search | Support for controls added | |
password_hash | Support for Argon2id passwords using PASSWORD_ARGON2ID was added. | |
setcookie | An alternative signature supporting an options array has been added. This signature supports also setting of the SameSite cookie attribute. | |
setrawcookie | An alternative signature supporting an options array has been added. This signature supports also setting of the SameSite cookie attribute. | |
7.2.19 | DatePeriod::__construct | recurrences must be greater than 0 now. |
SplFileObject::__toString | Changed from an alias of SplFileObject::current to an alias of SplFileObject::fgets. | |
7.2.12 | DateInterval::format | The F and f format will now always be positive. |
7.2.0 | date_parse | The zone element of the returned array represents seconds instead of minutes now, and its sign is inverted. For instance -120 is now 7200. |
date_parse_from_format | The zone element of the returned array represents seconds instead of minutes now, and its sign is inverted. For instance -120 is now 7200. | |
date_sun_info | The calculation was fixed with regards to local midnight instead of local noon, which changes the results slightly. | |
exif_read_data | The file parameter now supports both local files and stream resources. | |
exif_read_data | Support for the following EXIF formats were added: Samsung DJI Panasonic Sony Pentax Minolta Sigma/Foveon AGFA Kyocera Ricoh Epson | |
exif_thumbnail | The file parameter now supports both local files and stream resources. | |
hash_copy | Accept and return HashContext instead of resource. | |
hash_final | Accept HashContext instead of resource. | |
hash_hmac | Usage of non-cryptographic hash functions (adler32, crc32, crc32b, fnv132, fnv1a32, fnv164, fnv1a64, joaat) was disabled. | |
hash_hmac_file | Usage of non-cryptographic hash functions (adler32, crc32, crc32b, fnv132, fnv1a32, fnv164, fnv1a64, joaat) was disabled. | |
hash_init | Usage of non-cryptographic hash functions (adler32, crc32, crc32b, fnv132, fnv1a32, fnv164, fnv1a64, joaat) with HASH_HMAC was disabled. | |
hash_init | Return HashContext instead of resource. | |
hash_pbkdf2 | Usage of non-cryptographic hash functions (adler32, crc32, crc32b, fnv132, fnv1a32, fnv164, fnv1a64, joaat) was disabled. | |
hash_update | Accept HashContext instead of resource. | |
hash_update_file | Accept HashContext instead of resource. | |
hash_update_stream | Accept HashContext instead of resource. | |
idn_to_ascii | INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 has been deprecated; use INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 instead. | |
idn_to_utf8 | INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 has been deprecated; use INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 instead. | |
imageantialias | imageantialias is now generally available. Formerly it was only available if PHP was compiled with the bundled version of the GD library. | |
imagegd | imagegd now allows to output truecolor images. Formerly, these have been implicitly converted to palette. | |
imagelayereffect | Added IMG_EFFECT_MULTIPLY (requires system libgd >= 2.1.1 or the bundled libgd). | |
imagetypes | IMG_BMP added. | |
json_decode | associative is nullable now. | |
json_decode | JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE, and JSON_INVALID_UTF8_SUBSTITUTE flags were added. | |
json_encode | JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE, and JSON_INVALID_UTF8_SUBSTITUTE flags were added. | |
Il parametro additional_headers ora accetta anche un array. | ||
mb_check_encoding | This function now also accepts an array as value. Formerly, only strings have been supported. | |
mb_convert_encoding | This function now also accepts an array as string. Formerly, only strings have been supported. | |
mb_parse_str | Calling mb_parse_str without the second parameter was deprecated. | |
mb_send_mail | The additional_headers parameter now also accepts an array. | |
mt_rand | mt_rand has received a bug fix for a modulo bias bug. This means that sequences generated with a specific seed may differ from PHP 7.1 on 64-bit machines. | |
openssl_pkcs7_verify | The output_filename parameter was added. | |
pack | float and double types supports both Big Endian and Little Endian. | |
parse_str | L'uso di parse_str senza un secondo parametro ora genera un avviso E_DEPRECATED. | |
password_hash | Support for Argon2i passwords using PASSWORD_ARGON2I was added. | |
proc_nice | This function is now available on Windows. | |
rand | rand has received a bug fix for a modulo bias bug. This means that sequences generated with a specific seed may differ from PHP 7.1 on 64-bit machines. | |
read_exif_data | This function alias was deprecated. | |
session_abort | The return type of this function is bool now. Formerly, it has been void. | |
session_reset | The return type of this function is bool now. Formerly, it has been void. | |
set_error_handler | errcontext è diventato deprecato. L'utilizzo di questo parametro ora genera un avviso E_DEPRECATED. | |
unpack | float and double types supports both Big Endian and Little Endian. | |
utf8_decode | This function has been moved from the XML extension to the core of PHP. In previous versions, it was only available if the XML extension was installed. | |
utf8_encode | This function has been moved from the XML extension to the core of PHP. In previous versions, it was only available if the XML extension was installed. | |
PDOStatement::debugDumpParams | PDOStatement::debugDumpParams now returns the SQL sent to the database, including the full, raw query (including the replaced placeholders with their bounded values). Note, that this will only be available if emulated prepared statements are turned on. | |
ReflectionClass::getMethods | filter is nullable now. | |
ReflectionClass::getProperties | filter is nullable now. | |
SQLite3::openBlob | The flags parameter has been added, allowing to write BLOBs; formerly only reading was supported. | |
7.1.5 | IntlDateFormatter::format | Support for providing general DateTimeInterface objects to the datetime parameter was added. Formerly, only proper DateTime objects were supported. |
7.1.4 | PDO::sqliteCreateFunction | The flags parameter has been added. |
SQLite3::createFunction | The flags parameter has been added. | |
7.1.2 | dns_get_record | Added support for CAA record type. |
fopen | È stata aggiunta l'opzione 'e'. | |
7.1.1 | get_defined_functions | The exclude_disabled parameter has been added. |
pack | The "e", "E", "g" and "G" codes were added to enable byte order support for float and double. | |
7.1.0 | DateInterval::format | The F and f format characters were added. |
DateTime::setTime | The microsecond parameter was added. | |
DateTimeImmutable::__construct | From now on microseconds are filled with actual value. Not with '00000'. | |
DateTimeImmutable::setTime | The microsecond parameter was added. | |
DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers | countryCode is nullable now. | |
curl_multi_setopt | Introduced CURLMOPT_PUSHFUNCTION. | |
exif_imagetype | Added WebP support. | |
get_headers | The context parameter was added. | |
getimagesize | Added WebP support. | |
grapheme_extract | Support for negative offsets has been added. | |
grapheme_stripos | Support for negative offsets has been added. | |
grapheme_strpos | Support for negative offsets has been added. | |
hash_algos | Support for sha512/224, sha512/256, sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384 and sha3-512 has been added. | |
iconv_strpos | Support for negative offsets has been added. | |
json_decode | An empty JSON key ("") can be encoded to the empty object property instead of using a key with value _empty_. | |
json_encode | JSON_UNESCAPED_LINE_TERMINATORS flags was added. | |
json_encode | serialize_precision is used instead of precision when encoding float values. | |
mb_ereg | mb_ereg will now set matches to an empty array, if nothing matched. Formerly, matches was not modified in that case. | |
mb_ereg_replace | The function checks whether string is valid for the current encoding. | |
mb_ereg_replace | The e modifier has been deprecated. | |
mb_ereg_replace_callback | The function checks whether string is valid for the current encoding. | |
mb_ereg_search_setpos | Support for negative offsets has been added. | |
mb_eregi | mb_eregi will now set matches to an empty array, if nothing matched. Formerly, matches was not modified in that case. | |
mb_eregi_replace | The function checks whether string is valid for the current encoding. | |
mb_eregi_replace | The e modifier has been deprecated. | |
mb_regex_set_options | The "e" option now emits an E_DEPRECATED. | |
mb_strimwidth | Support for negative starts and widths has been added. | |
mb_stripos | Support for negative offsets has been added. | |
mb_strpos | Support for negative offsets has been added. | |
mt_rand | rand has been made an alias of mt_rand. | |
mt_rand | mt_rand has been updated to use the fixed, correct, version of the Mersenne Twister algorithm. To fall back to the old behaviour, use mt_srand with MT_RAND_PHP as the second parameter. | |
mt_srand | srand has been made an alias of mt_srand. | |
mt_srand | mt_rand has been updated to use the fixed, correct, version of the Mersenne Twister algorithm. To fall back to the old behaviour, use mt_srand with MT_RAND_PHP as the second parameter. | |
openssl_csr_new | options now also supports curve_name. | |
openssl_decrypt | The tag and aad parameters were added. | |
openssl_encrypt | The tag, aad and tag_length parameters were added. | |
openssl_pkey_new | The curve_name key of the options parameter was added to make it possible to create EC keys based on Elliptic Curve algorithms. | |
output_add_rewrite_var | As of PHP 7.1.0, a dedicated output buffer is used, url_rewriter.tags is used solely for output functions and url_rewriter.hosts is available. Prior to PHP 7.1.0, rewrite variables set by output_add_rewrite_var shared an output buffer with transparent session id support (see session.trans_sid_tags). | |
output_reset_rewrite_vars | Before PHP 7.1.0, rewrite vars set by output_add_rewrite_var use the same Session module trans sid output buffer. Since PHP 7.1.0, dedicated output buffer is used and output_reset_rewrite_vars only removes rewrite vars defined by output_add_rewrite_var. | |
pcntl_signal | As of PHP 7.1.0 the handler callback is given a second argument containing the siginfo of the specific signal. This data is only supplied if the operating system has the siginfo_t structure. If the OS does not implement siginfo_t NULL is supplied. | |
pcntl_signal_get_handler | pcntl_signal_get_handler has been added. | |
rand | rand has been made an alias of mt_rand. | |
srand | srand has been made an alias of mt_srand. | |
unpack | The optional offset has been added. | |
ReflectionType::__toString | ReflectionType::__toString has been deprecated. | |
SessionHandler::gc | Prior to this version, the function returned true on success. | |
SessionHandlerInterface::gc | Prior to this version, the function returned true on success. | |
7.0.16 | dns_get_record | Added support for CAA record type. |
fopen | È stata aggiunta l'opzione 'e'. | |
7.0.15 | get_defined_functions | The exclude_disabled parameter has been added. |
pack | The "e", "E", "g" and "G" codes were added to enable byte order support for float and double. | |
7.0.11 | iconv_substr | If string is equal to offset characters long, an empty string will be returned. Prior to this version, false was returned in this case. |
7.0.10 | imagetypes | IMG_WEBP added. |
SplFileObject::getCsvControl | Added the escape character to the returned array. | |
SQLite3::__construct | The filename can now be empty to use a private, temporary on-disk database. | |
7.0.0 | assert | assert è ora un costrutto del linguaggio e non una funzione. assertion ora può essere usata come un'espressione. Il secondo parametro è ora interpretato o come un exception (se viene passato un oggettoThrowable), o come la description supportato da PHP 5.4.8 in poi. |
is_numeric | Le stringhe nella notazione esadecimale (per esempio 0xf4c3b00c) non sono più considerate come stringhe numeriche, ovvero is_numeric ora restituisce false. | |
list | L'ordine di esecuzione delle operazioni di assegnazione è cambiato. | |
list | Le espressioni list non possono più essere completamente vuote. | |
list | Le stringhe non possono più essere spacchettate. | |
set_exception_handler | Il tipo di parametro passato in exception_handler è cambiato da Exception a Throwable | |
setlocale | Il supporto per il parametro category passato come una stringa è stato rimosso. Solo le costanti LC_* possono essere usate in questa versione. | |
6 | error_reporting | E_STRICT è diventata parte di E_ALL. |
5.6.0 | curl_setopt | CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD è ora true per impostazione predefinita. |
curl_setopt | Rimosso CURLOPT_CLOSEPOLICY e i suoi valori associati. | |
5.5.0 | curl_setopt | Aggiunta la risorsa cURL come primo argomento alla callback CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION. |
curl_setopt | Introdotto CURLOPT_SHARE. | |
empty | empty ora supporta le espressioni, piuttosto che solo variabili. | |
set_exception_handler | In precedenza, se veniva passato null allora questa funzione restituiva true. Restituisce il gestore precedente da PHP 5.5.0. | |
5.4.8 | assert | È stato aggiunto il parametro description. La description è anche ora fornita ad una funzione di callback in modalità ASSERT_CALLBACK come quarto parametro. |
5.4.0 | array_multisort | Le costanti SORT_NATURAL e SORT_FLAG_CASE sonon state aggiunte a array1_sort_flags come flag di tipo. |
empty | Il controllo su offset non numerici di stringhe restituisce true. | |
iconv | Da questa versione, la funzione restituisce false in caso di caratteri illegali, a meno che non venga specificato //IGNORE nel charset di output. Prima, questa funzione restituiva una stringa di output parziale. | |
isset | Il controllo su offset di stringhe non numerici ora restituisce false. | |
5.3.9 | is_a | Aggiunto il parametro allow_string |
is_subclass_of | Aggiunto il parametro allow_string | |
5.3.7 | curl_getinfo | Introdotto CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL. |
is_subclass_of | Aggiunto il supporto per class_name per funzionare come le interfacce | |
5.3.4 | sleep | Prima di PHP 5.3.4 in Windows, sleep ritorna sempre null quando è eseguita, a prescindere dal fatto che sia stata interrotta o meno. |
5.3.0 | array_multisort | La costante SORT_LOCALE_STRING è stata aggiunta a array1_sort_flags come flag di tipo. |
curl_setopt | Introdotto CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION. | |
get_class | null è diventato il valore di default per object, quindi passare null a object ora ha lo stesso risultato di non passare nessun valore. | |
get_object_vars | Questa funzione ora restituisce null se object non è un oggetto. In precedenza veniva restituito false. | |
is_a | Questa funzione non è più deprecata, e quindi non genererà warning E_STRICT. | |
setlocale | Questa funzione emette un avviso E_DEPRECATED se una stringa è passata al parametro category invece che una delle costanti LC_*. | |
strtotime | Prima di PHP 5.3.0, i formati del tempo relativi forniti all'argomento time di strtotime come this week, previous week, last week, e next week erano interpretati per intendere un periodo di 7 giorni relativo alla data/ora corrente, invece di un periodo settimanale di Monday a Sunday. | |
strtotime | Prima di PHP 5.3.0, 24:00 non era un formato valido e strtotime restituiva false. | |
5.2.10 | curl_setopt | Introdotto CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, e CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS. |
5.2.7 | error_log | Aggiunto il valore 4 per message_type |
strtotime | In PHP 5 precedente a 5.2.7, richiedere una data occorrenza di un dato giorno della settimana in un mese dove il giorno della settimana era il primo giorno del mese aggiungerebbe in modo scorretto una settimana al timestamp restituito. Questo è stato corretto in 5.2.7 e nelle versioni successive. | |
5.2.5 | addcslashes | Sono state aggiunte le sequenze di escape \v e \f. |
debug_backtrace | Aggiunto il parametro opzionale provide_object. | |
5.2.4 | curl_getinfo | Introdotto CURLINFO_PRIVATE. |
5.2.0 | error_reporting | Inserita E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR. |
5.1.3 | curl_getinfo | Introdotto CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT. |
5.1.1 | debug_backtrace | Aggiunto l'object corrente come possibile elemento di ritorno. |
gmdate | Ci sono delle costanti utili di formati data/orario standard che possono essere usate per specificare il parametro format. | |
get_parent_class | Se venisse chiamata senza parametro fuori dall'oggetto, questa funzione dovrebbe restituire null con un avvertimento, ma ora restituisce false. | |
gmdate | Il range valido di un timestamp è tipicamente da Venerdì, 13 Dicembre 1901 20:45:54 GMT a Martedì, 19 Gennaio 2038 03:14:07 GMT. (Queste sono le date che corrispondono ai valori minimo e massimo per un intero a 32-bit con il segno). Comunque, prima di PHP 5.1.0 questo range era limitato da 01-01-1970 a 01-19-2038 su alcuni sistemi (per esempio Windows). | |
intval | Genera E_NOTICE e restituisce 1, quando un oggetto è passato a var. | |
sha1_file | Modificata la funzione per utilizzare lr API streams. Ciò significa che si può utlizzare la funzione con i vari warppers, tipo sha1_file('http://example.com/..') | |
str_word_count | Aggiunto il parametro charlist | |
strtotime | Ora restituisce false in caso di fallimento, invece di -1. | |
strtotime | Ora emette gli errori time zone E_STRICT e E_NOTICE | |
var_export | Possibilità di esportare classi e array contenenti classi utilizzando il metodo magico __set_state(). | |
5.0.3 | get_class_vars | get_class_vars restituirà solo le proprietà che possono essere accedute dall'ambito corrente. |
is_subclass_of | Si potrebbe anche specificare il parametro object come una stringa (il nome della classe) | |
5.0.2 | get_class_vars | Chiamando get_class_vars verranno esposte tutte le proprietà come array, a differenza dei precedenti comportamenti dove le proprietà protected e private erano prefissate con byte nul. |
strtotime | In PHP 5 fino a 5.0.2, "now" e altri tempi relativi sono erroneamente calcolati a partire dalla mezzanotte di oggi. Questo differisce dalle altre versioni in cui viene correttamente calcolato dal tempo corrente. | |
5.0.1 | get_class_vars | Chiamando get_class_vars verranno esposte tutte le proprietà, come quando si converte un oggetto in una classe. |
error_reporting | Inserita E_STRICT (non fa parte di E_ALL). | |
is_a | Questa funzione venne deprecata in favore dell'operatore instanceof. La chiamata a questa funzione risulterà in un warning E_STRICT. | |
opendir | path accetta il wrapper URL ftp:// . | |
sha1_file | Aggiunto il parametro raw_output. | |
strtotime | I microsecondi hanno cominciato ad essere consentiti, ma sono ignorati. | |
usleep | Questa funzione ora funziona anche sui sistemi Windows. |