PHP 8.2.28 Released!


(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL enchant >= 0.1.0 )

enchant_dict_store_replacementAdd a correction for a word


enchant_dict_store_replacement(EnchantDictionary $dictionary, string $misspelled, string $correct): void

Add a correction for 'mis' using 'cor'. Notes that you replaced @mis with @cor, so it's possibly more likely that future occurrences of @mis will be replaced with @cor. So it might bump @cor up in the suggestion list.

Elenco dei parametri


An Enchant dictionary returned by enchant_broker_request_dict() or enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict().


The work to fix


The correct word

Valori restituiti

Restituisce true in caso di successo, false in caso di fallimento.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
8.0.0 dictionary expects an EnchantDictionary instance now; previoulsy, a resource was expected.
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