PHP 8.2.28 Released!


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

mb_ereg_search_regsReturns the matched part of a multibyte regular expression


mb_ereg_search_regs(?string $pattern = null, ?string $options = null): array|false

Returns the matched part of a multibyte regular expression.

Elenco dei parametri


The search pattern.


The search option. See mb_regex_set_options() for explanation.

Valori restituiti

mb_ereg_search_regs() executes the multibyte regular expression match, and if there are some matched part, it returns an array including substring of matched part as first element, the first grouped part with brackets as second element, the second grouped part as third element, and so on. It returns false on error.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
8.0.0 pattern and options are nullable now.



La codifica interna o la codifica dei caratteri specificata da mb_regex_encoding() sarà utilizzata come codifica ei caratteri per questa funzione.

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