PHP 8.4.3 Released!


(mongodb >=1.16.0)

MongoDB\BSON\Document::toCanonicalExtendedJSONReturns the Canonical Extended JSON representation of the BSON document


final public MongoDB\BSON\Document::toCanonicalExtendedJSON(): string

Converts the BSON document to its » Canonical Extended JSON representation. The canonical format prefers type fidelity at the expense of concise output and is most suited for producing output that can be converted back to BSON without any loss of type information (e.g. numeric types will remain differentiated).

Bağımsız Değişkenler

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Dönen Değerler

Returns a string containing the » Canonical Extended JSON representation of the BSON document.


Örnek 1 MongoDB\BSON\Document::toCanonicalExtendedJSON() example


= [
'null' => null ],
'boolean' => true ],
'string' => 'foo' ],
'int32' => 123 ],
'int64' => 4294967295 ],
'double' => 1.0 ],
'nan' => NAN ],
'pos_inf' => INF ],
'neg_inf' => -INF ],
'array' => [ 'foo', 'bar' ]],
'document' => [ 'foo' => 'bar' ]],
'oid' => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId('56315a7c6118fd1b920270b1') ],
'dec128' => new MongoDB\BSON\Decimal128('1234.5678') ],
'binary' => new MongoDB\BSON\Binary('foo', MongoDB\BSON\Binary::TYPE_GENERIC) ],
'date' => new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime(1445990400000) ],
'timestamp' => new MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp(1234, 5678) ],
'regex' => new MongoDB\BSON\Regex('pattern', 'i') ],
'code' => new MongoDB\BSON\Javascript('function() { return 1; }') ],
'code_ws' => new MongoDB\BSON\Javascript('function() { return a; }', ['a' => 1]) ],
'minkey' => new MongoDB\BSON\MinKey ],
'maxkey' => new MongoDB\BSON\MaxKey ],

foreach (
$documents as $document) {
$bson = MongoDB\BSON\Document::fromPHP($document);
$bson->toCanonicalExtendedJSON(), "\n";


Yukarıdaki örneğin çıktısı:

{ "null" : null }
{ "boolean" : true }
{ "string" : "foo" }
{ "int32" : { "$numberInt" : "123" } }
{ "int64" : { "$numberLong" : "4294967295"} }
{ "double" : { "$numberDouble" : "1.0" } }
{ "nan" : { "$numberDouble" : "NaN" } }
{ "pos_inf" : { "$numberDouble" : "Infinity" } }
{ "neg_inf" : { "$numberDouble" : "-Infinity" } }
{ "array" : [ "foo", "bar" ] }
{ "document" : { "foo" : "bar" } }
{ "oid" : { "$oid" : "56315a7c6118fd1b920270b1" } }
{ "dec128" : { "$numberDecimal" : "1234.5678" } }
{ "binary" : { "$binary" : { "base64": "Zm9v", "subType" : "00" } } }
{ "date" : { "$date" : { "$numberLong" : "1445990400000" } } }
{ "timestamp" : { "$timestamp" : { "t" : 5678, "i" : 1234 } } }
{ "regex" : { "$regularExpression" : { "pattern" : "pattern", "options" : "i" } } }
{ "code" : { "$code" : "function() { return 1; }" } }
{ "code_ws" : { "$code" : "function() { return a; }", "$scope" : { "a" : { "$numberInt" : "1" } } } }
{ "minkey" : { "$minKey" : 1 } }
{ "maxkey" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } }

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