
(PECL xpass >= 1.1.0)

crypt_checksaltValidate a crypt setting string


crypt_checksalt(string $salt): ?string

Checks the salt string against the system configuration and reports whether the hashing method and parameters it specifies are acceptable. It is intended to be used to determine whether the user's passphrase should be re-hashed using the currently preferred hashing method.

Bağımsız Değişkenler

Salt string to check.

Dönen Değerler

Returns one of the CRYPT_SALT_* as an int.


Örnek 1 A crypt_checksalt() example

// Generate a salt for a legacy method
$salt = crypt_gensalt(CRYPT_PREFIX_STD_DES);
// Check the salt
$test = crypt_checksalt($salt);
var_dump($test === CRYPT_SALT_METHOD_LEGACY);

// Generate a salt for default method
$salt = crypt_gensalt();
// Check the salt
$test = crypt_checksalt($salt);
var_dump($test === CRYPT_SALT_OK);

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