PHP 8.3.17 Released!

Imagick sınıfı

(PECL imagick 2, PECL imagick 3)

Sınıf Sözdizimi

class Imagick implements Iterator {
public __construct(mixed $dosyalar = ?)
public adaptiveBlurImage(float $yarıçap, float $sapma, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public adaptiveResizeImage(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    bool $sığdır = false,
    bool $eski = false
): bool
public adaptiveSharpenImage(float $yarıçap, float $sapma, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public adaptiveThresholdImage(int $genişlik, int $yükseklik, int $başlangıç): bool
public addImage(Imagick $kaynak): bool
public addNoiseImage(int $gürültü_türü, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public animateImages(string $x_sunucusu): bool
public annotateImage(
    ImagickDraw $çizim_ayarı,
    float $x,
    float $y,
    float $açı,
    string $metin
): bool
public appendImages(bool $yön = false): Imagick
public autoLevelImage(int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public blackThresholdImage(mixed $threshold): bool
public blueShiftImage(float $factor = 1.5): bool
public blurImage(float $yarıçap, float $sapma, int $kanal = ?): bool
public borderImage(mixed $çerçeve_rengi, int $genişlik, int $yükseklik): bool
public brightnessContrastImage(float $brightness, float $contrast, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public charcoalImage(float $yarıçap, float $sapma): bool
public chopImage(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    int $x,
    int $y
): bool
public clampImage(int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public clear(): bool
public clipImagePath(string $pathname, string $inside): void
public clipPathImage(string $yol_adı, bool $içinde): bool
public clone(): Imagick
public clutImage(Imagick $renk_tablosu, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public colorFloodfillImage(
    mixed $dolgu,
    float $benzerlik,
    mixed $çerçeve_rengi,
    int $x,
    int $y
): bool
public colorizeImage(mixed $renk, bool $matlık = false): bool
public colorMatrixImage(array $color_matrix = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public combineImages(int $kanal): Imagick
public commentImage(string $açıklama): bool
public compareImageChannels(Imagick $görüntü, int $kanal, int $metrik): array
public compareImageLayers(int $yöntem): Imagick
public compareImages(Imagick $görüntü, int $metrik): array
public compositeImage(
    Imagick $birleşik_nesne,
    int $işleç,
    int $x,
    int $y,
    int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool
public contrastImage(bool $zıtlık): bool
public contrastStretchImage(float $siyah_nokta, float $beyaz_nokta, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public convolveImage(array $çekirdek, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public count(int $mode = 0): int
public cropImage(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    int $x,
    int $y
): bool
public cropThumbnailImage(int $genişlik, int $yükseklik, bool $eski = false): bool
public current(): Imagick
public cycleColormapImage(int $miktar): bool
public decipherImage(string $parola): bool
public deleteImageArtifact(string $artifact): bool
public deskewImage(float $threshold): bool
public destroy(): bool
public displayImage(string $sunucu): bool
public displayImages(string $sunucu): bool
public distortImage(int $yöntem, array $bağımsız_değişkenler, bool $sığdır): bool
public drawImage(ImagickDraw $işlem): bool
public edgeImage(float $yarıçap): bool
public embossImage(float $yarıçap, float $sapma): bool
public encipherImage(string $parola): bool
public enhanceImage(): bool
public evaluateImage(int $işleç, float $terim, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public exportImagePixels(
    int $x,
    int $y,
    int $width,
    int $height,
    string $map,
    int $STORAGE
): array
public extentImage(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    int $x,
    int $y
): bool
public filter(ImagickKernel $ImagickKernel, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_UNDEFINED): bool
public flipImage(): bool
public floodFillPaintImage(
    mixed $dolgu,
    float $benzerlik,
    mixed $hedef,
    int $x,
    int $y,
    bool $ters,
    int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool
public frameImage(
    mixed $mat_renk,
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    int $iç_pah,
    int $dış_pah
): bool
public functionImage(int $function, array $arguments, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public fxImage(string $ifade, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): Imagick
public gammaImage(float $gamma, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public gaussianBlurImage(float $yarıçap, float $sapma, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public getColorspace(): int
public getFont(): string
public getFormat(): string
public getGravity(): int
public static getHomeURL(): string
public getImage(): Imagick
public getImageArtifact(string $artifact): string
public getImageChannelDepth(int $kanal): int
public getImageChannelDistortion(Imagick $görüntü, int $kanal, int $metrik): float
public getImageChannelDistortions(Imagick $reference, int $metric, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): float
public getImageChannelKurtosis(int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): array
public getImageChannelMean(int $kanal): array
public getImageChannelRange(int $channel): array
public getImageDelay(): int
public getImageDepth(): int
public getImageDistortion(Imagick $görüntü, int $metrik): float
public getImageIndex(): int
public getImageMatte(): int
public getImageProfiles(string $şablon = "*", bool $değerler_ile = true): array
public getImageProperties(string $şablon = "*", bool $değerler_ile = true): array
public getImageRegion(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    int $x,
    int $y
): Imagick
public getImageScene(): int
public getImageSize(): int
public getImageType(): int
public getImageUnits(): int
public getImageWidth(): int
public getOption(string $anahtar): string
public getPage(): array
public getPixelRegionIterator(
    int $x,
    int $y,
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik
): ImagickPixelIterator
public static getQuantum(): int
public static getRegistry(string $key): string
public getResource(int $tür): int
public getResourceLimit(int $tür): int
public getSize(): array
public getSizeOffset(): int
public getVersion(): array
public haldClutImage(Imagick $clut, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public hasNextImage(): bool
public identifyFormat(string $embedText): string|false
public identifyImage(bool $hamÇıktıEkle = false): array
public implodeImage(float $yarıçap): bool
public importImagePixels(
    int $x,
    int $y,
    int $width,
    int $height,
    string $map,
    int $storage,
    array $pixels
): bool
public inverseFourierTransformImage(Imagick $complement, bool $magnitude): bool
public labelImage(string $yafta): bool
public levelImage(
    float $siyah_nokta,
    float $gamma,
    float $beyaz_nokta,
    int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool
public linearStretchImage(float $siyah_nokta, float $beyaz_nokta): bool
public liquidRescaleImage(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    float $delta_x,
    float $diklik
): bool
public static listRegistry(): array
public magnifyImage(): bool
public mapImage(Imagick $görüntü, bool $kıpırtı): bool
public matteFloodfillImage(
    float $alfa,
    float $benzerlik,
    mixed $çerçeve_rengi,
    int $x,
    int $y
): bool
public medianFilterImage(float $yarıçap): bool
public mergeImageLayers(int $katman_yöntemi): bool
public minifyImage(): bool
public modulateImage(float $parlaklık, float $doygunluk, float $sıcaklık): bool
public montageImage(
    ImagickDraw $nesne,
    string $döşeme_geometrisi,
    string $örnek_geometrisi,
    int $kip,
    string $çerçeve
): Imagick
public morphImages(int $kare_sayısı): Imagick
public morphology(
    int $morphologyMethod,
    int $iterations,
    ImagickKernel $ImagickKernel,
    int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool
public motionBlurImage(
    float $yarıçap,
    float $sapma,
    float $açı,
    int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool
public negateImage(bool $gri_tonlama, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public newImage(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    mixed $artalan,
    string $biçem = ?
): bool
public newPseudoImage(int $genişlik, int $yükseklik, string $sözde_dizge): bool
public nextImage(): bool
public normalizeImage(int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public oilPaintImage(float $yarıcap): bool
public opaquePaintImage(
    mixed $hedef,
    mixed $renk,
    float $benzerlik,
    bool $ters,
    int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool
public orderedPosterizeImage(string $eşik_eşlemi, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public paintFloodfillImage(
    mixed $dolgu,
    float $benzerlik,
    mixed $çerçeve_rengi,
    int $x,
    int $y,
    int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool
public paintOpaqueImage(
    mixed $eskisi,
    mixed $yenisi,
    float $benzerlik,
    int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool
public paintTransparentImage(mixed $hedef, float $alfa, float $benzerlik): bool
public pingImage(string $dosya): bool
publicpingImageBlob(string $görüntü): bool
public pingImageFile(resource $dt, string $dosya = ?): bool
public posterizeImage(int $seviyeler, bool $kıpırtı): bool
public previewImages(int $preview): bool
public profileImage(string $isim, ?string $profil): bool
public quantizeImage(
    int $renk_sayısı,
    int $renk_uzayı,
    int $ağaç_derinliği,
    bool $kıpırtı,
    bool $ölçme_hatası
): bool
public quantizeImages(
    int $renk_sayısı,
    int $renk_uzayı,
    int $ağaç_derinliği,
    bool $kıpırtı,
    bool $ölçme_hatası
): bool
public queryFontMetrics(ImagickDraw $nesne, string $metin, bool $çoksatırlı = ?): array
public static queryFonts(string $şablon = "*"): array
public static queryFormats(string $şablon = "*"): array
public radialBlurImage(float $açı, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public raiseImage(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    int $x,
    int $y,
    bool $çıkıntı
): bool
public randomThresholdImage(float $düşük, float $yüksek, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public readImage(string $dosya): bool
public readImageBlob(string $dizge, string $dosya = ?): bool
public readImageFile(resource $dt, string $dosya = null): bool
public readImages(array $filenames): bool
public animateImages(array $matris): bool
publicreduceNoiseImage(float $yarıçap): bool
public remapImage(Imagick $replacement, int $DITHER): bool
public removeImage(): bool
public render(): bool
public resampleImage(
    float $x_çözünürlüğü,
    float $y_çözünürlüğü,
    int $süzgeç,
    float $bulanıklık
): bool
public resetImagePage(string $sayfa): bool
public resizeImage(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    int $süzgeç,
    float $bulanıklık,
    bool $sığdır = false,
    bool $eski = false
): bool
public rollImage(int $x, int $y): bool
public rotateImage(mixed $artalan, float $açı): bool
public rotationalBlurImage(float $angle, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public roundCorners(
    float $x_yarıçapı,
    float $y_yarıçapı,
    float $vurgu_genişliği = 10,
    float $yer_değiştirme = 5,
    float $boyut_düzeltme = -6
): bool
public sampleImage(int $genişlik, int $yükseklik): bool
public scaleImage(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    bool $sığdır = false,
    bool $eski = false
): bool
public segmentImage(
    int $COLORSPACE,
    float $cluster_threshold,
    float $smooth_threshold,
    bool $verbose = false
): bool
public selectiveBlurImage(
    float $radius,
    float $sigma,
    float $threshold,
    int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool
public separateImageChannel(int $kanal): bool
public sepiaToneImage(float $eşik): bool
public setColorspace(int $COLORSPACE): bool
public setCompression(int $sıkıştırma): bool
public setCompressionQuality(int $seviye): bool
public setFilename(string $dosya): bool
public setFont(string $yazıtipi): bool
public setFormat(string $biçem): bool
public setGravity(int $gravity): bool
public setImage(Imagick $yenisi): bool
public setImageArtifact(string $artifact, string $value): bool
public setImageAttribute(string $key, string $value): bool
public setImageBias(float $sapma): bool
public setImageChannelDepth(int $kanal, int $derinlik): bool
public setImageClipMask(Imagick $kırpıcı_resim): bool
public setImageColorspace(int $renk_uzayı): bool
public setImageCompose(int $işleç): bool
public setImageCompression(int $sıkıştırma): bool
public setImageDelay(int $gecikme): bool
public setImageDepth(int $derinlik): bool
public setImageDispose(int $yöntem): bool
public setImageExtent(int $genişlik, int $yükseklik): bool
public setImageFilename(string $dosya): bool
public setImageFormat(string $biçem): bool
public setImageGamma(float $gamma): bool
public setImageGravity(int $gravity): bool
public setImageIndex(int $indis): bool
public setImageInterlaceScheme(int $geçişim_şeması): bool
public setImageIterations(int $yineleme): bool
public setImageMatte(bool $matlık): bool
public setImageMatteColor(mixed $şeffaf_renk): bool
public setImageOpacity(float $matlık): bool
public setImageOrientation(int $baskı_yönü): bool
public setImagePage(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    int $x,
    int $y
): bool
public setImageProfile(string $isim, string $profil): bool
public setImageProperty(string $isim, string $değer): bool
public setImageRenderingIntent(int $uygulama_tarzı): bool
public setImageResolution(float $x_çözünürlüğü, float $y_çözünürlüğü): bool
public setImageScene(int $dekor): bool
public setImageTicksPerSecond(int $göreli_hız): bool
public setImageType(int $resim_türü): bool
public setImageUnits(int $birimler): bool
public setInterlaceScheme(int $geçişim_şeması): bool
public setIteratorIndex(int $indis): bool
public setOption(string $anahtar, string $değer): bool
public setPage(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    int $x,
    int $y
): bool
public setPointSize(float $punto): bool
public setProgressMonitor(callable $callback): bool
public static setRegistry(string $key, string $value): bool
public setResolution(float $x_çözünürlüğü, float $y_çözünürlüğü): bool
public setResourceLimit(int $özkaynak, int $sınır): bool
public setSamplingFactors(array $çarpanlar): bool
public setSize(int $sütun, int $satır): bool
public setSizeOffset(int $sütun, int $satır, int $başlangıç): bool
public setType(int $görüntü_türü): bool
public shadeImage(bool $gri, float $başucu, float $yükseliş): bool
public shadowImage(
    float $matlık,
    float $sapma,
    int $x,
    int $y
): bool
public sharpenImage(float $yarıçap, float $sapma, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public shaveImage(int $sütun, int $satır): bool
public shearImage(mixed $artalan, float $x_kaykılması, float $y_kaykılması): bool
public sigmoidalContrastImage(
    bool $netleştir,
    float $zıtlık,
    float $aradeğer,
    int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool
public sketchImage(float $yarıçap, float $sapma, float $açı): bool
public smushImages(bool $stack, int $offset): Imagick
public solarizeImage(int $eşik): bool
public sparseColorImage(int $SPARSE_METHOD, array $arguments, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public spliceImage(
    int $genişlik,
    int $yükseklik,
    int $x,
    int $y
): bool
public spreadImage(float $yarıçap): bool
public statisticImage(
    int $type,
    int $width,
    int $height,
    int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool
public steganoImage(Imagick $filigran, int $konum): Imagick
public stereoImage(Imagick $görüntü): bool
public stripImage(): bool
public subImageMatch(Imagick $Imagick, array &$offset = ?, float &$similarity = ?): Imagick
public swirlImage(float $açı): bool
public thresholdImage(float $eşik, int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
public thumbnailImage(
    int $sütun,
    int $satır,
    bool $sığdır = false,
    bool $doldur = false,
    bool $eski = false
): bool
public tintImage(mixed $ton, mixed $matlık, bool $eski = false): bool
public __toString(): string
public transformImage(string $budama, string $geometri): Imagick
public transformImageColorspace(int $colorspace): bool
public transparentPaintImage(
    mixed $hedef,
    float $şeffaflık,
    float $benzerlik,
    bool $ters
): bool
public trimImage(float $benzerlik): bool
public unsharpMaskImage(
    float $yarıçap,
    float $sapma,
    float $miktar,
    float $eşik,
    int $kanal = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool
public valid(): bool
public vignetteImage(
    float $siyahNokta,
    float $beyazNokta,
    int $x,
    int $y
): bool
public waveImage(float $genlik, float $dalga_boyu): bool
public writeImage(string $dosya = null): bool
public writeImageFile(resource $dt, string $biçem = ?): bool
public writeImages(string $dosya, bool $bitişik): bool
public writeImagesFile(resource $dt, string $biçem = ?): bool

Görüntü Yöntemleri ve küresel yöntemler

Imagick sınıfı çok sayıda görüntüyü aynı anda işleme yeteneğine sahiptir. Bu dahili bir yığıt kullanılarak sağlanır. Daima üzerinde çalışılan görüntüyü gösteren bir dahili gösterici vardır. İşlevlerin çoğu sadece yığıttaki geçerli görüntü üzerinde işlem yaparken, bazıları da Imagick sınıfının tüm görüntüleri üzerinde işlem yapar. Bir uzlaşım olarak, sadece yığıttaki geçerli görüntüyü etkileyen yöntemlerin isimlerinde Image sözcüğü bulunabilir.

Sınıf yöntemleri

Çok sayıda yöntem olduğundan bunları kullanım amaçlarına göre sınıflayarak listelemek daha iyi olacak:

Kullanım Amacına göre Sınıf yöntemleri
Görüntü Etkileri Veri Alma Yöntemleri Veri Atama Yöntemleri Görüntülerin Okunması ve Yazılması Diğer İşlemler
Imagick::adaptiveBlurImage() Imagick::getCompression() Imagick::setBackgroundColor() Imagick::__construct() Imagick::clear()
Imagick::adaptiveResizeImage() Imagick::getFilename() Imagick::setCompressionQuality() Imagick::addImage() Imagick::clone()
Imagick::adaptiveSharpenImage() Imagick::getFormat() Imagick::setCompression() Imagick::appendImages() Imagick::current()
Imagick::adaptiveThresholdImage() Imagick::getImageBackgroundColor() Imagick::setFilename() Imagick::getFilename() Imagick::destroy()
Imagick::addNoiseImage() Imagick::getImageBlob() Imagick::getImagesBlob() Imagick::setFormat() Imagick::getFormat()
Imagick::affinetransformimage() Imagick::getImageBluePrimary() Imagick::setImageBackgroundColor() Imagick::getImageFilename() Imagick::getFormat()
Imagick::annotateImage() Imagick::getImageBorderColor() Imagick::setFirstIterator() Imagick::getImageFormat() Imagick::getHomeURL()
Imagick::averageImages() Imagick::getImageChannelDepth() Imagick::setImageBias() Imagick::getImage() Imagick::commentImage()
Imagick::blackThresholdImage() Imagick::getImageChannelDistortion() Imagick::setImageBluePrimary() Imagick::setImageFilename() Imagick::getNumberImages()
Imagick::blurImage() Imagick::getImageChannelExtrema() Imagick::setImageBorderColor() Imagick::setImageFormat() Imagick::getReleaseDate()
Imagick::borderImage() Imagick::getImageChannelMean() Imagick::setImageChannelDepth() Imagick::readImageFile() Imagick::getVersion()
Imagick::charcoalImage() Imagick::getImageChannelStatistics() Imagick::setImageColormapColor() Imagick::readImage() Imagick::hasNextImage()
Imagick::chopImage() Imagick::getImageColormapColor() Imagick::setImageColorSpace() Imagick::writeImages() Imagick::hasPreviousImage()
Imagick::clipImage() Imagick::getImageColorspace() Imagick::setImageCompose() Imagick::writeImage() Imagick::labelImage()
Imagick::clipPathImage() Imagick::getImageColors() Imagick::setImageCompression()   Imagick::newImage()
Imagick::coalesceImages() Imagick::getImageCompose() Imagick::setImageDelay()   Imagick::newPseudoImage()
Imagick::colorFloodFillImage() Imagick::getImageDelay() Imagick::setImageDepth()   Imagick::nextImage()
Imagick::colorizeImage() Imagick::getImageDepth() Imagick::setImageDispose()   Imagick::pingImageBlob()
Imagick::combineImages() Imagick::getImageDispose() Imagick::setImageDispose()   Imagick::pingImageFile()
Imagick::compareImageChannels() Imagick::getImageDistortion() Imagick::setImageExtent()   Imagick::pingImage()
Imagick::compareImageLayers() Imagick::getImageExtrema() Imagick::setImageFilename()   Imagick::previousImage()
Imagick::compositeImage() Imagick::getImageFilename() Imagick::setImageFormat()   Imagick::profileImage()
Imagick::contrastImage() Imagick::getImageFormat() Imagick::setImageGamma()   Imagick::queryFormats()
Imagick::contrastStretchImage() Imagick::getImageGamma() Imagick::setImageGreenPrimary()   Imagick::removeImageProfile()
Imagick::convolveImage() Imagick::getImageGeometry() Imagick::setImageIndex()   Imagick::removeImage()
Imagick::cropImage() Imagick::getImageGreenPrimary() Imagick::setImageInterpolateMethod()   Imagick::setFirstIterator()
Imagick::cycleColormapImage() Imagick::getImageHeight() Imagick::setImageIterations()   Imagick::setImageIndex()
Imagick::deconstructImages() Imagick::getImageHistogram() Imagick::setImageMatteColor()   Imagick::getCopyright()
Imagick::drawImage() Imagick::getImageIndex() Imagick::setImageMatte()    
Imagick::edgeImage() Imagick::getImageInterlaceScheme() Imagick::setImagePage()    
Imagick::embossImage() Imagick::getImageInterpolateMethod() Imagick::setImageProfile()    
Imagick::enhanceImage() Imagick::getImageIterations() Imagick::setImageProperty()    
Imagick::equalizeImage() Imagick::getImageMatteColor() Imagick::setImageRedPrimary()    
Imagick::evaluateImage() Imagick::getImageMatte() Imagick::setImageRenderingIntent()    
Imagick::flattenImages() Imagick::getImagePage() Imagick::setImageResolution()    
Imagick::flipImage() Imagick::getImagePixelColor() Imagick::setImageScene()    
Imagick::flopImage() Imagick::getImageProfile() Imagick::setImageTicksPerSecond()    
  Imagick::getImageProperty() Imagick::setImageType()    
Imagick::fxImage() Imagick::getImageRedPrimary() Imagick::setImageUnits()    
Imagick::gammaImage() Imagick::getImageRegion() Imagick::setImageVirtualPixelMethod()    
Imagick::gaussianBlurImage() Imagick::getImageRenderingIntent() Imagick::setImageWhitepoint()    
Imagick::implodeImage() Imagick::getImageResolution() Imagick::setInterlaceScheme()    
Imagick::levelImage() Imagick::getImageScene() Imagick::setOption()    
Imagick::linearStretchImage() Imagick::getImageSignature() Imagick::setPage()    
Imagick::magnifyImage() Imagick::getImageTicksPerSecond() Imagick::setResolution()    
Imagick::matteFloodFillImage() Imagick::getImageTotalInkDensity() Imagick::setResourceLimit()    
Imagick::medianFilterImage() Imagick::getImageType() Imagick::setSamplingFactors()    
Imagick::minifyImage() Imagick::getImageUnits() Imagick::setSizeOffset()    
Imagick::modulateImage() Imagick::getImageVirtualPixelMethod() Imagick::setSize()    
Imagick::montageImage() Imagick::getImageWhitepoint() Imagick::setType()    
Imagick::morphImages() Imagick::getImageWidth()      
Imagick::mosaicImages() Imagick::getImage()      
Imagick::motionBlurImage() Imagick::getInterlaceScheme()      
Imagick::negateImage() Imagick::getNumberImages()      
Imagick::normalizeImage() Imagick::getOption()      
Imagick::oilPaintImage() Imagick::getPackageName()      
Imagick::optimizeImageLayers() Imagick::getPage()      
Imagick::paintOpaqueImage() Imagick::getPixelIterator()      
Imagick::paintTransparentImage() Imagick::getPixelRegionIterator()      
Imagick::posterizeImage() Imagick::getQuantumDepth()      
Imagick::radialBlurImage() Imagick::getQuantumRange()      
Imagick::raiseImage() Imagick::getResourceLimit()      
Imagick::randomThresholdImage() Imagick::getResource()      
Imagick::reduceNoiseImage() Imagick::getSamplingFactors()      
Imagick::render() Imagick::getSizeOffset()      
Imagick::resampleImage() Imagick::getSize()      
Imagick::resizeImage() Imagick::identifyImage()      
Imagick::rollImage() Imagick::getImageSize()      


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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

StealthFox at live dot com
16 years ago
Users looking to save with these functions should know it can be done easily, for example

("Content-Type: image/{$Imagick->getImageFormat()}");
$data = $Imagick->getImageBlob ();
file_put_contents ('test.png', $data);

That would display the image, and then save it to test.png. Such things are helpful especially when you need to reload images after creating them or save for later. :)
benkuhl at gmail dot com
12 years ago
When using this library with PDFs, the term "image" applies to a page where the pointer begins at the last page of the document.


= new Imagick('myPdf.pdf'); //2 page PDF

$document->getNumberImages(); //returns 2

var_dump($document->hasNextImage()); //returns false - remember, we're on the last page
var_dump($document->hasPreviousImage()); //returns true


If you need to do more than generate thumbnails from a PDF, use XPDF:
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