PHP 8.4.3 Released!


(mongodb >=1.4.0)

MongoDB\Driver\Manager::startSessionStart a new client session for use with this client


final public MongoDB\Driver\Manager::startSession(?array $options = null): MongoDB\Driver\Session

Creates a MongoDB\Driver\Session for the given options. The session may then be specified when executing commands, queries, and write operations.

Зауваження: A MongoDB\Driver\Session can only be used with the MongoDB\Driver\Manager from which it was created.



Option Type Description Default
causalConsistency bool

Configure causal consistency in a session. If true, each operation in the session will be causally ordered after the previous read or write operation. Set to false to disable causal consistency.

See » Casual Consistency in the MongoDB manual for more information.

defaultTransactionOptions array

Default options to apply to newly created transactions. These options are used unless they are overridden when a transaction is started with different value for each option.

Option Type Description
maxCommitTimeMS int

Час (у мілісекундах), що відводиться на виконання однієї команди commitTransaction.

Параметр maxCommitTimeMS повинен бути знаковим 32-бітним цілим числом, що рівне або більше за нуль.

readConcern MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern

Вимога щодо зчитування.

Цей параметр доступний в MongoDB 3.2+, тож його застосування у старіших версіях викине виключення під час виконання.

readPreference MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference

Параметр читання для вибору сервера для операції.

writeConcern MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern

Вимога щодо запису.

This option is available in MongoDB 4.0+.

snapshot bool

Configure snapshot reads in a session. If true, a timestamp will be obtained from the first supported read operation in the session (i.e. find, aggregate, or unsharded distinct). Subsequent read operations within the session will then utilize a "snapshot" read concern level to read majority-committed data from that timestamp. Set to false to disable snapshot reads.

Snapshot reads require MongoDB 5.0+ and cannot be used with causal consistency, transactions, or write operations. If "snapshot" is true, "causalConsistency" will default to false.

See » Read Concern "snapshot" in the MongoDB manual for more information.


Значення, що повертаються

Returns a MongoDB\Driver\Session.


Журнал змін

Версія Опис
PECL mongodb 1.11.0

The "snapshot" option was added.

PECL mongodb 1.6.0

The "maxCommitTimeMS" option was added to "defaultTransactionOptions".

PECL mongodb 1.5.0

The "defaultTransactionOptions" option was added.

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