PHP 8.2.28 Released!


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

pg_fetch_resultReturns values from a result instance


pg_fetch_result(PgSql\Result $result, string|false|null $row, mixed $field): string|false|null
pg_fetch_result(PgSql\Result $result, mixed $field): string|false|null

pg_fetch_result() returns the value of a particular row and field (column) in an PgSql\Result instance.


This function used to be called pg_result().



Примірник PgSql\Result, якого повертає одна з функцій pg_query(), pg_query_params() або pg_execute() (серед інших).


Row number in result to fetch. Rows are numbered from 0 upwards. If omitted, next row is fetched.


A string representing the name of the field (column) to fetch, otherwise an int representing the field number to fetch. Fields are numbered from 0 upwards.

Значення, що повертаються

Boolean is returned as "t" or "f". All other types, including arrays are returned as strings formatted in the same default PostgreSQL manner that you would see in the psql program. Database NULL values are returned as null.

false is returned if row exceeds the number of rows in the set, or on any other error.

Журнал змін

Версія Опис
8.3.0 row is now nullable.
8.1.0 Тепер параметр result має бути примірником PgSql\Result. Раніше очікувався resource.


Приклад #1 pg_fetch_result() example

= pg_connect("dbname=users user=me");

$res = pg_query($db, "SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2");

$val = pg_fetch_result($res, 1, 0);

"First field in the second row is: ", $val, "\n";

Поданий вище приклад виведе:

First field in the second row is: 2

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User Contributed Notes 5 notes

6 years ago
Please note that a very old bug (#76548) has been fixed in 7.2.8.

Previously, pg_fetch_result did not fetch the next row if $row was omitted.
It is now well the case, so bad use of the function can now cause some bugs in your codes.
22 years ago
Comment on boolean fields:

If you retrieve a boolean value from the PostgreSQL database, be aware that the value returned will be either the character 't' or the character 'f', not an integer. So, the statement

if (pg_fetch_result($rsRecords,0,'blnTrueFalseField')) {
echo "TRUE";
} else {
echo "FALSE";

will echo "TRUE" in either case (True or False stored in the field). In order to work as expected, do this instead:

if (pg_fetch_result($rsRecords,0,'blnTrueFalseField') == 't') {
echo "TRUE";
} else {
echo "FALSE";
Alan U. Kennington
18 years ago
See bug #33809
Whether this really is a bug or a feature is not clear.
However, it is probably best to always put your column names in extra quotes.

$res = pg_query(...);
$colname = pg_field_name($res, $j);
pg_fetch_result($res, $i, "\"$colname\"");
Alan U Kennington
18 years ago
In order to use upper case in pg_fetch_result column names, it is apparently necessary to include explicit quotation marks.

Thus when I do this sort of thing:

$res = pg_query(...);
$ncols = pg_num_fields($res);
for ($j = 0; $j < $ncols; ++$j) {
$colname[$j] = pg_field_name($res, $j);
$name = htmlspecialchars($colname[$j]);
print("Column $j name = \"$name\"\n");
$value = htmlspecialchars(pg_fetch_result($res, 0, $colname[$j]));
print("Column \"{$colname[$j]}\" value = \"$value\"\n");

I get this sort of thing:

Warning: pg_fetch_result() []: Bad column offset specified in /.../view.php on line 247
Column 8 name = "VEC index"
Column "VEC index" value = ""

But if I change the $value line to this:

$value = htmlspecialchars(pg_fetch_result($res, 0, "\"$colname[$j]\""));

I get this:

Column 8 name = "VEC index"
Column "VEC index" value[0] = "47"

In my opinion, pg_fetch_result(...) should use the quotes already. In other words, this may be a bug in the PHP postgres library. It does not seem to be a documented feature of pg_fetch_result() although the postgresql manual documents it under "SQL syntax", "Lexical structure".

PHP version 5.1.4.
psql version 8.1.4.
20 years ago
Use can use pg_fetch_result when getting a value (like a smallint as in this example) returned by your stored procedure

= pg_connect("dbname=users user=me");

$userNameToCheckFor = "metal";

$result = pg_query($pgConnection, "SELECT howManyUsersHaveThisName('$userNameToCheckFor')");

$count = pg_fetch_result($result, 0, 'howManyUsersHaveThisName');

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