
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

bcdivDivide two arbitrary precision numbers


bcdiv(string $num1, string $num2, ?int $scale = null): string

Divides num1 by num2.



The dividend, as a string.


The divisor, as a string.

This parameter is used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the result. If null, it will default to the default scale set with bcscale(), or fallback to the value of the bcmath.scale INI directive.

Значення, що повертаються

Returns the result of the division as a string.


This function throws a ValueError in the following cases:

  • num1 or num2 is not a well-formed BCMath numeric string.
  • scale is outside the valid range.

This function throws a DivisionByZeroError exception if num2 is 0.

Журнал змін

Версія Опис
8.0.0 scale is now nullable.
8.0.0 Dividing by 0 now throws a DivisionByZeroError exception instead of returning null.


Приклад #1 bcdiv() example


echo bcdiv('105', '6.55957', 3); // 16.007


Прогляньте також

  • bcdivmod() - Get the quotient and modulus of an arbitrary precision number
  • bcmod() - Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number
  • bcmul() - Multiply two arbitrary precision numbers
  • BcMath\Number::div()

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

17 years ago
Perhaps some one can find useful this function to compute the modular inverse of a integer (extended euclidean algorithm):

function invmod($a,$b) {
$x=0; $lx=1; $y=1; $ly=0;
while ($b) {
$t=$x; $x=bcsub($lx,bcmod(bcmul($q,$x),$n)); $lx=$t;
$t=$y; $y=bcsub($ly,bcmod(bcmul($q,$y),$n)); $ly=$t;
if (bccomp($lx,0) == -1)
return $lx;

// verify

// (t*m)*inv(t) is m
echo bcmod(bcmul(bcmod(bcmul($t,$m),$n),$i),$n) == $m;
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