PHP 8.2.28 Released!


(PHP 8 >= 8.4.0)

Dom\HTMLDocument::createFromFileParses an HTML document from a file


public static Dom\HTMLDocument::createFromFile(string $path, int $options = 0, ?string $overrideEncoding = null): Dom\HTMLDocument

Parses an HTML document from a file, according to the living standard.


The path to the file to parse.

Побітове АБО констант опцій libxml.

It is also possible to pass Dom\HTML_NO_DEFAULT_NS to disable the use of the HTML namespace and the template element. This should only be used if the implications are properly understood.
The encoding that the document was created in. If not provided, it will attempt to determine the encoding that is most likely used.

Значення, що повертаються

The parsed document as an Dom\HTMLDocument instance.


  • Throws a ValueError if path contains null bytes or contains "%00".
  • Throws a ValueError if options contains an invalid option.
  • Throws a ValueError if overrideEncoding is an unknown encoding.
  • Throws an Exception if the file could not be opened.


Зауваження: Whitespace in the html and head tags is not considered significant and may lose formatting.

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