The ReflectionClassConstant class

(PHP 7 >= 7.1.0, PHP 8)


The ReflectionClassConstant class reports information about a class constant.

Короткий огляд класу

class ReflectionClassConstant implements Reflector {
/* Константи */
public const int IS_PUBLIC;
public const int IS_PROTECTED;
public const int IS_PRIVATE;
public const int IS_FINAL;
/* Властивості */
public string $name;
public string $class;
/* Методи */
public __construct(object|string $class, string $constant)
public static export(mixed $class, string $name, bool $return = ?): string
public getAttributes(?string $name = null, int $flags = 0): array
public getModifiers(): int
public getName(): string
public getValue(): mixed
public hasType(): bool
public isDeprecated(): bool
public isEnumCase(): bool
public isFinal(): bool
public isPrivate(): bool
public isProtected(): bool
public isPublic(): bool
public __toString(): string



Name of the class constant. Read-only, throws ReflectionException in attempt to write.


Name of the class where the class constant is defined. Read-only, throws ReflectionException in attempt to write.

Попередньо визначені константи

ReflectionClassConstant Modifiers

ReflectionClassConstant::IS_PUBLIC int

Indicates public constants. Prior to PHP 7.4.0, the value was 256.

ReflectionClassConstant::IS_PROTECTED int

Indicates protected constants. Prior to PHP 7.4.0, the value was 512.

ReflectionClassConstant::IS_PRIVATE int

Indicates private constants. Prior to PHP 7.4.0, the value was 1024.

ReflectionClassConstant::IS_FINAL int

Indicates final constants. Available as of PHP 8.1.0.


The values of these constants may change between PHP versions. It is recommended to always use the constants and not rely on the values directly.

Журнал змін

Версія Опис
8.4.0 The class constants are now typed.
8.0.0 ReflectionClassConstant::export() was removed.


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