PHP 8.4.3 Released!


(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

msg_set_queueSet information in the message queue data structure


msg_set_queue(SysvMessageQueue $queue, array $data): bool

msg_set_queue() allows you to change the values of the msg_perm.uid, msg_perm.gid, msg_perm.mode and msg_qbytes fields of the underlying message queue data structure.

Changing the data structure will require that PHP be running as the same user that created the queue, owns the queue (as determined by the existing fields), or be running with root privileges. root privileges are required to raise the msg_qbytes values above the system defined limit.

Bağımsız Değişkenler


The message queue.


You specify the values you require by setting the value of the keys that you require in the data array.

Dönen Değerler

Başarı durumunda true, başarısızlık durumunda false döner.

Sürüm Bilgisi

Sürüm: Açıklama
8.0.0 queue expects a SysvMessageQueue instance now; previously, a resource was expected.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

webmaster at toolshed51 dot com
21 years ago
$msg_id = msg_get_queue (12341234, 0600);
msg_set_queue ($msg_id, array ('msg_perm.uid'=>'80'));

List of all possible keys at documentation for msg_stat_queue
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