This is probably trivial but there is no error for unsetting a non-existing variable.
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
unset — Remove a definição de uma variável informada
unset() destrói as variáveis especificadas.
O comportamento de unset() dentro de uma função pode variar dependendo de qual tipo de variável está tentando-se destruir.
Se uma variável global tornar-se indefinida por unset() dentro de uma função, apenas a variável local é destruída. A variável no ambiente que chamou a função manterá o mesmo valor anterior à chamada a unset().
function destroy_foo()
global $foo;
$foo = 'bar';
echo $foo;
O exemplo acima produzirá:
Para remover a definição de uma variável global usando unset() dentro de uma função, use o array $GLOBALS:
function foo()
$bar = "something";
Se uma variável que é PASSADA POR REFERÊNCIA tiver sua definição removida por unset() dentro de uma função, apenas a variável local é destruída. A variável no ambiente que chamou a função manterá o mesmo valor anterior à chamada a unset().
function foo(&$bar)
$bar = "blah";
$bar = 'something';
echo "$bar\n";
echo "$bar\n";
O exemplo acima produzirá:
something something
Se uma variável estática tiver a definição removida por unset() dentro de uma função, unset() destrói a variável apenas no contexto do resto da função. Chamadas subsequentes à função irão restaurar o valor anterior da variável.
function foo()
static $bar;
echo "Antes de unset: $bar, ";
$bar = 23;
echo "depois de unset: $bar\n";
O exemplo acima produzirá:
Antes de unset: 1, depois de unset: 23 Antes de unset: 2, depois de unset: 23 Antes de unset: 3, depois de unset: 23
A variável que terá sua definição removida.
Mais variáveis que terão definições removidas.
Nenhum valor é retornado.
Exemplo #1 Exemplo de unset()
// destrói uma única variável
// destrói um único elemento de um array
// destrói mais de uma variável
unset($foo1, $foo2, $foo3);
Exemplo #2 Usando a conversão (unset)
A conversão (unset)
é frequentemente confundida com a função
unset() function. A conversão (unset)
serve apenas como uma conversão para tipo NULL
, para
completude. Ela não altera a variável que ela está convertendo.
A conversão (unset) foi descontinuada a partir do PHP 7.2.0, e foi removida a partir do PHP 8.0.0.
$name = 'Felipe';
var_dump((unset) $name);
O exemplo acima produzirá:
NULL string(6) "Felipe"
Nota: Como esta é uma construção da linguagem e não uma função, ela não pode ser chamada usando funções variáveis ou argumentos nomeados.
É possível remover definições de propriedades de objeto visíveis no contexto atual.
Se declarados, o método __get() é chamado ao acessar uma propriedade indefinida, e o método __set() é chamado ao definir uma propriedade indefinida.
Não é possível remover a definição de
dentro de um método do objeto.
Ao usar unset() em propriedades de objeto inacessíveis, o método de sobrecarga __unset() será chamado, caso esteja declarado.
This is probably trivial but there is no error for unsetting a non-existing variable.
Be careful!, unset() element in array advances the internal array pointer one place forward
You don't need to check that a variable is set before you unset it.
is harmless.
if(isset($a)) {
is pointless complication.
This doesn't apply to properties of objects that have __isset() methods that visibly change object state or __unset() methods that don't properly check their arguments or have extra side effects.
The latter case means that __unset shouldn't do more than what it says on the tin, and also has the responsibility for checking (possibly using __isset()) that what it's being asked to do makes sense.
The former case is just plain bad design.
if you try to unset an object, please be careful about references.
Objects will only free their resources and trigger their __destruct method when *all* references are unsetted.
Even when they are *in* the object... sigh!
class A {
function __destruct() {
echo "cYa later!!\n";
$a = new A();
$a -> a = $a;
#unset($a); # Just uncomment, and you'll see
echo "No Message ... hm, what now?\n";
unset($a -> a);
echo "Finally that thing is gone\n";
Of course the object completely dies at the end of the script.
Since unset() is a language construct, it cannot be passed anything other than a variable. It's sole purpose is to "unset" this variable, ie. to remove it from the current scope and destroy it's associated data. This is true especially for reference variables, where not the actual value is destroyed but the reference to that value. This is why you can't wrap 'unset()' in a user defined function: You would either unset a copy of the data if the parameter is passed by value, or you would just unset the reference variable within the functions scope if the parameter is passed by reference. There is no workaround for that, as you cannot pass 'scope' to a function in PHP. Such a function can only work for variables that exist in a common or global scope (compare 'unset($_GLOBALS[variable])').
I don't know how PHP handles garbage collection internally, but I guess this behavior can result in a huge memory leak: if a value variable goes out of scope with a second variable still holding a reference to the in-memory value, then unsetting that reference would still hold the value in memory but potentially unset the last reference to that in-memory data, hence: occupied memory that is rendered useless as you cannot reference it anymore.
A sample how to unset array elements from an array result coming from a mysql request. In this sample it is checking if a file exists and removes the row from the array if it not exists.
$db->set_query("select * from documents where document_in_user = 0"); //1
$documents = $db->result_to_array($db->get_result()); //1
foreach ($documents as $key => $row) { //2
$file = "uploads/".rawurldecode($row['document_name']);
if ( file_exists ( $file ) == FALSE ) {
unset($documents[$key]); //3
$documents = array_values($documents); // reindex the array (4)
mysql table = documents,
array = $documents
array key (index) = $key
array row (record sort of speak) = $row
it gets the array from the table (mysql)
foreach goes through the array $documents
unset if record does not exist
the array_values($documents) reindexes the $documents array, for otherwise you might end up in trouble when your process will start expecting an array starting with key ($key) 0 (zero).
Here is another way to make 'unset' work with session variables from within a function :
function unsetSessionVariable ($sessionVariableName) {
May it work with others than me...
Only This works with register_globals being 'ON'.
unset( $_SESSION['variable'] );
The above will not work with register_globals turned on (will only work outside of a function).
$variable = $_SESSION['variable'];
unset( $_SESSION['variable'], $variable );
The above will work with register_globals on & inside a function
To clarify what hugo dot dworak at gmail dot com said about unsetting things that aren't already set:
unsetting a non-existent key within an array does NOT throw an error.
$array = array();
//this does not throw an error
//Throws an error because of the undefined variable, not because of a non-existent key.
Adding on to what bond at noellebond dot com said, if you want to remove an index from the end of the array, if you use unset, the next index value will still be what it would have been.
Eg you have
$x = array(1, 2);
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
unset($x[(count($x)-1)]); //remove last set key in the array
$x[] = $i;
You would expect:
Array([0] => 1, [1] => 4)
as you want it to remove the last set key....
but you actually get
Array ( [0] => 1 [4] => 2 [5] => 3 [6] => 4 )
This is since even though the last key is removed, the auto indexing still keeps its previous value.
The only time where this would not seem right is when you remove a value off the end. I guess different people would want it different ways.
The way around this is to use array_pop() instead of unset() as array_pop() refreshes the autoindexing thing for the array.
$x = array(1, 2);
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
array_pop($x); // removes the last item in the array
$x[] = $i;
This returns the expected value of x = Array([0] => 1, [1] => 4);
Hope this helps someone who may need this for some odd reason, I did.
Despite much searching, I have not yet found an explanation as to how one can manually free resources from variables, not so much objects, in PHP. I have also seen many comments regarding the merits and demerits of unset() versus setting a variable to null. Thus, here are the results of some benchmarks performed comparing unset() of numerous variables to setting them to null (with regards to memory usage and processing time):
10 variables:
Memory Usage: 296
Time Elapsed: 1.0013580322266E-5
Null set:
Memory Usage: 1736
Time Elapsed: 5.9604644775391E-6
50 variables:
Memory Usage: 296
Time Elapsed: 3.6001205444336E-5
Null set:
Memory Usage: 8328
Time Elapsed: 3.2901763916016E-5
100 variables:
Memory Usage: 296
Time Elapsed: 5.6982040405273E-5
Null set:
Memory Usage: 15928
Time Elapsed: 5.8174133300781E-5
1000 variables:
Memory Usage: 296
Time Elapsed: 0.00041294097900391
Null set:
Memory Usage: 168096
Time Elapsed: 0.00067591667175293
10000 variables:
Memory Usage: 296
Time Elapsed: 0.0042569637298584
Null set:
Memory Usage: 1650848
Time Elapsed: 0.0076930522918701
100000 variables:
Memory Usage: 296
Time Elapsed: 0.042603969573975
Null set:
Memory Usage: 16249080
Time Elapsed: 0.087724924087524
300000 variables:
Memory Usage: 296
Time Elapsed: 0.13177299499512
Null set:
Memory Usage: 49796320
Time Elapsed: 0.28617882728577
Perhaps my test code for the null set was flawed, but despite that possibility it is simple to see that unset() has minimal processing time impact, and no apparent memory usage impact (unless the values returned by memory_get_usage() are flawed). If you truly care about the ~4 microseconds saved over <50 variables, more power to you. Otherwise, use unset() to minimize script impact on your system.
Note: Tested on PHP 5.3.8 installed via RPM on Fedora 14
In PHP 5.0.4, at least, one CAN unset array elements inside functions from arrays passed by reference to the function.
As implied by the manual, however, one can't unset the entire array by passing it by reference.
function remove_variable (&$variable) // pass variable by reference
function remove_element (&$array, $key) // pass array by reference
$scalar = 'Hello, there';
echo 'Value of $scalar is: ';
print_r ($scalar); echo '<br />';
// Value of $scalar is: Hello, there
remove_variable($scalar); // try to unset the variable
echo 'Value of $scalar is: ';
print_r ($scalar); echo '<br />';
// Value of $scalar is: Hello, there
$array = array('one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3);
echo 'Value of $array is: ';
print_r ($array); echo '<br />';
// Value of $array is: Array ( [one] => 1 [two] => 2 [three] => 3 )
remove_variable($array); // try to unset the array
echo 'Value of $array is: ';
print_r ($array); echo '<br />';
// Value of $array is: Array ( [one] => 1 [two] => 2 [three] => 3 )
remove_element($array, 'two'); // successfully remove an element from the array
echo 'Value of $array is: ';
print_r ($array); echo '<br />';
// Value of $array is: Array ( [one] => 1 [three] => 3 )
Note that PHP 4 will generate a warning if you try to unset an array index that doesn't exist and whose parent doesn't exist.
$foo = array();
RESULT: "Notice: Undefined index: Bar"
On PHP5 no error is raised, which seems to me like the correct behaviour.
Note that using unset($foo['Bar']) in the above example does not generate a warning in either version.
(Tested on 4.4.9 and 5.2.4)
I couldn't find this clarification elsewhere in the notes, but it seems important, so at the risk of duplication....
While a global variable, like a whole array, is not unset from within a function, an element of the array, is unset. So
function myfunction(){
Global $test;
$test = array(1,2,3);
Array ( [0] => 1 [2] => 3 ) # from inside myfunction
Array ( [0] => 1 [2] => 3 ) # on return from myfunction
Here's my variation on the slightly dull unset method. It throws in a bit of 80's Stallone action spice into the mix. Enjoy!
* function rambo (first blood)
* Completely and utterly destroys everything, returning the kill count of victims
* @param It don't matter, it’s Rambo baby
* @return Integer Body count (but any less than 500 and it's not really worth mentioning)
function rambo() {
// Get the victims and initiate that body count status
$victims = func_get_args();
$body_count = 0;
// Kill those damn punks
foreach($victims as $victim) {
if($death_and_suffering = @unset($victim)) {
// How many kills did Rambo tally up on this mission?
Just to confirm, USING UNSET CAN DESTROY AN ENTIRE ARRAY. I couldn't find reference to this anywhere so I decided to write this.
The difference between using unset and using $myarray=array(); to unset is that obviously the array will just be overwritten and will still exist.
echo $myarray[0].$myarray[1];
echo $myarray[0].$myarray[1];
echo $myarray;
Output with unset is:
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in C:\webpages\dainsider\myarray.php on line 10
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\webpages\dainsider\myarray.php on line 10
Output with $myarray=array(); is:
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in C:\webpages\dainsider\myarray.php on line 10
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\webpages\dainsider\myarray.php on line 10
dh at argosign dot de -
it is possible to unset globals from within functions thanks to the $GLOBALS array:
$x = 10;
function test() {
// don't need to do ' global $x; '
unset ($GLOBALS['x']);
echo 'x: ' . $GLOBALS['x'] . '<br />';
echo "x: $x<br />";
// will result in
The documentation is not entirely clear when it comes to static variables. It says:
If a static variable is unset() inside of a function, unset() destroys the variable and all its references.
function foo()
static $a;
echo "$a\n";
The above example would output:
And it does! But the variable is NOT deleted, that's why the value keeps on increasing, otherwise the output would be:
The references are destroyed within the function, this handeling is the same as with global variables, the difference is a static variable is a local variable.
Be carefull using unset and static values as the output may not be what you expect it to be. It appears to be impossible to destroy a static variable. You can only destroy the references within the current executing function, a successive static statement will restore the references.
The documentation would be better if it would say:
"If a static variable is unset() inside of a function, unset() destroys all references to the variable. "
Example: (tested PHP 4.3.7)
function foo()
static $a;
echo "$a\n";
echo "$a\n";
static $a;
echo "$a\n";
Would output:
about unset for arrays
if you unset the last array member
unset ($ar[2])
after addition a new member by $ar[]=7,
you will get
So, unset has no effect to internal array counter!!!
further I realized that an object, when getting detroyed, does care about destroying variable in object space visibility but not those in local visibility, be aware of the found pattern:
class release_test{
private $buffer;
private $other_object;
public function __construct(){
$this->other_object=new other_object_class();
public function __destruct(){
//note that you always have to unset class objects, in order to get the resources released
public allocate_mem_A(){
public allocate_mem_B(){
public allocate_mem_C(){
public allocate_mem_D(){
//this does not lead to a resource problem
$A=new release_test();
//this DOES lead to a resource problem
$B=new release_test();
//this does not lead to a resource problem
$C=new release_test();
//this does not lead to a resource problem
$D=new release_test();
you may wan't to unset all variables which are defined, here's one way:
function unset_all_vars($a)
{ foreach($a as $key => $val)
{ unset($GLOBALS[$key]); }
return serialize($a); }
you can also save than a serialized var of the "memory" and perhaps store this in a temporary file.. very usefull if you work with text files and/or file uploads when you've got very large variables.
When unset from an array, if you unset all elements, the array is always set
echo isset($tab)." ".count($tab);
output: 1 0
In regard to some confusion earlier in these notes about what causes unset() to trigger notices when unsetting variables that don't exist....
Unsetting variables that don't exist, as in
does not trigger an "Undefined variable" notice. But
triggers two notices, because this code is for unsetting an element of an array; neither $undefinedArray nor $undefinedKey are themselves being unset, they're merely being used to locate what should be unset. After all, if they did exist, you'd still expect them to both be around afterwards. You would NOT want your entire array to disappear just because you unset() one of its elements!
Instead of using the unset function for unregistering your session or other array values you can also do this samll feature and get this task done with just 1 line code.
Suppose, if you like to unregister your session store values.
You can use:
$_SESSION = array();
Well this syntax saves lot's of time instead of unsetting each values.
Sometimes you need to assigne values to an array index in some loop (if, while, foreach etc.) but you wish to set starting index key to some number greater then zero (lets say 5). One idea how to do this is:
$values = array(5, 10, 15, 100); //array of values that we wish to add to our new array
$myArray = array(4=>0); //sets starting key to be 4 and assigns some value (lets say 0)
unset($myArray[4]); //delete this index key, but preserves further enumeration
foreach($values as $value){
$myArray[] = $value; //asign values to our array
/* Output:
Array ( [5] => 5 [6] => 10 [7] => 15 [8] => 100 )
Two ways of unsetting values within an array:
# remove by key:
function array_remove_key ()
$args = func_get_args();
return array_diff_key($args[0],array_flip(array_slice($args,1)));
# remove by value:
function array_remove_value ()
$args = func_get_args();
return array_diff($args[0],array_slice($args,1));
$fruit_inventory = array(
'apples' => 52,
'bananas' => 78,
'peaches' => 'out of season',
'pears' => 'out of season',
'oranges' => 'no longer sold',
'carrots' => 15,
'beets' => 15,
echo "<pre>Original Array:\n",
# For example, beets and carrots are not fruits...
$fruit_inventory = array_remove_key($fruit_inventory,
echo "<pre>Array after key removal:\n",
# Let's also remove 'out of season' and 'no longer sold' fruit...
$fruit_inventory = array_remove_value($fruit_inventory,
"out of season",
"no longer sold");
echo "<pre>Array after value removal:\n",
You can not unset a numeric key of an array, if key is a string. See this example:
// Create a simple array with 3 different key types
$test[1] = array(
10 => array('apples'),
"20" => array('bananas'),
'30' => array('peaches')
$test[2] = (array) json_decode(json_encode($test[1]));
$test[3] = (array) (object) $test[1];
// array form a stdClass object
$testClass = new stdClass();
$testClass->{10} = array('apples');
$testClass->{"20"} = array('bananas');
$test[4] = (array) $testClass[6];
echo "<pre>";
foreach($test as $testNum => $arr) {
echo "\nTest: " . $testNum . " \n";
foreach($arr as $key => $fruit) {
echo "key: " . $key . "\n";
echo "key exists: ";
var_dump(array_key_exists(strval($key), $arr));
echo "typeof key is: " . gettype($key) . "\n";
echo "\n" . str_repeat("-", 80);
echo "</pre>";
And here is the output:
Test: 1
array(3) {
array(1) {
string(6) "apples"
array(1) {
string(7) "bananas"
array(1) {
string(7) "peaches"
key: 10
key exists: bool(true)
typeof key is: integer
key: 20
key exists: bool(true)
typeof key is: integer
key: 30
key exists: bool(true)
typeof key is: integer
array(0) {
Test: 2
array(3) {
array(1) {
string(6) "apples"
array(1) {
string(7) "bananas"
array(1) {
string(7) "peaches"
key: 10
key exists: bool(false)
typeof key is: string
key: 20
key exists: bool(false)
typeof key is: string
key: 30
key exists: bool(false)
typeof key is: string
array(3) {
array(1) {
string(6) "apples"
array(1) {
string(7) "bananas"
array(1) {
string(7) "peaches"
Test: 3
array(3) {
array(1) {
string(6) "apples"
array(1) {
string(7) "bananas"
array(1) {
string(7) "peaches"
key: 10
key exists: bool(true)
typeof key is: integer
key: 20
key exists: bool(true)
typeof key is: integer
key: 30
key exists: bool(true)
typeof key is: integer
array(0) {
Test: 4
array(2) {
array(1) {
string(6) "apples"
array(1) {
string(7) "bananas"
key: 10
key exists: bool(false)
typeof key is: string
key: 20
key exists: bool(false)
typeof key is: string
array(2) {
array(1) {
string(6) "apples"
array(1) {
string(7) "bananas"
Fix the problem with a rebuild of the array:
$oldArray = $array();
$array = array();
foreach($oldArray as $key => $item) {
$array[intval($key)] = $item;
It is observed on PHP 5.1.6 that <?php unset($this); ?> inside of a method will remove the reference to $this in that method. $this isn't considered "special" as far as unset() is concerned.
You can unset superglobals like $GLOBALS, $_GET etc., but causing an unususal behavior (as of PHP 5.3.3).
1) unsetting of superglobals is done globally, i.e. unsetting inside the function affects GLOBALLY.
2) Recreation of unset'ed superglobals can be done (recreated valiables are superglobals), but original functionality (in $GLOBALS, $_SESSION ...) has lost.
function foo(){
function bar(){
bar(); //issues E_NOTICE ($GLOBALS not defined)
bar(); //displays int(3)
$list = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
echo current($list); // result : "c"