If you did a paged search operation and want to do any other read operation on LDAP, you need to reset it, otherwise you will experience LDAP errors (code 12, for instance).
ldap_control_paged_result($link, 0);
(PHP 5 >= 5.4.0, PHP 7)
ldap_control_paged_result — LDAP ページネーション制御情報を送信する
この関数は PHP 7.4.0 以降で 推奨されなくなり、PHP 8.0.0 以降は 削除されています。
代替として、ldap_search() 関数の controls
詳細は LDAP コントロール も参照して下さい。
= false
= ""LDAP ページネーションを有効にするため、ページネーション制御情報 (ページサイズやクッキーなど) を送信します。
ldap_connect() が返す LDAP リソース。
ページネーションを必須にするかどうか。 true にすると、もしサーバーがページネーションに対応していなければ 検索結果を返しません。
サーバーから送られる opaque structure (ldap_control_paged_result_response())。
バージョン | 説明 |
8.0.0 | この関数は削除されました。 |
7.4.0 | この関数は非推奨になりました。 |
次の例は、検索結果の最初のページを取得します。 ページあたり 1 エントリになります。
例1 LDAP ページネーション
// $ds is a valid link identifier (see ldap_connect)
ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
$dn = 'ou=example,dc=org';
$filter = '(|(sn=Doe*)(givenname=John*))';
$justthese = array('ou', 'sn', 'givenname', 'mail');
// enable pagination with a page size of 1.
ldap_control_paged_result($ds, 1);
$sr = ldap_search($ds, $dn, $filter, $justthese);
$info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
echo $info['count'] . ' entries returned' . PHP_EOL;
この例は、すべての結果を取得します。 ページあたり 100 エントリとなります。
例2 LDAP ページネーション
// $ds is a valid link identifier (see ldap_connect)
ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
$dn = 'ou=example,dc=org';
$filter = '(|(sn=Doe*)(givenname=John*))';
$justthese = array('ou', 'sn', 'givenname', 'mail');
// enable pagination with a page size of 100.
$pageSize = 100;
$cookie = '';
do {
ldap_control_paged_result($ds, $pageSize, true, $cookie);
$result = ldap_search($ds, $dn, $filter, $justthese);
$entries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $result);
foreach ($entries as $e) {
echo $e['dn'] . PHP_EOL;
ldap_control_paged_result_response($ds, $result, $cookie);
} while($cookie !== null && $cookie != '');
ページネーション制御は、LDAPv3 プロトコルの機能です。
If you did a paged search operation and want to do any other read operation on LDAP, you need to reset it, otherwise you will experience LDAP errors (code 12, for instance).
ldap_control_paged_result($link, 0);
While another note suggests resetting the control paged result by passing in `0` (zero), it actually still prevents any further queries being ran during the same request.
You actually need to set it to a large number to run further queries it seems. For example:
ldap_control_paged_result($connection, 100, true, $cookie);
// Run the search
// What is supposed to work (reset)
ldap_control_paged_result($connection, 0, false, $cookie);
// What actually works
ldap_control_paged_result($connection, 1000, false, $cookie);
In the above method, 1000 is just a placeholder, but this seems to actually **limit** further queries to this amount of results, so if you set it to `1`, then you'll only receive **one** result for any further queries during the same request.
I was able to get these functions to work successfully with Active Directory. When I first tried it, ldap_search kept returning a Not Supported reply from the server. I finally figured out that I needed to include
ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
in my code, so that AD would let me page results. Make sure you're using a compatible protocol.
Hope this note helps someone else.
You may need to do an ldap_bind before running ldap_control_paged_result to get this to work:
$conn = ldap_connect("you_ip");
ldap_set_option($conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
ldap_control_paged_result($conn, $pageSize, true, $cookie)
Without doing an ldap_bind, I kept getting the error "Critical extension is unavailable". I don't if this is standard knowledge, but knowing this would have saved me days of frustration.
So how do you now sort the entire result? It appears you can't use ldap_sort as it uses the search resource which is within the loop.
Paged results, as specified in the RFC 2696, does not allow to get over the server sizeLimit. The RFC clearly states "If the page size is greater than or equal to the sizeLimit value, the server should ignore the control as the request can be satisfied in a single page".
With OpenLDAP, you will not get more than the sizeLimit number of entries with paged results.