
(PHP 8 >= 8.4.0)

Pdo\Pgsql::escapeIdentifierEscapes a string for use as an SQL identifier


public Pdo\Pgsql::escapeIdentifier(string $input): string

Escapes a string for use as an SQL identifier, such as a table, column, or function name. This is useful when a user-supplied identifier might contain special characters that would otherwise not be interpreted as part of the identifier by the SQL parser, or when the identifier might contain upper case characters whose case should be preserved.

Elenco dei parametri

A string containing text to be escaped.

Valori restituiti

A string containing the escaped data.


Example #1 Pdo\Pgsql::escapeIdentifier() example

= new Pdo\Pgsql('pgsql:dbname=test host=localhost', $user, $pass);

$unescapedTableName = 'UnescapedTableName';
$pdo->exec("CREATE TABLE $unescapedTableName ()");

$escapedTableName = $pdo->escapeIdentifier('EscapedTableName');
$pdo->exec("CREATE TABLE $escapedTableName ()");

$statement = $pdo->query(
"SELECT relname FROM pg_stat_user_tables WHERE relname ilike '%tablename'"

var_export($statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0));

$tableNameWithSymbols = 'Table-Name-With-Symbols';
$pdo->exec("CREATE TABLE $tableNameWithSymbols ()");

Il precedente esempio visualizzerà qualcosa simile a:

array (
  0 => 'unescapedtablename',
  1 => 'EscapedTableName',
Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "Table"
LINE 1: CREATE TABLE Table-Name-With-Symbols ()

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