
Configurazione di PHP con OCI8

Rivedere la precedente sezione Requisiti prima di configurare OCI8.

Per abilitare l'estensione OCI8, configura PHP con l'opzione --with-oci8.

Prima di avviare il server Web, OCI8 richiede in genere diverse variabili di ambiente Oracle (vedere di seguito) per individuare le librerie, puntare ai file di configurazione e impostare alcune proprietà di base come il set di caratteri utilizzato dalle librerie Oracle. Le variabili devono essere impostate prima che qualsiasi processo PHP venga avviato.

Il binario PHP deve collegarsi con la stessa versione principale o più recente delle librerie Oracle con cui è stato configurato. Ad esempio, se si effettua la build di OCI8 con le librerie Oracle 11.2, anche PHP dovrebbe essere distribuito ed eseguito con le librerie Oracle 11.2. Le applicazioni PHP possono connettersi ad altre versioni di Oracle Database, poiché Oracle ha una compatibilità tra versioni client e server.

Installazione di OCI8 come Estensione Condivisa

L'opzione di configurazione shared fa la build di OCI8 come libreria condivisa che può essere caricata dinamicamente in PHP. La creazione di un'estensione condivisa consente di aggiornare facilmente OCI8 senza influire sul resto di PHP.

Configurare OCI8 utilizzando una delle seguenti opzioni di configurazione.

  • Se si utilizzano le librerie » Oracle Instant Client gratuite, allora eseguire:

    ./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib

    Se Instant Client è installato da file ZIP, assicurarsi di creare prima il collegamento simbolico della libreria, ad esempio ln -s

    Se si utilizza un'installazione basata su RPM di Oracle Instant Client, la riga di configurazione sarà simile a questa:

    ./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/usr/lib/oracle/<version>/client/lib

    Per esempio, --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client/lib

    Si noti che il supporto di Oracle Instant Client è apparso per la prima volta in PHP 4.3.11 e 5.0.4 e originariamente utilizzava l'opzione --with-oci8-instant-client per configurare PHP.

  • Se si utilizza un database Oracle o l'installazione completa del client Oracle, allora eseguire:

    ./configure --with-oci8=shared,$ORACLE_HOME

    Assicurarsi che l'utente del server web (nobody, www) abbia accesso alle librerie, ai file di inizializzazione e a tnsnames.ora (se utilizzato) sotto la directory $ORACLE_HOME. Con Oracle 10gR2, potrebbe essere necessario eseguire l'utilità $ORACLE_HOME/install/ per fornire l'accesso alla directory.

Dopo la configurazione, seguire la solita procedura di build di PHP, ad es. make install. Verrà creata la libreria dell'estensione condivisa OCI8 Potrebbe essere necessario spostarla manualmente nella directory delle estensioni PHP, specificata dall'opzione extension_dir nel proprio file php.ini.

Per completare l'installazione di OCI8, modificare php.ini ed aggiungere la riga:

Installazione di OCI8 come Estensione Compilata Staticamente

Configurare PHP per includere OCI8 utilizzando una delle seguenti opzioni di configurazione.

  • Se si utilizza Oracle Instant Client, allora eseguire:

    ./configure --with-oci8=instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib

  • Se si utilizza un database Oracle o l'installazione completa del client Oracle, allora eseguire:

    ./configure --with-oci8=$ORACLE_HOME

Dopo la configurazione, seguire la solita procedura di build di PHP, ad es. make install. Dopo che la compilazione è riuscita, non è necessario aggiungere a php.ini. Non sono necessari passaggi di build aggiuntivi.

Installazione di OCI8 da PECL

L'estensione OCI8 può essere aggiunta a un'installazione PHP esistente automaticamente o manualmente da » PECL.

Per un'installazione automatica, seguire questi passaggi:

  • Se si è dietro un firewall, impostare il proxy di PEAR, ad esempio:

    pear config-set http_proxy

  • Eseguire

    pecl install oci8

    Quando richiesto, inserire il valore di $ORACLE_HOME, o instantclient,/percorso/verso/instant/client/lib.

    Nota: Non immettere la variabile $ORACLE_HOME perché non verrà espansa. Immettere invece il percorso effettivo della home directory di Oracle.

Per un'installazione manuale quando il comando pecl non è disponibile, scaricare il pacchetto PECL OCI8, ad es. oci8-1.4.10.tgz.

  • Estrarre il pacchetto:

    tar -zxf oci8-1.4.10.tgz
    cd oci8-1.4.10

  • Preparare il pacchetto:


  • Configurare il pacchetto, utilizzando $ORACLE_HOME o Instant Client

    ./configure -with-oci8=shared,$ORACLE_HOME


    ./configure -with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib

  • Installare il pacchetto:

    make install

Dopo un'installazione automatica o manuale, modificare il proprio file php.ini e aggiungere la riga:

Assicurarsi che la direttiva extension_dir del php.ini sia impostata alla directory in cui è stato installato

Installazione di OCI8 su Windows

Quando si utilizzano le librerie client Oracle 10gR2 su Windows, rimuovere il commento dalla riga extension=php_oci8.dll del file php.ini. Quando si utilizzano le librerie client Oracle 11gR2 o successive, rimuovere il commento da extension=php_oci8_11g.dll o extension=php_oci8.dll. Con le librerie Oracle 12c utilizzare extension=php_oci8_12c.dll o extension=php_oci8_11g.dll o extension=php_oci8.dll. È possibile abilitare solo una di queste DLL alla volta. Le DLL con versioni successive possono contenere più funzionalità. Non tutte le DLL potrebbero essere disponibili per tutte le versioni di PHP. Assicurarsi che extension_dir sia impostata alla directory contenente le DLL delle estensioni PHP.

Se si utilizza Instant Client, impostare la variabile di ambiente di sistema PATH alla directory della libreria Oracle.

Impostazione dell'Ambiente Oracle

Prima di utilizzare questa estensione, assicurarsi che le variabili di ambiente Oracle siano impostate correttamente per l'utente demone web. Se il server Web viene avviato automaticamente all'avvio, assicurarsi che anche l'ambiente di avvio sia configurato correttamente.


Non impostare le variabili di ambiente Oracle utilizzando putenv() in uno script PHP perché le librerie Oracle potrebbero essere caricate e inizializzate prima che lo script venga eseguito. Le variabili impostate con putenv() possono quindi causare conflitti, arresti anomali o comportamenti imprevedibili. Alcune funzioni potrebbero funzionare, ma altre potrebbero fornire piccoli errori. Le variabili dovrebbero essere impostate prima che il server web venga avviato.

Su Red Hat Linux e varianti, esportare le variabili alla fine di /etc/sysconfig/httpd. Altri sistemi con Apache 2 possono utilizzare uno script envvars nella directory bin di Apache. Una terza opzione, la direttiva Apache SetEnv in httpd.conf, può funzionare in alcuni sistemi ma è nota per essere insufficiente in altri.

Per verificare che le variabili d'ambiente siano impostate correttamente, usare phpinfo() e controllare che la sezione Environment (non Apache Environment) contenga le variabili previste.

Le variabili che potrebbero essere necessarie sono incluse nella tabella seguente. Fare riferimento alla documentazione Oracle per ulteriori informazioni su tutte le variabili disponibili.

Variabili di Ambiente Oracle Comuni
Nome Scopo
ORACLE_HOME Contiene la directory del software Oracle Database completo. Non si deve impostare quando si utilizza Oracle Instant Client in quanto non è necessario e potrebbe causare problemi di installazione.
ORACLE_SID Contiene il nome del database sulla macchina locale a cui connettersi. Non è necessario impostarlo se si utilizza Oracle Instant Client o si passa sempre il parametro di connessione a oci_connect().
LD_LIBRARY_PATH Impostare questo (o l'equivalente della piattaforma, come DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBPATH o SHLIB_PATH) alla posizione delle librerie Oracle, ad esempio $ORACLE_HOME/lib o /usr/lib/oracle/11.1/client/lib. Questa variabile non è necessaria se le librerie sono localizzate da un meccanismo di ricerca diverso, come con ldconfig o con LD_PRELOAD.
NLS_LANG Questa è la variabile principale per l'impostazione del set di caratteri e delle informazioni di globalizzazione utilizzate dalle librerie Oracle.
ORA_SDTZ Imposta il fuso orario della sessione Oracle.
TNS_ADMIN Contiene la directory in cui vengono conservati i file di configurazione di Oracle Net Services come tnsnames.ora e sqlnet.ora. Non necessario se la stringa di connessione oci_connect() utilizza la sintassi di denominazione Easy Connect come localhost/XE. Non necessario se i file di configurazione di rete si trovano in una delle posizioni predefinite come $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin o /etc.
Le variabili di ambiente Oracle utilizzate meno di frequente includono TWO_TASK, ORA_TZFILE e le varie impostazioni di globalizzazione Oracle come le variabili NLS* e ORA_NLS_*.

Risoluzione dei problemi

Il problema più comune con l'installazione di OCI8 non è avere l'ambiente Oracle impostato correttamente. Questo in genere appare come problema usando oci_connect() o oci_pconnect(). L'errore potrebbe essere un errore PHP come Call to undefined function oci_connect(), un errore Oracle come ORA-12705 o persino un arresto anomalo di Apache. Controllare i file di log di Apache per errori di avvio e vedere le sezioni precedenti per risolvere questo problema.

Mentre errori di rete come ORA-12154 o ORA-12514 indicano un problema di configurazione o denominazione di rete Oracle, la causa principale potrebbe essere dovuta al fatto che l'ambiente PHP non è impostato correttamente e le librerie Oracle non sono in grado di individuare il file di configurazione tnsnames.ora.

Su Windows, avere più versioni di Oracle su una macchina può facilmente causare conflitti di libreria a meno che non si presti attenzione per assicurarsi che PHP utilizzi solo la versione corretta di Oracle.

Un'utilità per esaminare quali librerie vengono cercate e caricate può aiutare a risolvere problemi di libreria mancanti o contrastanti, in particolare su Windows.

Nota: Se il server web non si avvia o si arresta in modo anomalo all'avvio

Verificare che Apache sia collegato alla libreria pthread:

# ldd /www/apache/bin/httpd => /lib/ (0x4001c000) => /lib/ (0x4002f000) => /lib/ (0x4004c000) => /lib/ (0x4007a000) => /lib/ (0x4007e000)
  /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

Se libpthread non è elencato, reinstallare Apache:

# cd /usr/src/apache_1.3.xx
# make clean
# LIBS=-lpthread ./config.status
# make
# make install

Si noti che su alcuni sistemi come UnixWare, è libthread invece di libpthread. PHP e Apache devono essere configurati con EXTRA_LIBS=-lthread.

add a note

User Contributed Notes 36 notes

alvaro at demogracia dot com
16 years ago
If you've followed the instructions and you can't even connect to the DB server, welcome to the Oracle hell. Most of the information you'll find is deprecated, incomplete, not for your platform, unnecessary or just plain wrong.

Typically, you won't need at all those complicate setups you'll read about and they'll probably make things harder. I suggest you get Systernal's "Filemon" utility (for Windows, in Unix you may do with strace) and find out what exact config files and DLLs are being tried by php.exe (or httpd.exe if PHP runs as Apache module or...). Pretty often, the issue is that (e.g.) TNSNAMES.ORA does not have the correct line ending or Apache is looking for a DLL that does not even exist in your hard disc; learning that prevents you to waste time adding more and more useless environmental variables.

Goog luck.
devolver at iastate dot edu
22 years ago
I spent several hours tracking down error ORA 24374, which would result from only *SOME* of my select statements. This error would be caused if I made a query that would return any non-numerical value. I am running an Apache 1.3.x webserver and PHP 4.2.1.

The fix is to add entries in your httpd.conf file that would export your environment settings. I added these three lines and everything worked like a charm!
SetEnv ORACLE_HOME /path/to/oracle/home
SetEnv ORA_NLS33 /path/to/oracle/home/ocommon/nls/admin/data

Obviously, if your NLS_LANG is different, you should set it to whatever your NLS_LANG actually is. Ask your friendly DB admin for this information.

Hope this helps someone who treads down the path that I just followed!

f dot kheiri at ucl dot ac dot uk
18 years ago
To compile PHP 4.4.2 with OCI8 / Oracle 9i / AIX 5.2 (64-bit) / GCC

PHP will automatically compile against the Oracle 64-bit libraries, which PHP being a 32-bit app, will cause "make" to fail (though it will configure fine). Here's how to avoid this:

1. replace your PHP's ext/oci8 directory with the latest ext/oci8 directory downloadable from PECL - then remove the old directory entirely

2. rebuild configure by running:

./buildconf --force PHP's root directory. This will rebuild the configure script.

3. using a tool like sed, in your configure file replace all instances of /path/to/oracle/lib with /path/to/oracle/lib32 - note, this may require GNU's autoconf, m4 and gnumake.

4. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/oracle/lib32

5. ./configure --with-oci-8=/path/to/oracle (and any other options)

Then, the usual make and make install.
ben at onshop dot co dot uk
19 years ago
I spent ages trying work out why I was getting the following message when when using ocilogon() on Windows 2000 using PHP 4 and 5:

ORA-03106 Fatal two-task communication protocol error

This problem is occurs when PHP cannot find ORACLE client environmental variables.

The environmental variables can be set in several ways:

1. Within the root 'Directory' directive on Apache httpd.conf:

<Directory "d:/path/to/webroot">
SetEnv ORACLE_BASE "c:/oracle"
SetEnv ORACLE_HOME "c:/oracle/ora81"
SetEnv NLS_LANG "american_america.WE8DEC"


2. Within Windows:

Go to the Control Panel>System>Advanced>Environmental Variables

Then enter a name value/pair for each of the variables.

3. Using putenv() statements in the PHP file prior to using ocilogon(). This is not ideal because the statements are required evertime you wish to connect to Oracle.
neogodo at yahoo dot com dot br
20 years ago
Hey guys!!!!

I have all these problems and when are solved a php show this:

_oci_server ORA-12159:connection text especified is too long

It's simple!!!

In the TNSNAMES.ORA remove all space, tab, carriage return on the conection string and, wallah!!! All work fine!!!

More info:

PHP 5.0.0 with Oci8
Apache 1.3

Romolo (
DBA Oracle
Brazil - SP - Sao Paulo
NOSPAMPLZ!esartoni at omniaglobal dot net
21 years ago
I had a little problem with ocilogon but only with RedHat 8.0. It always returned some kind of error during connection like 'OCISessionBegin - ... invalid character', or 'OCISessionBegin - ... missing or invalid option in ...'

I have finally found what is this problem! You have to change your LANG enviroment variable disabling UTF-8. Example: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 should become LANG=en_US.
Saxon Leung
13 years ago
Spending long time in researching how to install this on a freshly installed [Red Hat-based (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora)] Linux, and finally I come to this:

1) Download & install

#yum install oracle-instantclient-basic
#yum install oracle-instantclient-devel



#rpm -i oracle-instantclient11.2-basic-
#rpm -i oracle-instantclient11.2-devel-

2) Check PHP version:

#rpm -qa | grep php

It should looks sth like this:

3) Update if needed by:

#yum --enablerepo=webtatic update php

** Make sure you have php-devel installed before updating to a newer version, or you might have problem to add package back. If it happened, you\\'ll have to reinstall all php packages (sadly I did):

#yum remove php-common
#yum --enablerepo=webtatic install php

4) Remember to install a C compiler for installation use:
#yum install gcc

5) Unzip oci8-1.4.7.tgz:
#tar xvzf oci8-1.4.7

6) Run phpize (php-devel required):
# phpize

7) Setup Config:
# ./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/lib

8) Add a sym-link to the SDK header files (Comes with the instantclient-devel)

#ln -s /usr/include/oracle/11.2/client64/ /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/lib/include

** The installation defaults to use 1 dir path only, so the missing SDK files need to add back to that directory, by adding a sym-link \\"include\\" under the lib folder.

9) Compile and install:
#make all install

[Please note that I'm installing on a 64-bit platform so links are pointing at client64 instead of client]
scoop at subindie dot com
19 years ago
Regarding compiling with the recently updated OCI8 Extension (

I ran into problems when statically compiling, such as numerous "undefined reference to `zif_oci_***'" errors. Since I likely won't be the only one to run into this problem, here's some helpful hints:

If you've previously compiled your php installation, first: make clean

Then replace the existing php-x.x.x/ext/oci8 directory with the latest package from:

./buildconf --force
./config ..
aliquis at die dot spammers dot die dot link-net dot org
21 years ago
I've had all kinds of errors with RedHat9(yuck), PHP 4.3.4RC1 and Oracle enterprice server 9.2. For some time I thought that --with-oci8 wouldn't work with Oracle9 but that wasn't the case, the solution was many steps.

1) install oracle, might require some tricks, on RedHat9 I had to put this in my .bashrc:
export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/ora9
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/9.2
export ORACLE_OWNER=oracle
export ORACLE_SID=netadmdb
export ORACLE_TERM=vt100
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1
export THREADS_FLAG=native

2) compile php, use --with-oci8

3) Make an init-script for the oracle9 database server, as default the TNS listener doesn't run so add that on aswell, example:
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/ora9/product/9.2
export ORACLE_SID=netadmdb
export DISPLAY=:0
export oracle_user
case $1 in
su - "$oracle_user"<<EOO
sqlplus /nolog<<EOS
connect / as sysdba
/opt/ora9/product/9.2/bin/lsnrctl start
su - "$oracle_user"<<EOO
/opt/ora9/product/9.2/bin/lsnrctl stop
sqlplus /nolog<<EOS
connect / as sysdba
shutdown immediate
echo "Usage: ora9 [start|stop]"

4) Configure Apache. For some reason it requires some tweaking with environment variables, in the begining I put those in the PHP-script with putenv, later in the httpd.conf with SetEnv and the mod_env module. But I was told to not do that and instead set them in the init script for Apache. So I copied apachectl to /etc/init.d and edited envvars in $APACHE_PATH/bin. First I added all kinds of env variables until I got it to work, and then I removed them one at a time and came to the following minimal configuration:

Earlier I had added NLS_LANG and TNS_ADMIN above those mentioned above (point 1), but it seems those aren't needed really. So no need for TWO_TASK or ORACLE_SID, only needed one is ORACLE_HOME and if you get missing/invalid option for your OCILogon set LANG to something else like I did. Someone earlier said it might have to do with UTF8.

So if you are sure lsncrtl are started and that you have the correct env-variables set in your $APACHE_PATH/bin/envvars you can just use something like:


in your PHP-script and it should work.
Hope this helps someone.
mike at
16 years ago
Some notes to save somebody some grief:

Installing the Oracle libraries and access module into an existing PHP5 installation on Debian etch without rebuilding php...

First grab the Linux instantclient from - you'll also need the client SDK kit. Here I'm using instantclient 11.1

create a directory for these such as /home/oracle and unpack both of them to that directory.

Go into the oracle directory (and into the instantclient_11_1 directory) and create a symlink:

$ ln -s

Grab the oci8 PECL package and unpack it somewhere (~/oci).

Make sure you have the following packages (in addition to php5, php5-cli, apache2, etc).




Go to the oci8 directory (~/oci/).

You need to run 'pecl build' once to create the configure script.

$pecl build

But the problem is that pecl build will claim the files are installed and they are not. I wasted half a day on this one. Now go into the oci8-1.3.0 directory and build again by hand:

$ cd oci8-1.3.0

$ ./configure --with-oci8=instantclient,/home/oracle/instantclient_11_1

$ make

Fix any errors/warnings before continuing

Don't make install, which won't work.

$ cp ./modules/ /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs

Replace 20060613+lfs with whatever module directory has been setup for you in /usr/lib/php5

Create /etc/php5/conf.d/oci8.ini:



Now run the php cmdline in verbose mode (php -v) and see if everything loaded. Fix it if it didn't.

You may need some env variables setup in your /etc/init.d/apache2 file to make everything work and actually execute queries, but a phpinfo() at this point should show your oci8 extension. See the Oracle pages if you need help with the env variables.

Restart the web server

$ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
david dot reynoldsat at ipl dot com
17 years ago
I had a problem loading php_oci8.dll with php 5.2, Apache, and windows XP - a module not loaded error, on every apache restart.
I eventually found that I had to add the oracle instantclient library path to the %PATH% under SYSTEM and not under USER. Doing that, and then rebooting, fixed the error - as Apache is starting as a service (outside the user setup).
18 years ago
# here's what it took to get it going for me on rhel4 on x86_64 w/ 10gr2 and php5.0.5
# hopefully this will save someone a little grief
# first you must install the 10.2 full client in /app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
# follow all the instructions. This part will be a bitch.

# install the instantclient basic and sdk like this
mkdir -p /usr/lib/oracle/
unzip -jd /usr/lib/oracle/
mkdir -p /usr/include/oracle/
unzip -jd /usr/lib/oracle/
ln -s /usr/lib/oracle/ /usr/lib/oracle/

# make the full client use instantclient's files
cd /app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
mv lib oldlib
ln -s /usr/lib/oracle/ lib
ln -s /usr/include/oracle/ include

php configure line is: --with-oci8=/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/
22 years ago
Configuring/Compiling PHP as a DSO with Oracle support from source on a Sun Solaris 8 box. We had already installed Oracle 9.2.0 client tools.

1. Make sure the following tools are installed


They can be downloaded from

2. Make sure Apache is installed with DSO support. We ran the Apache configure/compile like so:

LIBS=-lpthread ./configure \
--prefix=/usr/local/apache \
--enable-module=most \

make install

3. If you haven't already, install the Oracle client tools.
4. Make sure the following environment variables are set correctly and are accessible by all users. We set them in /etc/profile.


(technically, only $ORACLE_HOME is required, but you'll want to set the rest in order to make sure things run smoothly afterward)

5. Make sure '/usr/ccs/bin' is in your path. If not, add it.
6. Unpack PHP source (php-4.2.3):

gunzip php-4.2.3.tar.gz
tar xvf php-4.2.3.tar
cd php-4.2.3

7. Run PHP configure like so :

CC=gcc ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
--with-config-file-path=/etc \
--with-mysql \
--enable-ftp \
--with-oci8=/path/to/ORACLE_HOME \
--with-oracle=/path/to/ORACLE_HOME \

8. Run make: make
9. Run this as root: make install
10. Change the LoadModule line in httpd.conf to include the fully qualified path. For us:

LoadModule php4_module /usr/local/apache/libexec/

11. Make sure the PHP files types are recognized in your httpd.conf file:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

12. Test the configuration:

/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl configtest

It should return "Syntax OK"

13. Bounce Apache:

/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart

14. Here's a simple PHP script to test the setup. If you don't have access to the default tables Oracle provides, change the connections/tablenames/fields to match your setup:


= ocilogon("scott", "tiger");

$cmdstr = "select ename, sal from emp";
$parsed = ociparse($db_conn, $cmdstr);
$nrows = ocifetchstatement($parsed, $results);
"Found: $nrows results<br><br>\n";

"<table border=1 cellspacing='0' width='50%'>\n";

for (
$i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++ ) {
"<td>" . $results["ENAME"][$i] . "</td>";
"<td>$ " . number_format($results["SAL"][$i], 2). "</td>";


12 years ago
Lost a day on trying to make work oci8 & pdo_oci extensions in php-fpm 5.3 on OpenSuSE 12.2 (64bit) with latest oracle instant client
Any of two works normally with generic instructions. But both extensions caused crash in oci_connect().

Solution was simple add ORACLE_HOME variable BEFORE running php-fpm.


. /etc/rc.status
. /etc/profile.d/ # add this after rc.status (note: dot & space)

After "service php-fpm restart" works normally. Hope this helps.
beer at myplace dot now
15 years ago
I was experiencing issues with Unicode characters being saved incorrectly to my ORA 10 DB. Issue was tracked to not having a NLS_LANG environment variable specified - set this correctly in the Apache environment and the issue was resolved.
benstendahl at hotmail dot com
15 years ago
When using PHP on an IIS server (Windows Server 2000+):

After installing the Oracle Instant Client and adding it to the "PATH" Environment Variable, be sure that you also add "Read & Execute" privileges to the Oracle Instant Client directory for the IIS user designated for the site. This is especially necessary if IIS has been hardened using the IIS Lockdown tool ( as users must be explicitly granted permissions from the web.
rainer dot klier at gmx dot at
18 years ago
estoreic (note from 15-May-2006 10:54) is right.

there seems to be a problem with the oci8-api-functions in php 4.4.x.

there are error-messages like these in the error_log:
child pid 22297 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (out): 0x00000000019f4730 ***
*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0000000001111d90 ***
*** glibc detected *** corrupted double-linked list: 0x0000000001111d50 ***

using php 4.4.x with oracle 10.x is impossible, until you do the following:
1. download latest oci8-package from
2. extract package somewhere
3. go to php-4.4.x-source directory
4. rm -rf ext/oci8
5. cp extraceted oci8-1.2.x directory to/as ext/oci8
6. make distclean
7. ./buildconf --force
8. ./.configure (with the options you need)
9. make
10. only for x86_64:
create pear-install.ini:

memory_limit = 128M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)

11. edit Makefile:
PEAR_INSTALL_FLAGS = -n -dshort_open_tag=0 -dsafe_mode=0
PEAR_INSTALL_FLAGS = -cpear-install.ini -dshort_open_tag=0 -dsafe_mode=0

12. make install

have fun!
oracle connections will work now!
denis dot delamarre at chu-rennes dot fr
19 years ago
php5 + Apache 2 + solaris 2.10 + oracle9i (64bits)

'./configure' '--with-oracle=/prod/dba/oraeve/ora9i' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' '--with-zlib' '--with-gd' '--without-mysql' '--with-oci8=/prod/dba/oraeve/ora9i'

fail with :
ld: fatal : fichier : wrong elf class : ELFCLASS64

the solution is between ./configure and make command to edit Makefile and replace /ora9i/lib with /ora9i/lib32

all it's ok
semenov dot v at gmail dot com
5 years ago
CentOS 7 PECL with oci8-2

After documented installation stucks

$ yum install systemtap-sdt-devel
$ export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/include/oracle/XX.X/client64
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib; export $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ export PHP_DTRACE=yes
$ C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/oracle/XX.X/client64 pecl install oci8
$ echo > /etc/php.d/instantclient.ini
$ systemctl reload https
oddbec_no_more_spam_kthx at online dot no
21 years ago
I had trouble with norwegian characters using oracle 8.7.1 / php 4something and Apache 2.

The only trouble was that '?' appeared instead of the norwegian characters.

The solution to it all was to add this to the apachectl script:

export NLS_LANG="norwegian_norway.WE8ISO8859P1"
export ORACLE_BASE="/home/oracle"
export ORA_NLS33="/home/oracle/ocommon/nls/admin/data"
export ORACLE_TERM="ansi"
export ORACLE_HOME="/home/oracle"
export LANG="no_NO"

I'm not sure if all of these are necessary, but I took no change, and it works now :)
2 years ago
The OCI8 extension lets you access Oracle Database.

Use 'pecl install oci8' to install for PHP 8.1.

Use 'pecl install oci8-3.0.1' to install for PHP 8.0.

Use 'pecl install oci8-2.2.0' to install for PHP 7.

Use 'pecl install oci8-2.0.12' to install for PHP 5.2 - PHP 5.6.

Use 'pecl install oci8-1.4.10' to install for PHP 4.3.9 - PHP 5.1.

[username@hostname ~]# php -v
^ To see PHP version
modir at huanga dot com
13 years ago
For those of you who would like to install this extension on an RedHat/CentOS server. It is actually pretty simple.

Here is what you have to do:
1) Download the following RPM from Oracle: oracle-instantclient11.2-basiclite- (Version number can be newer and check if you need the 64bit version or not). And then install it on the server.

2) yum install php-oci8

3) And as the last step you edit /etc/sysconfig/httpd and write the following line at the end: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/lib/ (Attention: Path changes depending on the version you have downloaded from the Oracle website.)
nicodenboer (at) yahoo (dot) com
16 years ago
Hi, I use Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release on a Linux workstation for dev purposes, along
with Apache 2 and PHP5. So far I have used it on Kubuntu 8.04.
To get things working on a recently installed notebook with openSUSE
11.0 was a bit more complicated. So I hope someone will be able to
benefit from our experiences. Here is our howto:

# Use the package manager to install the packages php5-pear and
php5-dev, if not installed yet.

# Download the instantclient_11_1, zip files basic, sdk, sqlplus from the Oracle web site

# Switch to user root here, since not all commands to some work sudo

# Unzip these files to /opt/oracle/.
# As a result you will see a dir instantclient_11_1 appearing.

ln -s /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ \
ln -s /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ \
ln -s /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ \
ldconfig # to make sure the system will be able to find the libs

pecl install oci8 # interactively enter option 1,
# then instantclient,/opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1,
# then enter

# if needed, add to your php.ini

/etc/init.d/apache2 reload

# finished!

Kind regards,
Nico den Boer
jay dot couture at gmail dot com
18 years ago
# Here's what it took to get it going for me on Red Hat on
# x86_32 w/ 10gr2 and php5.1.2
# I sincerely appreciate all of the other poster's notes.
# It was a combination of a few
# of them to get mine configured. My note should reflect this:

# install the instantclient basic and sdk like this
# note: the original poster had you install into a lib subdirectory,
# but when I tried this it couldn't find the sdk files. So I moved
# the files in lib into the parent directory as
# shown below. Actually I copied them, YMMV
mkdir -p /usr/lib/oracle/
unzip -jd /usr/lib/oracle/
mkdir -p /usr/include/oracle/
unzip -jd /usr/lib/oracle/
ln -s /usr/lib/oracle/

# make the full client use instantclient's files
cd /app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
mv lib oldlib
ln -s /usr/lib/oracle/ lib
ln -s /usr/include/oracle/ include

#php configure line is:
./configure --with-oci8=instantclient,/usr/lib/oracle/

# I had to do this, or the OCI8 would not compile when
# I ran make on PHP5.1.2 I did not do this originally when I
# had the files in the lib sudirectory (see my note above) so
# that may be the true issue.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/$LD_LIBRARY_PATH


make install

#In apache2 edit the envvars and add

#Restart Apache

19 years ago
Problems compiling 5.0.4 with Oracle Instant Client 10? (i.e. cannot find -lirc)

Remove the "-lirc" from sdk/demo/sysliblist and rerun configure.
kucerar at hhmi dot org
20 years ago
Great Solaris patch! Finally built. Here's some tips on connecting:

Just made this on solaris8 32bit, actually works.

1) put everything in one directory
2) unsetenv ORACLE_HOME
3) set the env vars LD_LIBRARY_PATH and SQLPATH and TNS_ADMIN(if you have it) to that directory.
4) use one of the other easy connection notations here

These env vars worked when put at the top of apachectl script as well.

To build you may have to fake it out with an ORACLE_HOME var, but unset it later. You may also have to fake out the build by putting header files where it is looking for them, e.g. in the rdbms/demo directory or some such other place.

When running though, make sure you have only the files required in only one directory.

Oracle has not put up a link to the 32bit solaris sqlplus--you have to guess it--it's there though:

...and don't forget to add ".world" on to the end of your SID. It's very common to have to specify DBNAME.WORLD to connect.
mark at magpies dot net
20 years ago
For those trying to use the Oracle Instant Client 10g in a win32 environment, heres a nice easy howto. If you fully read the docs properly and understand what your reading you will be able to set it up, but if like me you want a quick easy fix, heres how I did it.

1. Download and install the Oracle Instant Client to where ever (lets say c:\ora\client )
2. Add your connect info, copy a previously created or provided tnsnames.ora file to the above directory.
3. Change Path in the Environment Variables area to add this directory to the path. ie. c:\ora\client;%SystemRoot%;<and so on>
4. Open regedit and add a Key called ORACLE to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
5. To the ORACLE key add a string value called TNS_ADMIN and assign it the directory above (ie. c:\ora\client ) So you end up with KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\TNS_ADMIN = c:\ora\client
6. Set php to use Oci8 extension and bobs your uncle
7. Reboot.

Option 7 was required as the oci8 extension or php wouldn't pick up the path change. Also my problem was how to use other programs like sqlplus without creating extra Environment Variables etc the TNS_ADMIN / tnsnames.ora part makes that simpler and allows you to call things the same as you would before.

PS: This should apply to all the Instant Clients. I haven't tried it with any others but 10g though.

Hope this helps.
ed000001 at hotmail dot com
20 years ago
If you get your connectivity working with putenv on ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME, but you do not want to use putenv because you want safemode on. You will need to pass these from your environment variables. Somehow setenv in httpd.conf did not do the trick for me... the values are set but the connectivity does not work. Then you will need to set the environment in your /etc/init.d/apachectl or /etc/profile and use a "PassEnv ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID" directive in httpd.conf so that these variables are picked up by php.

However, when you suexec in Apache 2.0, the server will only allow you to pass a given set of variables which are defined in the apache source code in the file apache-dir/support/suexec.c

In order to pass ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME to PHP you need to add these to that file. The relevant changed piece of code where I added "ORACLE_" looks something like this:

char *safe_env_lst[] =
/* variable name starts with */

/* variable name is */

You will have to do a "make clean", "./configure", "make", "make install". Do not forget to do the "make clean" or the apache changes will not be picked up.

Here is a nice php test script :)

<?php // test-oracle.php

function dump_array($a_value)
for (
$s_str = '' ; list($s_key, $x_value) = each($a_value) ; )
$s_str .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".
"<span style=\"color:green\">[</span>$s_key<span style=\"color:green\">]</span> = ".
"<span style=\"color:red\">[</span>$x_value<span style=\"color:red\">]</span><br />";


$cn = ociplogon('scott', 'tiger');
"cn = $cn<br />\n";
$st = ociparse($cn, "select tname from tab");
"st = $st<br />\n";
$ex = ociexecute($st,OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS);
"ex = $ex<br />\n";
$mr = ocifetchinto($st,$xx,OCI_ASSOC);
while (
$mr )
$mr = ocifetchinto($st,$xx,OCI_ASSOC);
$fr = ocifreestatement($st);
"fr = $fr<br />";
aleigh at tessier dot com
21 years ago
Warning: ocilogon(): _oci_open_session: OCIHandleAlloc OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX: OCI_INVALID_HANDLE can also be caused by running the webserver with an ORACLE_HOME of a (radically?) different version than PHP was linked against.

I experienced this when I accidently used an Oracle 8 ORACLE_HOME for a PHP that was linked against Oracle 9.
lore_giver at lycos dot co dot uk
21 years ago
Running Oracle 9i on a
Solaris 9 (64 bit) platform with a Sun Server E250:
Apache version 1.3.27
PHP version 4.3.1

I was first getting "...wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64.."
while doing a ./configure with the --with-oci8 and --with-oracle parameters.

After some unsuccessfull searched I renamed the $ORACLE_HOME/lib to $ORACLE_HOME/ and then renamed the

Thereafter it went passed this config, but now failed on
not being able to find a file which was in the
$ORACLE_HOME/lib directory (this message was displayed in the debug.log in the php source directory).

After setting the Environment variable:
I was able to compile without any errors and 'make' and 'make install' ran smoothly.

I only had to add the php type in the httpd.conf (in your apache conf directory eg. /usr/local/apache/conf)..
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
to get the php to work again...

I had to then reverse the $ORACLE_HOME/lib swop on top since php was now having problems with the 32 bit version of the switched it back to 64 and my php script worked....

Hope this helps some out there with similar problems..

wingjeeplau at gmail dot com
11 years ago
In Ubuntu the setting is in file /etc/apache2/envvars
kakukkfu at mailbox dot hu
22 years ago
Better to insert needed variables into apache(!) (or your webserver - respectively) start script.

For example on UNIX systems /etc/init.d/apache would contain following lines before anything else:


if [ -f ~oracle/.profile ]; then
source ~oracle/.profile

The ~oracle/.profile has the appropiate settings to start an Oracle database so it is always up-to-date for PHP, too. (If settings are changed, don't forget to restart your webserver.) This way you just no need to worry what to include or define for PHP.
Marinne at ilovechocolate dot com
23 years ago
One simple but useful note:check whether your TNS Listener is running! By default, it's not started automatically when an Oracle instance is started. Login as oracle then type :

lsnrctl START

After it's started, I can sucessfully run the sample code on this page! I used to got ora-12514 error before doing this.
bluei at phpworld dot org
24 years ago
check your tnsnames.ora permission.

ORACLE_HOME = /home/oracle/oracle

chmod 755 /home/oracle/oracle/network/admin -R

Yahoo!!!!!! I solved it!!!
shmengie_2000 at yahoo dot com
24 years ago
couple of notes about startup/shutdown on linux: (redhat, maybe others)

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/

Caused the start/stop script to fail to stop the httpd process.
The LD_PRELOAD environment var caused the 'ps' command to core dump. I went bald figuring that out.

Easiest fix I could think of was to move all the oracle/php varialble exports so they are only set in the start section of the httpd script.

Never thought setting those vars globally in the script would cause problems. That's what I get for thinking...

One other note: Make sure the httpd process is shutdown before Oracle.


Lingering connections to oracle may cause shutdown to take forever.

gl & hf

john at john-warner dot com
22 years ago
In addition to the earlier posts here is a further explaination;

Problem: Regular and Remote authentication does not work using Windows 2000 + PHP and Oracle 8i, 9i.

Secondary Issue if using Oracle
When using Oracle the Error structure returned by Oracle is different than expected by PHP. As a result there will be no legible error message other than the following;
Warning: _oci_open_server: in ...

Using Oracle the error message returned is any of the following depending on your situation;

Warning: _oci_open_server: ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed in ...
Warning: _oci_open_server: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name in ...
Warning: _oci_open_server: ORA-12505: TNS:listener could not resolve SID given in connect descriptor in ...

In order to get this to work properly you need to do the following;
In reference to ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed in ...
you need to edit your sqlnet.ora file and change the
The reason is that using NTS validation on a Windows 2000 machine essentially means Kerberos.
Using (NONE) will tell oracle not to expect kerberos "Credentials" as a means of validation. In turn it will use the oracle authentication for a database user.

In reference to ORA-12154 and ORA-12505 you need to do the following;
In your php code you are using to connect you need to copy the section in tnsnames.ora
into a variable.
For example;
$username = "scott";
$passwd = "tiger";
$conn = OCILogon($username,$passwd,$db);
if (!
"Connection failed";
"Error Message: [" . OCIError($conn) . "]";
I left the ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN putenv lines commented out and your need for them depends on which web server you are using. If you are using Apache, you may need both.
If you are using Microsoft IIS you may need ORACLE_HOME. Putting it in can't hurt and it appears PHP may read them if they are there but either way you should be working at this

Live long and prosper.
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