
Questa estensione » PECL non è incorporata nel PHP. Informazioni per l'installazione di questa estensione PECL possono essere trovate nel capitolo del manuale intitolato Installazione delle estensioni PECL. Informazioni aggiuntive come nuove release, download, file sorgenti, informazioni del manutentore e un CHANGELOG possono essere trovate qui: »


It's possible to disable memcache session handler support. The 'pecl install' option prompts for this (default is enabled) however when compiling statically into PHP the --disable-memcache-session configure option may be used.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

mit at mitayai dot org
14 years ago
It is very important to note when reading the information supplied by others on this page that there are two *distinct* memcache PHP implementations for the service "memcached".

1) pecl-memcache
2) pecl-memcached

This page is for the first, pecl-memcache.

If you are looking for pecl-memcached information, visit here:
sidi dot khalifa at live dot fr
3 years ago
I hope this will help someone,
Context: I wanted to use memcache
like this:

$memcache = new \Memcache();

but composer suggests me to install the extension
"ext-memcache": "*",

but that one didn't want to work, so I installed

sudo apt install php7.4-memcache
sudo apt install php7.4-memcached

and all worked
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