PHP 8.4.3 Released!



(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL intl >= 1.0.0)

Locale::composeLocale -- locale_composeReturns a correctly ordered and delimited locale ID


Stile orientato agli oggetti

public static Locale::composeLocale(array $subtags): string|false

Stile procedurale

locale_compose(array $subtags): string|false

Returns a correctly ordered and delimited locale ID the keys identify the particular locale ID subtags, and the values are the associated subtag values.

Elenco dei parametri


An array containing a list of key-value pairs, where the keys identify the particular locale ID subtags, and the values are the associated subtag values.


The 'variant' and 'private' subtags can take maximum 15 values whereas 'extlang' can take maximum 3 values. For instance, variants are allowed with the suffix ranging from 0-14. Hence the keys for the input array can be variant0, variant1, …,variant14. In the returned locale id, the subtag is ordered by suffix resulting in variant0 followed by variant1 followed by variant2 and so on.

Alternatively, the 'variant', 'private' and 'extlang' values can be specified as array under specific key (e.g. 'variant'). In this case no limits on the number of recognized subtags apply.

Valori restituiti

The corresponding locale identifier, or false when subtags is empty.


Example #1 locale_compose() example

= array(
'script' =>'Hans',
'region' =>'CN',

Example #2 OO example

= array(
'language'=>'en' ,
'script' =>'Hans',
'region' =>'CN',

Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:

Locale: en_Hans_CN_nedis_rozaj_x_prv1_prv2

Example #3 Subtag limits

If subtags are given as separate keys with numeric suffix, unsupported keys are silently ignored (in this case 'extlang3'), and ordered in the result by numeric suffix. There are no limits, if subtags are given as array; the order is as given.

= array(
'language' => 'en',
'script' => 'Hans',
'region' => 'CN',
'extlang3' => 'd',
'extlang2' => 'c',
'extlang1' => 'b',
'extlang0' => 'a',
locale_compose($arr), PHP_EOL;

$arr = array(
'language' => 'en',
'script' => 'Hans',
'region' => 'CN',
'extlang' => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
locale_compose($arr), PHP_EOL;

Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:


Vedere anche:

  • locale_parse() - Returns a key-value array of locale ID subtag elements

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