
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

pg_last_oidRestituisce l'oid dell'ultimo oggetto


pg_last_oid(resource $risultato): int

pg_last_oid() è utilizzato per recuperare l'oid assegnato ad una tupla inserita (record), se la risorsa risultato deriva dall'ultimo comando inviato attraverso pg_query(), e se quest'ultimo è un SQL INSERT. Restituisce un intero positivo se esiste un oid valido. Restituisce invece false in caso di errore o se l'ultimo comnado inviato da pg_query() non era un INSERT, oppure se l'INSERT ha fallito.

Il campo OID è diventato opzionale dal PostgreSQL 7.2. Quando il campo OID non è definito in una tabella, il programmatore deve utilizzare pg_result_status() per controllare se il record è stato inserito con successo.


Questa funzione si chiamava pg_getlastoid().

Vedere anche pg_query() e pg_result_status()

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User Contributed Notes 6 notes

julian at e2-media dot co dot nz
21 years ago
The way I nuderstand it, each value is emitted by a sequence only ONCE. If you retrieve a number (say 12) from a sequence using nextval(), the sequence will advance and subsequent calls to nextval() will return further numbers (after 12) in the sequence.

This means that if you use nextval() to retrieve a value to use as a primary key, you can be guaranteed that no other calls to nextval() on that sequence will return the same value. No race conditions, no transactions required.

That's what sequences are *for* afaik :^)
a dot bardsley at lancs dot ac dot uk
21 years ago
As pointed out on a busy site some of the above methods might actually give you an incorrect answer as another record is inserted inbetween your insert and the select. To combat this put it into a transaction and dont commit till you have done all the work
dtutar at yore dot com dot tr
21 years ago
This is very useful function :)

function sql_last_inserted_id($connection, $result, $table_name, $column_name) {
$oid = pg_last_oid ( $result);
$query_for_id = "SELECT $column_name FROM $table_name WHERE oid=$oid";
$result_for_id = pg_query($connection,$query_for_id);
return $id[$column_name];

Call after insert, simply ;)
webmaster at gamecrash dot net
22 years ago
You could use this to get the last insert id...

id serial,
something int not null

This creates the sequence test_id_seq. Now do the following after inserting something into table test:

INSERT INTO test (something) VALUES (123);
SELECT currval('test_id_seq') AS lastinsertid;

lastinsertid should contain your last insert id.
Jonathan Bond-Caron
19 years ago
I'm sharing an elegant solution I found on the web (Vadim Passynkov):

CREATE RULE get_pkey_on_insert AS ON INSERT TO Customers DO SELECT currval('customers_customers_id_seq') AS id;

Every time you insert to the Customers table, postgreSQL will return a table with the id you just inserted. No need to worry about concurrency, the ressource is locked when the rule gets executed.

Note that in cases of multiple inserts:

we would return the id of the last inserted row.

For more info about PostgreSQL rules:
qeremy [atta] gmail [dotta] com
12 years ago
Simply getting LAST_INSERT_ID;

// Note: waiting for "select" part from pg_query below.
// Note: separating the query parts using semicolons (;).

$qry = pg_query("
INSERT INTO users (id,uname,upass,rep) VALUES (DEFAULT,'bubu','a981v',0.19);
SELECT Currval('users_id_seq') LIMIT 1

// or
$qry = pg_query("
INSERT INTO users (id,uname,upass,rep) VALUES (DEFAULT,'bubu','a981v',0.19) RETURNING Currval('users_id_seq')"

$fch = pg_fetch_row($qry);

[0] => 3 -> Gotcha!
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