PHP 8.4.3 Released!


(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0)

cubrid_column_namesGet the column names in result


cubrid_column_names(resource $req_identifier): array

The cubrid_column_names() function is used to get the column names of the query result by using req_identifier.

Elenco dei parametri


Request identifier.

Valori restituiti

Array of string values containing the column names, when process is successful, o false in caso di fallimento.


Example #1 cubrid_column_names() example

= cubrid_connect("localhost", 33000, "demodb", "dba");
$result = cubrid_execute($conn, "SELECT * FROM game WHERE host_year=2004 AND nation_code='AUS' AND medal='G'");

$column_names = cubrid_column_names($result);
$column_types = cubrid_column_types($result);

printf("%-30s %-30s %-15s\n", "Column Names", "Column Types", "Column Maxlen");
$i = 0, $size = count($column_names); $i < $size; $i++) {
$column_len = cubrid_field_len($result, $i);
printf("%-30s %-30s %-15s\n", $column_names[$i], $column_types[$i], $column_len);


Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:

Column Names                   Column Types                   Column Maxlen  
host_year                      integer                        11             
event_code                     integer                        11             
athlete_code                   integer                        11             
stadium_code                   integer                        11             
nation_code                    char                           3              
medal                          char                           1              
game_date                      date                           10

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