
(PHP 8 >= 8.4.0)

ReflectionProperty::setRawValueSets the value of a property, bypassing a set hook if defined


public ReflectionProperty::setRawValue(object $object, mixed $value): void

Sets the value of a property, bypassing a set hook if defined.

Liste de paramètres

The object on which to set the property value.
The value to write. It must still be valid according to the property's type.

Valeurs de retour

Aucune valeur n'est retournée.

Erreurs / Exceptions

If the property is virtual, an Error will be thrown, as there is no raw value to set.


Exemple #1 ReflectionProperty::setRawValue() example

class Example
int $age {
set {
if (
$value <= 0) {
throw new
$this->age = $value;

$example = new Example();

$rClass = new \ReflectionClass(Example::class);
$rProp = $rClass->getProperty('age');

// These would go through the set hook, and throw an exception.
$example->age = -2;
$rProp->setValue($example, -2);

// But this would set the $age to -2 without error.
$rProp->setRawValue($example, -2);
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