
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

touchModifie la date de modification et de dernier accès d'un fichier


touch(string $filename, ?int $mtime = null, ?int $atime = null): bool

Tente de forcer la date de modification du fichier désigné par le paramètre filename à la date spécifiée par le paramètre mtime. Notez bien que la date de dernier accès est modifiée, quel que soit le nombre de paramètres.

Si le fichier n'existe pas, PHP tentera de le créer.

Liste de paramètres


Le nom du fichier à créer.


La date de création. Si mtime est omis, c'est l'heure courante time() qui est utilisée.


Si non null, l'heure d'accès au fichier fourni sera défini à la valeur du paramètre atime. Sinon, elle sera définie à la valeur passée au paramètre mtime. Si tous les deux sont null, l'heure courante du système sera utilisée.

Valeurs de retour

Cette fonction retourne true en cas de succès ou false si une erreur survient.


Version Description
8.0.0 mtime et atime sont désormais nullable.


Exemple #1 Exemple avec touch()

if (touch($FileName)) {
"La date de modification de $FileName a été modifiée à la date courante";
} else {
"Désolé, il est impossible de changer la date de modification de $FileName";

Exemple #2 Exemple avec touch() en utilisant le paramètre mtime

* Ceci est la date et l'heure du dernier accès, nous y ajoutons 1 heure
* dans le passé.
$time = time() - 3600;

/* Touchons le fichier ! */
if (!touch('some_file.txt', $time)) {
'Whoops, une erreur est survenue...';
} else {
'L\'appel à la fonction touch() a réussi';



Notez que la précision temporelle peut varier selon le système de fichiers utilisé.

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User Contributed Notes 14 notes

11 years ago
Note that when PHP is called by f.e. apache or nginx instead of directly from the command line, touch() will not prefix the location of the invoking script, so the supplied filename must contain an absolute path.

With script started from /home/user/www, this will not touch "/home/user/www/somefile":

( 'somefile' );

But this will:

( __DIR__ . '/somefile' );
Charles Belov
18 years ago
Update the access time without updating the modified time:

Unix command: touch -a filename

PHP: touch(filename, date('U', filemtime(filename)), time())
16 years ago
I've been trying to set a filemtime into the future with touch() on PHP5.

It seems touch $time has a future limit around 1000000 seconds (11 days or so). Beyond this point it reverts to a previous $time.

It doesn't make much sense but I could save you hours of time.

$time = time()+1500000;
mrgrier at yahoo dot com
16 years ago
At least on Linux, touch will not change the time on a symlink itself, but on the file/directory it points to. The only way to work around this is to unlink the symlink, then recreate it.

It took a bit of searching to discover this. The OS itself provides no way to do it. Many people wondered why anyone would want to do this. I use symlinks inside a web tree to point to files outside the web tree. After a certain length of time has passed, I want the symlinks to die, so the files cannot be successfully hotlinked.
ernst at cron-it dot de
15 years ago
To touch a file without being owner, it is much easier:

function touchFile($file) {
fclose(fopen($file, 'a'));
chris dot dallaire at csquaredsystems dot com
14 years ago
I needed to use this to touch the /etc/cron.d directory when I updated some files in there. I know the docs say this isn't necessary, but I'm finding that i need to do it in order form my changes to be picked up quickly.

I ran into the permissions error as well and I found that using chmod 777 /etc/cron.d does the trick.

So, you should be able to use the PHP touch function on a directory that has open write access.

Of course, this isn't the most secure approach, but in our application it's not a big deal for that folder to not be super secure.
ddalex at gmail dot com
16 years ago
Actually, Glen is right, PHP won't touch if it is not the current owner of the file, even if the directory and files are writeable by the PHP user.
info at archiwumrocka dot art dot pl
16 years ago
Only way to change modification date in catalogue is to create file in via touch() and dalete it with unlink():

= 'temp';
$files1 = scandir($dir);

$files1 = array_slice($files1, 2);

foreach (
$files1 as $key => $val)
if (!
is_dir($val)) continue;
if (!
touch($val . "/plik.txt");
unlink($val . "/plik.txt");
rf_public at yahoo dot co dot uk
19 years ago
Note: the script to touch a file you don't own will change it's owner so ensure permissions are correct or you could lose access to it
feathern at yahoo dot com
22 years ago
Neat little script that will give you a list of all modified files in a certain folder after a certain date:

$filelist = Array();
$filelist = list_dir("d:\\my_folder");
$test = Array();
$test = explode("/",date("m/d/Y",filemtime($filelist[$i])));
//example of files that are later then
if(($test[2] > 2001) && ($test[1] > 16) && ($test[0] > 5)){
echo $filelist[$i]."\r\n";
function list_dir($dn){
if($dn[strlen($dn)-1] != '\\') $dn.='\\';
static $ra = array();
$handle = opendir($dn);
while($fn = readdir($handle)){
if($fn == '.' || $fn == '..') continue;
if(is_dir($dn.$fn)) list_dir($dn.$fn.'\\');
else $ra[] = $dn.$fn;
return $ra;
picek dot jaroslav at protonmail dot com
1 year ago
I have found out that setting a negative *mtime* deletes the file. The following code always deletes the file at $path while $touch returns true.

= '/folder/file';
$timestamp = -1;

$touch = touch($path, $timestamp);

Running PHP 7.4.5
centurianii at yahoo dot co dot uk
7 years ago
A better explanation:

For file $file and UNIX time stored in vars $access and $modified

- change only access time
\touch($file, \filemtime($file), $access);

- change only modified time
\touch($file, $modified, \fileatime($file));

- change both access and modified time
\touch($file, $modified, $access);

Seeing the results:

//use a session cookie stored in a custom folder
$file = '/var/www/test_com/session/sess_qfn587cudfpgsijm1bs4d81s75';
echo 'stats for sess_qfn587cudfpgsijm1bs4d81s75<br/>';
echo 'access: '.\date("Y-m-d H:i:s", \fileatime($file)).'<br/>';
echo 'modified: '.\date("Y-m-d H:i:s", \filemtime($file)).'<br/>';
echo 'change access to now, modified +1 hour<br/>';
\touch($x, \filemtime($file)+3600, time());
echo 'access: '.\date("Y-m-d H:i:s", \fileatime($file)).'<br/>';
echo 'modified: '.\date("Y-m-d H:i:s", \filemtime($file)).'<br/>';

Notice the double call to clearstatcache()!
17 years ago
In unix on the command-line, you can touch files you don't own - but like other comments on this page state - PHP's built in touch won't work.

I simple alternative (on unix):


function touch_it_good($filename)
exec("touch {$filename}");
16 years ago
Important info:

touch() used on a directory always returns FALSE and prints "Permission denied" on NTFS and FAT Filesystem (tested on winXP).
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