
(PHP 7, PHP 8)

Throwable::getTraceObtener la traza de la pila


public Throwable::getTrace(): array

Devuelve la traza de la pila como un array.


Esta función no tiene parámetros.

Valores devueltos

Devuelve la traza de la pila como un array con el mismo formato que en debug_backtrace().

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

rasmus at mindplay dot dk
1 year ago
Note that, where `debug_backtrace()` accepts an argument, which lets you configure options for the backtrace, `getTrace()` has no such argument.

Whether the `getTrace` method captures arguments instead depends on the `zend.exception_ignore_args` INI setting, which must be set to `0` ahead of time, before an exception occurs. (notice the confusing double negation here - to *enable* capture of arguments, you must *disable* this INI flag.)

Unlike `debug_backtrace()`, the `getTrace` method does not appear to capture the `object` value.
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