(No version information available, might only be in Git)
CrudOperationLimitable::limit — Set result limit
): mysql_xdevapi\CrudOperationLimitableSets the maximum number of records or documents to return.
Esta función no está documentada actualmente, solamente se encuentra disponible la lista de parámetros.
The maximum number of records or documents.
A CrudOperationLimitable object.
Ejemplo #1 mysql_xdevapi\CrudOperationLimitable::limit() example
$res = $coll->find()->fields(['name as n','age as a','job as j'])->groupBy('j')->limit(11)->execute();
$res = $table->update()->set('age',69)->where('age > 15 and age < 22')->limit(4)->orderby(['age asc','name desc'])->execute();