How is the return value determined? What is the definition of 'recently'? Does this function return true if the item was stored using the current connection?
(PECL memcached >= 2.0.0)
Memcached::isPristine — Comprobar si la instancia se creó recientemente
Memcached::isPristine() comprueba si la instancia de Memcached se creó recientemente.
Esta función no tiene parámetros.
Devuelve true si la instancia se creó recientemente, de lo contrario devuelve false.
How is the return value determined? What is the definition of 'recently'? Does this function return true if the item was stored using the current connection?
From the source code of contructor, the "recently" means the connection to server of the instence is recently created, that is the instance was created without a persistent_id parameter or the first to use the persistent_id.
For instance, the gives a bool(true):
$memcached = new Memcached();
$isPristine = $memcached->isPristine();
This also gives a bool(true):
$memcached = new Memcached('pid1');
$isPristine = $memcached->isPristine();
while this gives a bool(false):
$memcached = new Memcached('pid1');
$memcached2 = new Memcached('pid1');
$isPristine = $memcached2->isPristine();