Using the "DESC TableName" command may also do the trick and is a bit shorter.
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
mysql_field_flags — Obtiene las banderas asociadas al campo especificado de un resultado
Esta extensión fue declarada obsoleta en PHP 5.5.0 y eliminada en PHP 7.0.0. En su lugar debería utilzarse las extensiones MySQLi o PDO_MySQL. Véase también la guía MySQL: elegir una API. Las alternativas a esta función son:
mysql_field_flags() devuelve las banderas del campo especificado. Las banderas son reportadas como una sola palabra por bandera, separada por un solo espacio, por lo que se puede dividir el valor devuelto usando explode().
El resultado resource que está siendo evaluado. Este resultado proviene de una llamada a mysql_query().
El número del campo a buscar. El valor de
comienza en 0
. Si
no existe, un error de nivel
es emitido.
Devuelve un string de banderas asociadas con el resultado o false
en caso de error.
Las siguientes banderas son reportadas si la versión de MySQL es
suficientemente actual para soportarlas: "not_null"
, "unique_key"
, "blob"
, "zerofill"
, "enum"
y "timestamp"
Ejemplo #1 Un ejemplo de mysql_field_flags()
$resultado = mysql_query("SELECT id, email FROM people WHERE id = '42'");
if (!$resultado) {
echo 'No se pudo ejecutar la consulta: ' . mysql_error();
$banderas = mysql_field_flags($resultado, 0);
echo $banderas;
print_r(explode(' ', $banderas));
El resultado del ejemplo sería algo similar a:
not_null primary_key auto_increment Array ( [0] => not_null [1] => primary_key [2] => auto_increment )
Por razones de compatibilidad con versiones anteriores, los siguientes alias obsoletos podrían usarse: mysql_fieldflags()
Using the "DESC TableName" command may also do the trick and is a bit shorter.
returns primary keys of a table using 'show keys'
although it is possible to use desc, show keys offers possible enhancements such a getting sequence in index along with it
function getPrimaryKeyOf($table, $link) {
$pk = Array();
$sql = 'SHOW KEYS FROM `'.$table.'`';
$res = mysql_query($table, $link) or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
if ($row['Key_name']=='PRIMARY')
array_push($pk, $row['Column_name']);
return $pk;
To really backup the database values, I made a little changement :
My code really looks like bomas 's code, but there is an important diffence :
$nbc = mysql_num_fields($req_table);
while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($req_table))
$insertions = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES(";
for ($i=0; $i<$nbc; $i++)
if ( $i > 0 ) $insertions .= ", ";
if ( !isset($ligne[$i]))
$insertions .= "NULL";
$insertions .= "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($ligne[$i]). "'";
$insertions .= ");";
$dumpsql[] = $insertions;
$dumpslq is the variable where I put the insertion orders before writting them in a text file.
Before, I test that the values if not NULL into the field because it is the only way to make the difference, for example for string text fields, between NULL values and empty strings.
If you don't make this test, you should find empty string instead of NULL values when you do the backup.
ok, sorry for the code bloat :) but this is how I
get the full power of mysql's DESCRIBE table statement, in
an associative array, including defaults, enum values, float radix et all.
it assumes mysql returns the type as
"type[(arg[,arg..])] [ add]"
"float(20,6) unsigned"
function getFields($tablename) {
$fields = array();
$fullmatch = "/^([^(]+)(\([^)]+\))?(\s(.+))?$/";
$charlistmatch = "/,?'([^']*)'/";
$numlistmatch = "/,?(\d+)/";
$fieldsquery .= "DESCRIBE $tablename";
$result_fieldsquery = mysql_query($fieldsquery) or die(mysql_error());
while ($row_fieldsquery = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_fieldsquery)) {
$name = $row_fieldsquery['Field'];
$fields[$name] = array();
$fields[$name]["type"] = "";
$fields[$name]["args"] = array();
$fields[$name]["add"] = "";
$fields[$name]["null"] = $row_fieldsquery['Null'];
$fields[$name]["key"] = $row_fieldsquery['Key'];
$fields[$name]["default"] = $row_fieldsquery['Default'];
$fields[$name]["extra"] = $row_fieldsquery['Extra'];
$fulltype = $row_fieldsquery['Type'];
$typeregs = array();
if (preg_match($fullmatch, $fulltype, $typeregs)) {
$fields[$name]["type"] = $typeregs[1];
if ($typeregs[4]) $fields[$name]["add"] = $typeregs[4];
$fullargs = $typeregs[2];
$argsreg = array();
if (preg_match_all($charlistmatch, $fullargs, $argsreg)) {
$fields[$name]["args"] = $argsreg[1];
} else {
$argsreg = array();
if (preg_match_all($numlistmatch, $fullargs, $argsreg)) {
$fields[$name]["args"] = $argsreg[1];
} else die("cant parse type args: $fullargs");
} else die("cant parse type: $fulltype");
return $fields;
Another examples :
function field_keys($host, $user, $password, $database, $field ) {
$db_link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password) or die ("error connect");
$query="DESC $field";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
if ($row[Key]=="PRI") {
return $array_keys;
//Example of Main...
$tmp = field_keys("localhost", "myuser", "mypassword", "mydb", "field_name" );
// ...loop through array...
foreach ( $tmp as $array_tmp){
print "<br>";
print $array_tmp;
print "<br>";
I didn't find anything to get the valid values for
ENUM or SET column types, so I came up with the
function mysql_enum_values($table, $field)
$sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table LIKE '$field'";
$sql_res = mysql_query($sql)
or die("Could not query:\n$sql");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_res);
preg_replace("/.*\('(.*)'\)/", "\\1",
well, to make a complete backup of your database, i suggest this code:
//open database here
$tab_status = mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
while($all = mysql_fetch_assoc($tab_status)):
$tbl_stat[$all[Name]] = $all[Auto_increment];
$tables = mysql_list_tables('cofadmin');
while($tabs = mysql_fetch_row($tables)):
$backup .= "--\n--Tabel structuur voor `$tabs[0]`\n--\n\nDROP IF EXISTS TABLE `$tabs[0]`\nCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$tabs[0]` ( ";
$res = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE $tabs[0]");
while($all = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)):
$str = str_replace("CREATE TABLE `$tabs[0]` (", "", $all['Create Table']);
$str = str_replace(",", ", ", $str);
$str2 = str_replace("`) ) TYPE=MyISAM ", "`)\n ) TYPE=MyISAM ", $str);
$backup .= $str2." AUTO_INCREMENT=".$tbl_stat[$tabs[0]].";\n\n";
$backup .= "--\n--Gegevens worden uitgevoerd voor tabel `$tabs[0]`\n--\n\n";
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tabs[0]");
while($dt = mysql_fetch_row($data)):
$backup .= "INSERT INTO `$tabs[0]` VALUES('$dt[0]'";
for($i=1; $i<sizeof($dt); $i++):
$backup .= ", '$dt[$i]'";
$backup .= ");\n";
$backup .= "\n-- --------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
echo $backup;
this displayes your data the same way as phpmyadmin does.
hope it helps some of you guys
This function is essential for writing a generic table editor (ie one that just takes the name of the table and works out what fields it has, types, sizes etc.). Unfortunately, I am using psotgreSQL not mySql. Postgres has field_type and field_size functions but not as far as I can tell an equivalent of the mysql_field_flags() function. Without it, there is no way I can do generic ADDs and INSERTs.
Anyone know a workaround to get this information (eg is the field a primary key? Can it be NULL? Is it auto_increment?) in Postgres?
Rob Buttrose
Sometimes, when writing a generic function or class, you want your script to be able to determine what the primary key of a table is.
/* usual MySQL stuff */
$query="DESC UsersTable";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($results))
if ($row[Type]="PRI")
print "I found the primary key! <br>";
print $row[Field];
/* drop out , as we've found the key */
..... later on we might have something like
< some sort of loop through records >
print "<a href='View_User_record.php?userkey=$UserKey'> Users Name </a>";
<end loop>
What's also interesting is the useful data you can get from
a DESC query.
The following prints out the array values grabbed by mysql_fetch_array on a DESC query - VERY useful stuff!!!
/* usual MySQL stuff */
$query="DESC UsersTable";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($results))
print "<pre>";
print_r ($row);
print "</pre>";
The previous problem to get the default values of a column:
Use the following query and parse the 'Default' column:
or for a single entry:
"SHOW COLUMNS FROM TableName LIKE 'column'"
It will give you also values for Type, Null, Key and Extra (check with mysql program first, so you see what you get ;-)