
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

lcg_valueCombined linear congruential generator


Esta función ha sido declarada OBSOLETA a partir de PHP 8.4.0. Su uso está totalmente desaconsejado.


lcg_value(): float

lcg_value() returns a pseudo random number in the range of (0, 1). The function combines two CGs with periods of 2^31 - 85 and 2^31 - 249. The period of this function is equal to the product of both primes.


Esta función no genera valores criptográficamente seguros y no debe ser utilizada para fines criptográficos o fines que requieran que los valores devueltos sean impredecibles.

Si se requiere aleatoriedad criptográficamente segura, se puede utilizar el Random\Randomizer con el motor Random\Engine\Secure. Para casos de uso simples, las funciones random_int() y random_bytes() proporcionan una API conveniente y segura respaldada por el CSPRNG del sistema operativo.


Scaling the return value to a different interval using multiplication or addition (a so-called affine transformation) might result in a bias in the resulting value as floats are not equally dense across the number line. As not all values can be exactly represented by a float, the result of the affine transformation might also result in values outside of the requested interval.

Use Random\Randomizer::getFloat() to generate a random float within an arbitrary interval. Use Random\Randomizer::getInt() to generate a random integer within an arbitrary interval.


Esta función no tiene parámetros.

Valores devueltos

A pseudo random float value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.

Historial de cambios

Versión Descripción
8.4.0 This function has been deprecated.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

daniel dot baulig at gmx dot de
15 years ago
Choose your weapon:
function mt_randf($min, $max)
$min + abs($max - $min) * mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax())/mt_getrandmax();
lcg_randf($min, $max)
$min + lcg_value() * abs($max - $min);
randf($min, $max)
$min + rand(0,getrandmax()) / getrandmax() * abs($max - $min);
rok kralj gmail com
17 years ago
An elegant way to return random float between two numbers:

function random_float ($min,$max) {
return (
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