

(PHP >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL fileinfo >= 0.1.0)

finfo_open -- finfo::__constructCrea un nuevo recurso fileinfo


Estilo por procedimientos

finfo_open(int $options = FILEINFO_NONE, string $magic_file = null): resource

Estilo orientado a objetos (constructor):

public finfo::__construct(int $options = FILEINFO_NONE, string $magic_file = null)

Esta función abre una base de datos mágica y la devuelve a su recurso.



Una o más constantes Fileinfo .


Nombre del fichero de la base de datos mágica, normalmente es algo como /path/to/magic.mime. Si no se especifica, se utilizará la variable de entorno MAGIC. Si esta variable no está establecida, se usará la base de datos mágica incluida en PHP.

Pasar null o un string vacío equivale al valor predeterminado.

Valores devueltos

(Sólo Estilo por procedimientos) Devuelve el recurso de la base de datos mágica si funciona o false en caso de error.



El formato esperado de la base de datos mágica cambió en PHP 5.3.11 y 5.4.1. Debido a esto, la base de datos mágica interna ha sido actualizada. Esto mayormente efectua código donde se use una base de datos mágica externa: leer un fichero mágico antiguo ahora fallará. Además, algunas representaciones textuales de los tipos mime han cambiado, por ejemplo, para PHP sería devuelto "PHP script, ASCII text" en lugar de "PHP script text".


Generalmente, el uso de la base de datos mágica interna (dejando magic_file y las variables de entorno MAGIC sin establecer) es el mejor rumbo de acción a menos que sea necesaria especificamente una base de datos mágica personalizada.


Ejemplo #1 Estilo orientado a objetos

= new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME, "/usr/share/misc/magic"); // Devuelve el tipo mime del tipo extensión

/* Obtiene el tipo mime para un fichero específico */
$filename = "/usr/local/something.txt";


Ejemplo #2 Estilo por procedimientos

= finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME, "/usr/share/misc/magic"); // Devuelve el tipo mime del tipo extensión

if (!$finfo) {
"Ocurrió un error al intentar abrir la base de datos de fileinfo";

/* Obtiene el tipo mime para un fichero específico */
$filename = "/usr/local/something.txt";
finfo_file($finfo, $filename);

/* cerrar conexión */

El resultado del ejemplo sería:

text/plain; charset=us-ascii

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User Contributed Notes 9 notes

illusivefingers at gmail dot com
13 years ago
I am running Windows 7 with Apache. It took hours to figure out why it was not working.

First, enable the php_fileinfo.dll extension in you php.ini. You'll also need the four magic files that are found in the following library:

An environment variable or a direct path to the file named "magic" is necessary, without any extension.

Then, make sure that xdebug is either turned off or set the ini error_reporting to not display notices or warnings for the script.

Hope this saves someone a few hours of frustration!
dario dot borreguero at gmail dot com
16 years ago
Platform: WinXP-SP2, PHP5.2.5, MySQL 5.0, Apache 2.2.8

After reading former notes, I wasn't able to load my magic database: 'magic.mime' file (donwloaded from GnuWin32 project, zipped with the binary files v4.21). I always got an invalid $finfo object or finfo_open(...) returned FALSE.

In order to be able to load the 'magic.mime' file, Fileinfo library (bundled in PHP5.2.5) also requires 'magic' file.

For example:
1. Database:

2. PHP Code:
= 'c:\php\php.ini';
$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME, 'c:\php\magic');
if (!
$finfo) return false;

For further info see:

Pay attention to comments added by 'christophe dot charron dot xul at gmail dot com'

NOTE: Before upgrading to PHP5.2.5, I was working with PHP5.2.1 and it only required 'magic.mime' file.
11 years ago
For most common image files:
function minimime($fname) {
if (
$fh) {
if (
$bytes6===false) return false;
if (
substr($bytes6,0,3)=="\xff\xd8\xff") return 'image/jpeg';
if (
$bytes6=="\x89PNG\x0d\x0a") return 'image/png';
if (
$bytes6=="GIF87a" || $bytes6=="GIF89a") return 'image/gif';
olivier dot berger at it-sudparis dot eu
14 years ago
On my Debian squeeze system, the path needed is like :
= new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME, "/usr/share/misc/magic.mgc");
php at brudaswen dot de
16 years ago
Since it costed me some time to find the needed magic database files for Windows, just a hint:

The last release of the GnuWin32 project with both needed files (magic and magic.mime) currently was "file-4.23".
All releases after 4.23 to 4.25-1 did not contain both needed files.

Hope that helps.
php at kingsquare dot nl
17 years ago
The current version (1.04) doesnt support a different mime.magic database than the server default.

(the documentation is thus not correct)
Ubuntu default location is '/usr/share/file/magic'. In order for the examples to work all finfo_open()-commands must be issued with the extra location accordingly:
= "/path/to/file.jpg";
$handle = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME, '/usr/share/file/magic');
$mime_type = finfo_file($handle,$file);
ian at createanet dot co dot uk
17 years ago
Couldn't get finfo to return the mimetype in the way expected so i made a function to do it with system()

function get_mime_type($filepath) {
system("file -i -b {$filepath}");
$output = ob_get_clean();
$output = explode("; ",$output);
if (
is_array($output) ) {
$output = $output[0];

hope it works for other people too
mark at dynom dot nl
16 years ago
It seems there is quite some inconsistency in distributions and loading of magic files.

On Archlinux, the file is located here:

But this:

= new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME, '/usr/share/misc/file/magic');

Actually segfaults, where if I type the full name (including the file extension:)

= new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME, '/usr/share/misc/file/magic.mgc'); // added ".mgc"

It works as expected, so I guess something goes wrong with "A .mime and/or .mgc suffix is added if needed."
tularis at php dot net
17 years ago
On Windows systems people might find that this always returns "application/x-dpkg".
There are 2 ways of solving this problem:
1. Get the mime-magic database file from GnuWin32 at <>
2. You can manually "fix" the mime-magic file by editing it and escaping all lines starting with !, thus changing each one to \!
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