
(PHP 8 >= 8.5.0)

curl_share_init_persistentInitialize a persistent cURL share handle


curl_share_init_persistent(array $share_options): CurlSharePersistentHandle

Initialize a persistent cURL share handle with the given share options. Unlike curl_share_init(), handles created by this function will not be destroyed at the end of the PHP request. If a persistent share handle with the same set of share_options is found, it will be reused.


A non-empty array of CURL_LOCK_DATA_* constants.

Nota: CURL_LOCK_DATA_COOKIE is not allowed and, if specified, this function will throw a ValueError. Sharing cookies between PHP requests may lead to inadvertently mixing up sensitive cookies between users.

Valores devueltos

Returns a CurlSharePersistentHandle.



Ejemplo #1 curl_share_init_persistent() example

This example will create a persistent cURL share handle and demonstrate sharing connections between them. If this is executed in a long-lived PHP SAPI, $sh will survive between SAPI requests.


// Create or retrieve a persistent cURL share handle set to share DNS lookups and connections
$sh = curl_share_init_persistent([CURL_LOCK_DATA_DNS, CURL_LOCK_DATA_CONNECT]);

// Initialize the first cURL handle and assign the share handle to it
$ch1 = curl_init("");
curl_setopt($ch1, CURLOPT_SHARE, $sh);

// Execute the first cURL handle. This may reuse the connection from an earlier SAPI request

// Initialize the second cURL handle and assign the share handle to it
$ch2 = curl_init("");
curl_setopt($ch2, CURLOPT_SHARE, $sh);

// Execute the second cURL handle. This will reuse the connection from $ch1


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