If you are using mod_gzip or mod_deflate to compress HTML output, you're not able to send partial file to the browser....
To disable mod_deflate in PHP (if needed), you can tell Apache with this :
apache_setenv('no-gzip', '1');
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
apache_setenv — Establece una variable subprocess_env de Apache
apache_setenv() establece el valor de la variable de entorno de Apache especificado por
Al establecer una variable de entorno de Apache, la correspondiente variable $_SERVER no se modifica.
La variable de entorno que se desea establecer.
El nuevo valor de variable
Indica si se va a establecer la variable de nivel superior disponible para todas las capas de Apache.
Ejemplo #1 Estableciendo una variable de entorno de Apache usando apache_setenv()
apache_setenv("VARIABLE_EJEMPLO", "Valor de ejemplo");
apache_setenv() puede ser utilizado con apache_getenv() en páginas separadas o para establecer variables para pasar Server Side Includes (.shtml) que hayan sido incluidos en sprits PHP.
If you are using mod_gzip or mod_deflate to compress HTML output, you're not able to send partial file to the browser....
To disable mod_deflate in PHP (if needed), you can tell Apache with this :
apache_setenv('no-gzip', '1');
If you set a variable, either new or existing, the corresponding $_SERVER variable is not changed, and you will have to change it as well.
When you want to set variables to pass to Server Side Includes (.shtml) included in PHP scripts, use this.
When you need to set the QUERY_STRING variable into a page included with the "virtual" function do this:
virtual ("some_page.shtml?$QUERY_STRING");
apache_setenv does not work for this case.