To clarify, g/G are 12/24 hour time without a leading 0, and h/H are 12/24 hour time with a leading zero, as described here:
(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)
DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat -- date_create_immutable_from_format — Devuelve un nuevo objeto DateTimeImmutable formateado según el formato especificado
Estilo orientado a objetos
, string $time
, DateTimeZone $timezone
= ?): DateTimeImmutableEstilo por procedimientos
, string $time
, DateTimeZone $timezone
= ?): DateTimeImmutableIgual que DateTime::createFromFormat() excepto que trabaja con DateTimeImmutable.
To clarify, g/G are 12/24 hour time without a leading 0, and h/H are 12/24 hour time with a leading zero, as described here:
Since the description and examples don't exactly match for the timezone row, I want to clarify exactly which format each character outputs.
`e` outputs the timezone identifier, e.g. `America/New_York` or `Asia/Gaza`
`O` outputs the difference to UTC in hours, e.g. `-0500` or `+0200`
`P` outputs difference to UTC with a colon between hours and minutes, e.g. `-05:00` or `+02:00`
`T` outputs the timezone abbreviation, e.g. `EST` or `EET`
If you are not happy with wide range of conversions and repairs this method is making for you, or just want to check that date is really same as input:
$datetime = \DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d G:i:s', $userDateTimeInput);
if ($datetime && $datetime->format('Y-m-d G:i:s') === $userDateTimeInput) {
// $datetime is not false and we have a correct date in correct format from user