PHP 8.4.3 Released!


(PHP 4, PHP 5)

mysql_querySendet eine Abfrage an MySQL


Diese Erweiterung ist seit PHP 5.5.0 als veraltet markiert und wurde in PHP 7.0.0 entfernt. Verwenden Sie stattdessen die Erweiterungen MySQLi oder PDO_MySQL. Weitere Informationen bietet der Ratgeber MySQL: Auswahl einer API. Alternativen zu dieser Funktion umfassen:


mysql_query(string $query, resource $link_identifier = NULL): mixed

mysql_query() sendet eine einzelne Abfrage (mehrere Abfragen werden nicht unterstützt) zur momentan aktiven Datenbank auf dem Server, die mit der übergebenen Verbindungskennung link_identifier verknüpft ist.



Eine SQL-Anweisung.

Die Anweisung sollte nicht mit einem Semikolon abgeschlossen werden. Werte innerhalb der Abfrage sollten korrekt maskiert werden.


Die MySQL-Verbindung. Wird die Verbindungskennung nicht angegeben, wird die letzte durch mysql_connect() geöffnete Verbindung angenommen. Falls keine solche Verbindung gefunden wird, wird versucht, eine Verbindung aufzubauen, wie es beim Aufruf von mysql_connect() ohne Angabe von Argumenten der Fall wäre. Falls zufällig keine Verbindung gefunden oder aufgebaut werden kann, wird eine Warnung der Stufe E_WARNING erzeugt.


Für SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN und andere Anweisungen, die eine Ergebnismenge zurückgeben, gibt mysql_query() bei Erfolg eine Ressource zurück, oder false bei einem Fehler.

Für alle anderen von SQL-Anweisungen wie INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP, etc, gibt mysql_query() bei Erfolg true zurück oder false bei einem Fehler.

Die zurückgegebene Ergebnisressource sollte an mysql_fetch_array() oder andere Funktionen, die mit Ergebnis Tabellen umgehen, übergeben werden, um auf die erhaltenen Daten zuzugreifen.

Verwenden sie mysql_num_rows() um zu erfahren, wieviele Datensätze für eine SELECT-Anweisung zurückgegeben wurden, oder mysql_affected_rows() um zu erfahren, wieviele Datensätze von einer DELETE-, INSERT-, REPLACE- oder UPDATE-Anweisung betroffen waren.

mysql_query() wird ebenfalls fehlschlagen und false zurückgeben, wenn der Benutzer nicht die Rechte hat, auf die Tabellen, die in der Anweisung referenziert wurden, zuzugreifen.


Beispiel #1 Ungültige Anfrage

Die folgende Abfrage ist syntaktisch falsch, deshalb gibt mysql_query() false zurück:

= mysql_query('SELECT * WHERE 1=1');
if (!
$result) {
'Ungültige Abfrage: ' . mysql_error());


Beispiel #2 Gültige Anfrage

Die folgende Abfrage ist gültig, daher gibt mysql_query() eine Ressource zurück.

// Dies könnte z. B. durch einen Benutzer angegeben werden
$firstname = 'fred';
$lastname = 'fox';

// Formuliere Abfrage
// Dies ist die beste Art, eine SQL-Abfrage durchzuführen
// Für weitere Beispiele siehe: mysql_real_escape_string()
$query = sprintf("SELECT firstname, lastname, address, age FROM friends
WHERE firstname='%s' AND lastname='%s'"

// Führe Abfrage aus
$result = mysql_query($query);

// Prüfe Ergebnis
// Dies zeigt die tatsächliche Abfrage, die an MySQL gesandt wurde und den
// Fehler. Nützlich bei der Fehlersuche
if (!$result) {
$message = 'Ungültige Abfrage: ' . mysql_error() . "\n";
$message .= 'Gesamte Abfrage: ' . $query;

// Verwende Ergebnis
// Der Versuch $result auszugeben, erlaubt keine Zugriff auf die Informationen
// der Ressource.
// Eine der MySQL-result-Funktionen muss verwendet werden
// Siehe auch: mysql_result(), mysql_fetch_array(), mysql_fetch_row(), etc.
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {

// Gebe Ressourcen, die mit der Ergebnismenge assoziiert sind, frei
// Dies geschieht am Ende eines Skripts automatisch

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User Contributed Notes 15 notes

jack dot whoami at gmail dot com
17 years ago
Simulating an atomic operation for application locks using mysql.

$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'pass');
if (!$link) {
die('Not connected : ' . mysql_error());

// make foo the current db
$db_selected = mysql_select_db('foo', $link);
if (!$db_selected) {
die ('Can\'t use foo : ' . mysql_error());

$q = "update `table` set `LOCK`='F' where `ID`='1'";
$lock = mysql_affected_rows();

If we assume
NOT LOCKED = "" (empty string)

then if the column LOCK had a value other than F (normally should be an empty string) the update statement sets it to F and set the affected rows to 1. Which mean than we got the lock.
If affected rows return 0 then the value of that column was already F and somebody else has the lock.

The secret lies in the following statement taken from the mysql manual:
"If you set a column to the value it currently has, MySQL notices this and does not update it."

Of course all this is possible if the all application processes agree on the locking algorithm.
halion at gmail dot com
17 years ago
mysql_query doesnt support multiple queries, a way round this is to use innodb and transactions

this db class/function will accept an array of arrays of querys, it will auto check every line for affected rows in db, if one is 0 it will rollback and return false, else it will commit and return true, the call to the function is simple and is easy to read etc

class MySQLDB
private $connection; // The MySQL database connection

/* Class constructor */
function MySQLDB(){
/* Make connection to database */
$this->connection = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());

/* Transactions functions */

function begin(){
$null = mysql_query("START TRANSACTION", $this->connection);
return mysql_query("BEGIN", $this->connection);

function commit(){
return mysql_query("COMMIT", $this->connection);

function rollback(){
return mysql_query("ROLLBACK", $this->connection);

function transaction($q_array){
$retval = 1;


foreach($q_array as $qa){
$result = mysql_query($qa['query'], $this->connection);
if(mysql_affected_rows() == 0){ $retval = 0; }

if($retval == 0){
return false;
return true;


/* Create database connection object */
$database = new MySQLDB;

// then from anywhere else simply put the transaction queries in an array or arrays like this:

function function(){
global $database;

$q = array (
array("query" => "UPDATE table WHERE something = 'something'"),
array("query" => "UPDATE table WHERE something_else = 'something_else'"),
array("query" => "DELETE FROM table WHERE something_else2 = 'something_else2'"),


18 years ago
If, like me, you come from perl, you may not like having to use sprintf to 'simulate' placeholders that the DBI package from perl provides. I have created the following wrapper function for mysql_query() that allows you to use '?' characters to substitute values in your DB queries. Note that this is not how DBI in perl handles placeholders, but it's pretty similar.

// mysql_query() wrapper. takes two arguments. first
// is the query with '?' placeholders in it. second argument
// is an array containing the values to substitute in place
// of the placeholders (in order, of course).
function mysql_prepare ($query, $phs = array()) {
foreach (
$phs as $ph) {
$ph = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($ph) . "'";
$query = substr_replace(
$query, $ph, strpos($query, '?'), 1


// sample usage
list($user, $passwd) = array('myuser', 'mypass');

$sth = mysql_prepare(
'select userid from users where userid=? and passwd=?',
$user, sha1($passwd))
$row = mysql_fetch_row($sth);

// successfull username & password authentication
if ($row !== false) {
"logging in as '{$row[0]}'!\n";

// oops, wrong userid or passwd
else {
"Invalid username and password combination.\n";
fbraz3 at gmail dot com
6 years ago
This project implements a wrapper to mysql functions in PHP7.0+

tested and working fine =)
Mr. Tim
16 years ago
It should be noted that mysql_query can generate an E_WARNING (not documented). The warning that I hit was when the db user did not have permission to execute a UDF.

Expected behavior would be like an Invalid SQL statement, where there is no E_WARNING generated by mysql_query.

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in filename.php

The mysql_errno is 1370 and the mysql_error is:

execute command denied to user 'username'@'%' for routine 'database_name.MyUDF'
15 years ago
When you run a select statement and receive a response, the data types of your response will be a string regardless of the data type of the column.

// Query to select an int column
$query = 'SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE user_id = 1';
$result = mysql_query($query);
$array = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

// Echoes: string
echo gettype($array['user_id']);
nikhil-php at nols dot com
25 years ago
When trying to INSERT or UPDATE and trying to put a large amount of text or data (blob) into a mysql table you might run into problems.

In mysql.err you might see:
Packet too large (73904)

To fix you just have to start up mysql with the option -O max_allowed_packet=maxsize

You would just replace maxsize with the max size you want to insert, the default is 65536
masteracc0 at aol dot com
17 years ago
Keep in mind when dealing with PHP & MySQL that sending a null-terminated string to a MySQL query can be misleading if you use echo($sql) in PHP because the null terminator may not be visible.

For example (this assumes connection is already made),
$string1 = "mystring\0";
$string2 = "mystring";

$query1 = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE mystring='".$string1."'"
$query2 = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE mystring='".$string2."'"

$result1 = mysql_query($query1);

$result2 = mysql_query($query2);

//$result1 IS NOT EQUAL TO $result2 but will not provide an error

//but printing these queries to the screen will provide the same result

Not knowing this could lead to some mind-numbing troubleshooting when dealing with any strings with a null terminator. So now you know! :)
ddlshack [at]
14 years ago
Use this to neatly insert data into a mysql table:

function mysql_insert($table, $inserts) {
$values = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_values($inserts));
$keys = array_keys($inserts);

mysql_query('INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.implode('`,`', $keys).'`) VALUES (\''.implode('\',\'', $values).'\')');

For example:


('cars', array(
'make' => 'Aston Martin',
'model' => 'DB9',
'year' => '2009',
davidc at edeca dot net
21 years ago
Regarding the idea for returning all possible values of an enum field, the mySQL manual says that "SHOW COLUMNS FROM table LIKE column" should be used to do this.

The function below (presumes db connection) will return an array of the possible values of an enum.

function GetEnumValues($Table,$Column)
$dbSQL = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$Table." LIKE '".$Column."'";
$dbQuery = mysql_query($dbSQL);

$dbRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbQuery);
$EnumValues = $dbRow["Type"];

$EnumValues = substr($EnumValues, 6, strlen($EnumValues)-8);
$EnumValues = str_replace("','",",",$EnumValues);

return explode(",",$EnumValues);


1) If the LIKE matches more than one column you get the enum from the first, so be careful with the $Column argument
2) You can't have ',' as part of one of the enums (I guess mySQL would escape this, but I haven't tried)
3) If the field isn't an enum you'll get garbage back!

This is just a quick example to show how to do it, some tidying up needs to be done (ie checking if the field is actually an enum) before it is perfect.
21 years ago
Until this function prohibits them, watch out for SQL comments (--) in your input.
rob desbois
18 years ago
Note that the 'source' command used in the mysql client program is *not* a feature of the server but of the client.
This means that you cannot do
mysql_query('source myfile.sql');
You will get a syntax error. Use LOAD DATA INFILE as an alternative.
php at arcannon dot com
19 years ago
I believe there is a typo in celtic at raven-blue dot com version with:

if (($sql != "") && (substr($tsl, 0, 2) != "--") && (substr($tsl, 0, 1) != "#")) {

I think you really ment:

if (($tsl != "") && (substr($tsl, 0, 2) != "--") && (substr($tsl, 0, 1) != "#")) {

I changed the $sql to $tsl
veyita_angi at hotmail dot com
18 years ago
this could be a nice way to print values from 2 tables with a foreign key. i have not yet tested correctly but it should work fine.

$buscar = mysql_query("SELECT k.*, e.Clasificacion FROM cat_plan_k k, cat_equipo e WHERE Tipo='$tipo' AND k.ID_Eq=a.ID_Eq");
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($buscar))
$nombre = "e.Clasificacion";
$row[$nombre] = $Clasific; echo $row[$nombre].'convertido en '.$Clasific;
cc+php at c2se dot com
18 years ago
Here's a parameterised query function for MySQL similar to pg_query_params, I've been using something similar for a while now and while there is a slight drop in speed, it's far better than making a mistake escaping the parameters of your query and allowing an SQL injection attack on your server.

<?php # Parameterised query implementation for MySQL (similar PostgreSQL's PHP function pg_query_params)
# Example: mysql_query_params( "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE col1=$1 AND col2=$2", array( 42, "It's ok" ) );

if( !function_exists( 'mysql_query_params' ) ) {

mysql_query_params__callback( $at ) {
$mysql_query_params__parameters[ $at[1]-1 ];

mysql_query_params( $query, $parameters=array(), $database=false ) {

// Escape parameters as required & build parameters for callback function
global $mysql_query_params__parameters;
$parameters as $k=>$v )
$parameters[$k] = ( is_int( $v ) ? $v : ( NULL===$v ? 'NULL' : "'".mysql_real_escape_string( $v )."'" ) );
$mysql_query_params__parameters = $parameters;

// Call using mysql_query
if( false===$database )
mysql_query( preg_replace_callback( '/\$([0-9]+)/', 'mysql_query_params__callback', $query ) );
else return
mysql_query( preg_replace_callback( '/\$([0-9]+)/', 'mysql_query_params__callback', $query ), $database );


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