
(PECL ev >= 0.2.0)

Ev::embeddableBackendsReturns the set of backends that are embeddable in other event loops


final public static Ev::embeddableBackends(): int

Returns the set of backends that are embeddable in other event loops.


Diese Funktion besitzt keine Parameter.


Returns a bit mask which can containing backend flags combined using bitwise OR operator.


Beispiel #1 Embedding loop created with kqueue backend into the default loop

* Check if kqueue is available but not recommended and create a kqueue backend
* for use with sockets (which usually work with any kqueue implementation).
* Store the kqueue/socket-only event loop in loop_socket. (One might optionally
* use EVFLAG_NOENV, too)
* Example borrowed from
* http://pod.tst.eu/http://cvs.schmorp.de/libev/ev.pod#Examples_CONTENT-9
$loop = EvLoop::defaultLoop();
$socket_loop = NULL;
$embed = NULL;

if (
Ev::supportedBackends() & ~Ev::recommendedBackends() & Ev::BACKEND_KQUEUE) {
if ((
$socket_loop = new EvLoop(Ev::BACKEND_KQUEUE))) {
$embed = new EvEmbed($loop);

if (!
$socket_loop) {
$socket_loop = $loop;

// Now use $socket_loop for all sockets, and $loop for anything else

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